Winning: 2019 Greatest Year in Stock Market History – 1st Time Ever DOW +5k pts in 1 year


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
IT'S OFFICIAL: 2019 Was the Greatest Year in Stock Market History - First Time Ever DOW Gained More Than 5,000 Points In a Single Year!

'America is having its greatest stock market rally ever but no one would know it due to the media’s fixation on anything anti-Trump. The DOW increased by more than 5,000 points in 2019 making it the greatest year in Stock Market history.

The markets are a gauge of the economy and include expectations of the future. On November 8th, 2016, the DOW stood at 18,332. Since that date the DOW has soared. On Tuesday the DOW closed out the year 2019 at 28,538 or 10,206 points higher than the day of the 2016 election!'


It was needed after the negative growth in 2018.

15.45% over the last two years. Not great but not shitty either.

Let’s hope it continues.
What policies did Obama pursue that helped us get here?
The Left says everything good is because of Obama but they can’t articulate how or why?
What policies did Obama pursue that helped us get here?
The Left says everything good is because of Obama but they can’t articulate how or why?
You guys do realize that there's still the matter of the $4.5+ trillion of fake value that the Fed has yet to back out of the markets, don't you?
What policies did Obama pursue that helped us get here?
The Left says everything good is because of Obama but they can’t articulate how or why?
You guys do realize that there's still the matter of the $4.5+ trillion of fake value that the Fed has yet to back out of the markets, don't you?

No. By all means, please elaborate. Tell us fake vs real. Further, if this is such a failure, what are the Democrats going to do besides doom and gloom? How can Democrat’s bring “real value”?
What policies did Obama pursue that helped us get here?
The Left says everything good is because of Obama but they can’t articulate how or why?
You guys do realize that there's still the matter of the $4.5+ trillion of fake value that the Fed has yet to back out of the markets, don't you?

No. By all means, please elaborate. Tell us fake vs real. Further, if this is such a failure, what are the Democrats going to do besides doom and gloom? How can Democrat’s bring “real value”?
The "quantitative easing" - i.e. the Fed printing up over $4.5 trillion out of thin air and pumping that money into Wall Street (mostly into mortgage-backed paper) during the Oboingo years- is a large part of what's keeping the markets propped up....The only real part Trump has played in keeping the markets going has been in his mau-mauing of the Fed board, to keep interest rates at bay....But sooner or later, the artificial value stuffed into the markets is going to have to be backed out somehow.
What policies did Obama pursue that helped us get here?
The Left says everything good is because of Obama but they can’t articulate how or why?
You guys do realize that there's still the matter of the $4.5+ trillion of fake value that the Fed has yet to back out of the markets, don't you?

No. By all means, please elaborate. Tell us fake vs real. Further, if this is such a failure, what are the Democrats going to do besides doom and gloom? How can Democrat’s bring “real value”?
The "quantitative easing" - i.e. the Fed printing up over $4.5 trillion out of thin air and pumping that money into Wall Street (mostly into mortgage-backed paper) during the Oboingo years- is a large part of what's keeping the markets propped up....The only real part Trump has played in keeping the markets going has been in his mau-mauing of the Fed board, to keep interest rates at bay....But sooner or later, the artificial value stuffed into the markets is going to have to be backed out somehow.

“Ease” is the key word.
As a percentage, the Dow's performance under Trump is still not doing as well as it did under Obama for the same period. And Obama came into office with an economy diving off a cliff while Trump was elected on third base.

Nevertheless, the Dow jumped 330 points today on the news from China that their government is reducing the amount banks must have in reserve, thus freeing up cash for more lending.

Gee, what does that remind me of...

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