Winston Churchill said "Courage is the First Virtue"


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
..."because without it, none of the other virtues are possible".

Chruchill was quoting the great philosopher Aristotle, and he would surely say the same thing about Alexander Navalny were he alive today.

Interestingly, Putin has Navalny murdered shortly after Trump blurts out "I'd tell him to do whatever the hell he wants!" to his crazed, Putin supporting MAGA base.

..."because without it. none of the other virtues are possible".

Chruchill was quoting the great philosopher Aristotle, and he would surely say the same thing about Alexander Navalny were he alive today.

Interestingly, Putin has Navalny murdered shortly after Trump blurts out "I'd tell him to do whatever the hell he wants!" to his crazed, Putin supporting MAGA base.

Courage is the most noble of traits and in the least supply among our species. I'm glad that I agree with two of the great men in history on this point.
Courage is sorely, and severely, lacking in our country at this time.

This is why we have a Trump figure.
Stalin was an ally of the FDR administration when Churchill was in power. It's alleged that FDR insulted Churchill by calling Stalin "Uncle Joe" and Churchill is the author of the phrase "Iron Curtain". It's insulting to the Churchill legacy that modern lefties would quote him in a 21st century rant about Russian political intrigue.
Courage is the most noble of traits and in the least supply among our species. I'm glad that I agree with two of the great men in history on this point.

Courage without other things is pointless though. You can be courageous and run in front of a bullet and you're dead, what's the point then?
Stalin was an ally of the FDR administration when Churchill was in power. It's alleged that FDR insulted Churchill by calling Stalin "Uncle Joe" and Churchill is the author of the phrase "Iron Curtain". It's insulting to the Churchill legacy that modern lefties would quote him in a 21st century rant about Russian political intrigue.
Those were some impressive mental gymnastics, I think you're ready for Paris.
Courage without other things is pointless though. You can be courageous and run in front of a bullet and you're dead, what's the point then?
Yea, I understand your point, it's worth remembering that courage sometimes means sacrifice to those with that level of courage, and they are very few. Some will be remembered, some won't.
Yea, I understand your point, it's worth remembering that courage sometimes means sacrifice to those with that level of courage, and they are very few.

Why do people need to have courage though? Most people aren't in the position where it's worth it.
If democrats fought as hard for Americans as they do for Ukraine, they would win everything.
Save your children from drowning in a flood? Can you prepare for that?

But that's the sort of thing that you do or you don't do. Would Winston Churchill have done this? Maybe no. Who knows?

Some people have courage only at certain times, others have courage simply because they do something and it looks like this is what they have.
Reportedly Ukraine tortured an American citizen Gonzalo lira … we do know that Lira died in an Ukraine prison..for the “crime” of criticizing the Ukrainian government.

Not a word from the mainstream media in the USA about this

nalvalny was a Russian nationalist who supported the Russian intervention in Georgia. Most Americans have no idea who this man was other than “Russian opposition”

Still, his death should be looked into.

The whole support Ukraine thing was never about morals. Otherwise people would have a flag of Somalia or one of the five or six African countries involved in a war in their avatar.
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