Wisconsin Exit Polling: Trump Leads 57% To 33% For Cruz

You should get a tv. Cruz is already the projected winner.

Oh....I'm not near the TV, but The Donald doesn't need Wisconsin anyhow in the scheme of things. This is called me being positive and not me being OMG! WTF? :crybaby:
I kept telling the Trumpettes he had no chance in Wisconsin but facts didn't seem to have any bearing. Onward and upward to battle Cruz supporters who think Cruz has a shot in New York :)


Dream on, Stevie...
With 37% of the vote in, according to CNN Cruz still has 53%, Trump 30%. Most outlets have already declared the election for Cruz.

People yelling that Trump was 20 or 30 points ahead of Cruz, have become very quiet all of a sudden.

At least we know which last-minute polls are bogus.
Trump got crushed there but still has a sizable lead. His mistake.............was the tweet about Heidi and getting sucked into a Mathews hack attack.........The Mathews hack attack did some serious damage in Wisconsin.........................

The Mathews deal was Bogus...........If you watch the video you'll see it was a complete set up..........He gave a Hypothetical question while Trump was trying to answer the question from the audience..............and Mathews wouldn't shut up and let him speak, interrupting the whole dang time...............The Hypothetical was WHAT IF......you know the WHAT IF moments ABORTION was BANNED..........would there be a penalty for it............

Trump, attempting to speak...............said there would be a punishment if it were banned.....................then off to SPIN world rambling on with his I GOT YOU MOMENT Mathews said Prison Time for women with abortions..........Trump responded that it was to be determined.............Later the Media ate up the sound bites and connected the STATEMENT MADE BY MATHEWS............NOT TRUMP and shoved it to Trump would put them in Jail...............It's a Lie..............The LIE WORKED..............

Any of you can spin what I just said anyway you want.......and on other threads people are doing so...........but the story is shit...........and those pushing it are trying to get more mileage out of it.............

To the elections...............Cruz is still behind by a large number.......and going into states more favorable to Trump.

This is a temporary set back from a couple of mistakes...................and that is all it is..............It hurt Trump going for the Magic Number though.

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