Wisconsin Liberal Professor: Stealing from Walmart & Target...should be legal bc they have insurance


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
Stealing From Wal-Mart Is Not a Crime, UW Relations Director Declares

Well....libs never fail to surprise us. This panel of University of Wisconsin lib loons said some crazy shit.

For one....they say police should not be allowed to prosecute anyone who steals from Walmart or Target. Why? Because they have insurance. They can afford the loss. Seriously....that's the liberals view. So....why would anyone bother paying? Why would Walmart even stay open????

THIS IS the type of professor brainwashing our youth.

They say a community should be able to pick and choose which laws their police are allowed to enforce. Um....hey morons....you can. It's called voting...which few of your communities do. But I suppose they think their street can come together and say "Yo popo....Weed and rape be legal here so bye!"

They also say the police are an "occupying force", and a community should be able to tell police they aren't allowed to be in or patrol their neighborhood.

So....when they ask why no one want to invest money and jobs into THAT neighborhood.....makes me wonder what kind of crack they be smokin'.
Which leads to the obvious question I'd ask the proud liberal.

If it's morally ok to steal from Walmart because they have insurance and cops shouldn't be allowed to enforce it.........if I stole his car can I just keep it and be immune from prosecution? Afterall....it's insured.

I wonder if he thinks people from his community should be able to stroll into the richest area of Madison....and steal from cars and homes all they want. Because hey....they have insurance....and cops shouldn't be allowed to do shit about it.

Right libs?

Yep. Some shit liberals say and do....just no other response than a a sad sigh. How do we reason with people who think like that?

Hell....banks and bank accounts are insured. Robbing them should be legal too I guess.
This is an example if liberal values. If we don't take power from these morons, our Country will be lost.

Yep. This is exactly how they think.

A person steals from Walmart. Walmart calls 911. Cops arrest him. Liberals blame cops and Walmart for it.

They can apply that logic to just about EVERY aspect of life.

Illegal alien breaks law and crosses border illegally. Libs blame America for not taking care of his needs.
Man attacks cop with knife and cop shoots him. Libs blame cop for shooting.
Worker shows up late repeatedly and boss fires him. Libs blame boss for opening too early.
Liberal student fails college exam that everyone else passed. He blames professor for making it too hard.

Pick an issue. They will blame everyone but themselves.
Woah, let's not say weed and rape should be legal in the same sentence in referencing peoples views. I think weed should be legal, I use it illegally knowing I take the risk (which isn't much of a risk, same as a traffic ticket here). Rape is a despicable act, so lets not lump those together.

I generally lean towards liberal views, but this guy is an asshat, shoplifting increases the cost of those companies insurance in the same way that getting in a car accident increases your car insurance.

A real problem in any debate is that people assume political ideologies must all share the same thoughts and agree on everything, a result of the polarization of this countries people politically, I would never hold you to the beliefs of every conservative.

I am a young man, attending college for a science degree, and if any professor of mine told me this I would tell him he's deluded and full of shit.

I am not being brainwashed, I am a human being capable of critical thinking.
Woah, let's not say weed and rape should be legal in the same sentence in referencing peoples views. I think weed should be legal, I use it illegally knowing I take the risk (which isn't much of a risk, same as a traffic ticket here). Rape is a despicable act, so lets not lump those together.

I generally lean towards liberal views, but this guy is an asshat, shoplifting increases the cost of those companies insurance in the same way that getting in a car accident increases your car insurance.

A real problem in any debate is that people assume political ideologies must all share the same thoughts and agree on everything, a result of the polarization of this countries people politically, I would never hold you to the beliefs of every conservative.

I am a young man, attending college for a science degree, and if any professor of mine told me this I would tell him he's deluded and full of shit.

I am not being brainwashed, I am a human being capable of critical thinking.

Then don't be a Democrat. They are the ones who label everyone into a group....and make the implication that ANY person who is part of that subgroup represents the whole...and must own anything someone else in that subgroup says or does.

It's great you think independently. American Democrats, however, do not like that. They want you to think only how they say you should think....according to whichever subgroup they see you as.
This is an example if liberal values. If we don't take power from these morons, our Country will be lost.

Yep. This is exactly how they think.

A person steals from Walmart. Walmart calls 911. Cops arrest him. Liberals blame cops and Walmart for it.

They can apply that logic to just about EVERY aspect of life.

Illegal alien breaks law and crosses border illegally. Libs blame America for not taking care of his needs.
Man attacks cop with knife and cop shoots him. Libs blame cop for shooting.
Worker shows up late repeatedly and boss fires him. Libs blame boss for opening too early.
Liberal student fails college exam that everyone else passed. He blames professor for making it too hard.

Pick an issue. They will blame everyone but themselves.
I disagree with every issue raised here, I am liberal (generally) but I do firmly believe in personal responsibility, I will always say liberals take many things too far, but so do conservatives.

I fail to see why I should be held accountable for every belief any liberal holds, I would never impose that on you with any conservative.

I keep a high GPA in school because I study hard when many students fail. I have kept a job while raising my son alone without absenses, and if I was late repeatedly I deserve to be fired.

Do not put words in the mouth of millions of people, it is a convenient way to make a targeted enemy and not have to deal with issues point by point, but ultimately it is the sort of intellectual laziness you would attribute to liberals as a whole.
Woah, let's not say weed and rape should be legal in the same sentence in referencing peoples views. I think weed should be legal, I use it illegally knowing I take the risk (which isn't much of a risk, same as a traffic ticket here). Rape is a despicable act, so lets not lump those together.

I generally lean towards liberal views, but this guy is an asshat, shoplifting increases the cost of those companies insurance in the same way that getting in a car accident increases your car insurance.

A real problem in any debate is that people assume political ideologies must all share the same thoughts and agree on everything, a result of the polarization of this countries people politically, I would never hold you to the beliefs of every conservative.

I am a young man, attending college for a science degree, and if any professor of mine told me this I would tell him he's deluded and full of shit.

I am not being brainwashed, I am a human being capable of critical thinking.

Then don't be a Democrat. They are the ones who label everyone into a group....and make the implication that ANY person who is part of that subgroup represents the whole...and must own anything someone else in that subgroup says or does.

It's great you think independently. American Democrats, however, do not like that. They want you to think only how they say you should think....according to whichever subgroup they see you as.
But YOU are labeling everyone in a group, YOU are holding a subgroup of people responsible for what a bunch of foolish out of touch intellectuals say.

I understand that beliefs being blanketed over you based on your political leanings is difficult and unfair, but when you do the same thing you give into an ugliness affecting this nation as a whole.

I am not a Democrat by the way, I look for political candidates in both parties at election time, based on their specific point policies, this presidential election I favor a Democratic nominee, but my second choice would be one of the Republican nominees, we should judge people on their merits, not on the capital letter that proceeds their name in news interviews.
At the retail level, stolen merchandise is referred to as "shrink" and it is not insured. It can be written off on their taxes as a loss, but the only way to remain profitable is to raise the prices honest people pay to cover the cost of shrink. This goes for every store from Hot Topic in the mall to Walmart or Target. There is a real cost everyone pays because of those who don't want to pay.

As a general concept, Leftists have no idea how the world works. This is especially true for Leftist teachers.
At the retail level, stolen merchandise is referred to as "shrink" and it is not insured. It can be written off on their taxes as a loss, but the only way to remain profitable is to raise the prices honest people pay to cover the cost of shrink. This goes for every store from Hot Topic in the mall to Walmart or Target. There is a real cost everyone pays because of those who don't want to pay.

As a general concept, Leftists have no idea how the world works. This is especially true for Leftist teachers.
He is even worse then their he has a flock on the side...

If you read the link he is also a preacher.
At the retail level, stolen merchandise is referred to as "shrink" and it is not insured. It can be written off on their taxes as a loss, but the only way to remain profitable is to raise the prices honest people pay to cover the cost of shrink. This goes for every store from Hot Topic in the mall to Walmart or Target. There is a real cost everyone pays because of those who don't want to pay.

As a general concept, Leftists have no idea how the world works. This is especially true for Leftist teachers.
He is even worse then their he has a flock on the side...

If you read the link he is also a preacher.
All Leftist professors are preachers. They serve their father, the devil, and indoctrinate young, captive audiences. Since all Leftist claims fail by practical and scientific measures, all they have left is religious dogma.
And now silence reigns.. Unfortunate.

No....silence didn't reign. Bedtime did. I work a full time job. You will too after college...hopefully.

And yes...I label all liberals with a blanket. They deserve it.
This is what happens when you pay people, and pay them VERY well, instead of tarring, feathering and running them out of town. Our ancestors, with all their failings, had some shit right.
Reminds me of a recent incident in a Walmart parking lot which sums up left wing race ideology perfectly.
A young black male returns to the car with his mother, complaining about a smudge on his shoes. Speaking in a southern tinged dialect in the name of skin color and illustrating hypocritical self-segregationist institutional racism, he says to his momma, 'Da stain goan set in like on Converse. I need some alcohol to clean it.' She responds in the same racist dialect, 'You shooda took some alcohol of da shelf in da sto' and cleaned it off and den put da alcohol back on da shelf.'
All in a moment there was racism, no daddy, no accountability and understanding of the chain of costs, all resulting from an entitlement welfare mentality. Plus, the overwhelming overstated concern with appearance stemming from a value system that emphasizes the superficial over the substantive.
Thank a democrat.
Here's a picture of the shoplifting advocate. This is self explanatory...


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