Wishful thinking is not an economic solution


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Can't solve the decline of the traditional work model with more "education"

People were poor by today’s standards, so why do people remember the plantation life fondly? The answer is simple: community, purpose, sacrifice and meaning.

Allow me to connect two apparently unconnected dots. Dot #1: The last sugar plantation in Hawaii is closing down, ending more than a century of plantation life in the 50th state.

Dot #2: a new study found that Nearly 95% of all new jobs during Obama era were part-time, or contract.

The education system is a complete scam. Most who graduate never get a job in the field the went to school for. No child left behind was a scam for the middle class intended to do more harm than good. Then we have robots replacing jobs...........

Robots will eventually take over most of our jobs. Even Elon Musk claims the dangers of much of humanity is in grave danger as we also enter into " trans-humanisim". or as some refer to it as being AI ( artificial intelligence).
Today's old generation doesn't care though since the majority if it won't harm them to severely , but oh the world they will leave behind for their kids and grandkids to live in.
If seeing into the future were possible the ones who are trendy liberals wouldn't dare cross the lines they already have not just in this area(AI) but everything else we see causing the US to go under as well as the world.
That's why we have the moves toward a privatized prison system, mass surveillance, militarized police departments and debt peonage. That’s why the wealth is being extracted from society into private concentrated corporate hands regardless of who anyone votes for. That's also why the masses must be kept seething at each other finding no community or common cause in themselves.

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