With the elevated risk of assassination now clear, Democrats leap into action.

Still not funny.

tRump's problems are self generated. Why should we have to foot the bill?
True. So far, it has been one Republican nut ball, and one Democrat nut ball. I hope the next one isn't an Independent. I already knew the two main parties were nutzo.
True. So far, it has been one Republican nut ball, and one Democrat nut ball. I hope the next one isn't an Independent. I already knew the two main parties were
No telling which lunatic will be incited to assassinate Trump next with the 24/7 Democrat Demonization campaign against him.
No telling which lunatic will be incited to assassinate Trump next with the 24/7 Democrat Demonization campaign against him.
His mouth bears a lot of responsibility, too, Bubba. He is known for pissing people off. It does not justify the nut balls, but he chooses his rhetoric and always has.
True. So far, it has been one Republican nut ball, and one Democrat nut ball. I hope the next one isn't an Independent. I already knew the two main parties were nutzo.

There was no Republican in either attempt. FFS.

The Crooks dope registered as a Republican in a Republican County means nothing.

Elected county officials

His mouth bears a lot of responsibility, too, Bubba. He is known for pissing people off.

Spoken like a true commie wingnut. Hate to break it to ya Ace, but this nation was FOUNDED on protected free speech! Especially speech that others didn't like! I mean, what protection does speech need if everyone LOVES it?!

So tell me genius, why isn't everyone else out there saying stuff others don't agree with getting shot at as well?

Didn't think that one out too well, didja?
So far, it has been one Republican nut ball, and one Democrat nut ball.

Wrong again, Superstar. Gee, you're 0 fer 2.

Crooks was no republican, he had never even voted once in his life. True, he had recently been registered as a republican, but all of his allegiances were with far left causes like Act Blue, whose motto is: 'Powering Democratic candidates, committees, parties, organizations, and c4s around the country.'

So either Crooks' parents registered him that way or maybe he did it as a joke or to throw people off.
But they replenished Trump's staff by recruiting all the fat chicks out the SS Academy, so it's all good.

Screen Shot 2024-07-20 at 12.48.13 AM.png
There was no Republican in either attempt. FFS.

The Crooks dope registered as a Republican in a Republican County means nothing.

Elected county officials

It is, what it is, as was his choice.
Spoken like a true commie wingnut. Hate to break it to ya Ace, but this nation was FOUNDED on protected free speech! Especially speech that others didn't like! I mean, what protection does speech need if everyone LOVES it?!

So tell me genius, why isn't everyone else out there saying stuff others don't agree with getting shot at as well?

Didn't think that one out too well, didja?
Yes, just like any bar, I ever went into, but free speech does spark bar fights. The speech is indeed legal, but in a southern bar, won't help you not get your ass whipped. Same with manslaughter if somebody pisses you off on the spur of the moment and kills you. You can be just as dead, whether they go to jail or not. Some people listen, go off the deep end and actually plan to kill somebody over that they have said. We call that murder and there are nutballs out there that will plan and murder somebody, expecially over continued speech.
I am a conservative. I watch my mouth, so I won't have to kill somebody to keep from getting an as whipping or being killed. Some people never learn. Sometimes, it doesn't work out well for them. But assholes will be assholes, won't they?
Don't think either one was a Democrat.
You mean the latest guy, was an Independent nut ball? I think we would have heard about, by now, if he were a registered Republican for 20 years in Greensboro.

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