With Widespread Math Worldwide: It Can Happen Here. . .And There. . .And Elsewhere!


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
Secular reference is made to Jesus Ben Joseph, Son of Mary, Called, "Oh, Christ!" In Acts 7, Moses is described as educated mostly in all the subjecting arts of Egypt--indirectly, by modern standards. New Testament would be said to have a strange concept of normal. Her Majesty's Royal Household retains the semblance of Subjugation of Peoples, Head of the Anglican Church.

So Moses would variously admonish all of Israel to charge no usury to one another. A clear example is Deut 23:19-20. Foreigners could be screwed at will, charged usury. No countervailing remedy was proposed. Another way of noting that, 'Where were they to get all the money, and what was Israel supposed to do with the money?'

New Testament would happen more than dozen centuries later. The grime-ridden story of Western Civilization would be told in the interim. Moses had attributed accurate weights and measures as deity-directed. A routine number scale, and system, was not entirely proposed. Arithmetic would be shown a logical system only within the last two hundred years.

So usury is shown in Matthew 25:14-30. Millions would call it the "Foreclosure Crisis" only a few years ago. The rich get more, the poor can't possibly keep up with payments and rising prices. New Testament did come up with a remedy. In Matthew 20:1-16, all participants in the market place received in equal increase over what they had the day before. Applied in the Obama, "Make Work Pay Refundable Income Tax Credit," The amount was paid regardless if the tax filer(s) had worked all the year or not.

A few dozen years before New Testament, the greater deities of Greece, and later Rome, would make widespread Euclidean Geometry. . .such was widespread literacy was a the time. Mainly, subjugated Greeks were prized for their literacy, in bondage kept forever. Comparisons with "School" are apt.

Anyone, even a Carpenter's son, could draw a little box with a left-right diagonal from the bottom to the top. The rich get more is toward the upper right. The poor left is toward the lower right. A line parallel with the right and left sides can magnify the problem--dividing the box in half. Little dots representing currency can be drawn in from the left side of the box to the middle parallel line. People at last see a source of usury payments.

Some clever little Heb appears to have done that--absolutely noticed by absolutely no one. The original Apostles appear to have not spread the math, only some useless words. Mohammed the Prophets, more centuries later: Would not cite the stories. Adam Smith, more centuries later: Would not cite the stories. Karl Marx would not cite the stories, or much of any other math at all.

Karl Marx would propose Centralizing credit. Keynes would use the interest rates of a credit market to create a concept of Macro-Money applied. No note was made of the stories. Public Works spending was proposed instead.

Senator George McGovern would first propose a payment of $1000 equally. Nixon had proposed, several months before, usury-like, fixed percentage wage and price controls. President Ford would create $50.00 Tax Rebates. Those Republicans would pass an equal-amount-per-child: So-stated to off-set the impact of the Regressive, fixed-percentage usury like, Payroll Tax.

"Public Works" under President Reagan became Defense Spending to sustain the already prosperous contractors. He would sign-on to the raised and indexed, equal amount personal exemptions and standard deduction in the 1986 Tax Reform

"Indexed," meaning: To account for inflation. A price rise for one is a price rise for all, with impacts on other prices. USA centralized the Credit Market in 1913, Federal Reserve. Banks would see spending, and lend. Credit would spill into a 5th quadrant. The repayment problem had not been solved. The total Credit Market would be the little lines drawn clear across the entire box, since no market remedy had occurred. So the Arithmetic flaw was not even addressed, in the subsequent New Deal.

The arithmetic of the everyday is wrong.

The Bush-Cheney Administration would even fail to notice that the equal amount tax reforms were actually throwing people off the tax rolls. Tax Cuts had been taught as being necessary to stave off Recession and Depression. They no longer worked.

In February, 1992, Candidate Bill Clinton had been warned about, "The 1996 Default of the U. S. Federal Government." The reply would be that Depression was deserving of timely attention remedy. The Per Child Tax Credit was expanded, but also the federal deficit finally soared to the $300.0 bi. per year level, forecast back in 1973.

That would be aspirational deficit level, going forward this year.

The Democrats could still create the Refundable Tax Credit Equal Amounts, and Index those. There would be in place, effectively, a National Cost-of-Living Adjustment. Nigeria, in recent weeks, has credit no interest, no collateral loans for 2 mil. Micro-businesses--creating credit where never-before-there-was any. On repayment, There is automatic eligibility for equal amount, larger level loan. Banks can see a credit history, where never before there were any.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Teaching and other presentation is clearly not possible, at any grade level, without the doctoral degree: Unless it is believed that some kids are better than other kids, and that all the other kids are not worth the extra. In the alternative: Surely by now, you have a least five minutes to get it all done(?)!)

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