Woah: Chinese communist party official goes berserk after he misses his flight


Senior Member
May 22, 2012
by Erika Johnsen
February 25, 2013

With all of the wildly cautious oversight the plutocratic upper-crust of China’s communist regime employs to keep the news cycle specifically tailored to the party’s interests, and with all of the other careful crafting they do to protect their image (both at home and abroad), you might think that communist party officials would make especial efforts to keep it together when out in public.

Not this guy.

Apparently, a Chinese government official arrived at the airport with his family last week with plenty of time to spare to make their flight, but they missed their plane over a leisurely breakfast. The airline crew accommodated the group by booking them on the next available flight, but the family missed that boarding call, too. They rushed up and saw the plane still out on the tarmac, but when the crew wouldn’t open the doors for them… well, this happened.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zPp7vkbYq78]Chinese official who misses plane totally flips out in Kunming Airport - YouTube[/ame]​

Read more:
Woah: Chinese communist party official goes berserk after he misses his flight « Hot Air

Hmm.., sounds just like a Democrat politician would act....Come to think of it, there's not much difference in their ideology.
All the 'security' people just looking on as if it were on television and removed from them seems very strange. They left the poor woman who had to deal with this guy all alone, even after it was clear he was violent. That would certainly not have happened anywhere else I can think of.
And, this is important to the political forums? Why?

So Republicans can try to make some connection between Chinese Communists and Democrats. Then this thread will become "all Dems are potentially unstable and violent."

Cmon, Oldguy. You have been here long enough to know where this is headed. :tongue:

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