Woke American women's soccer team


Diamond Member
Aug 11, 2017
Much of the US women's soccer team remained silent during the playing of The Star-Spangled Banner at Friday's World Cup opener in New Zealand, prompting critics to excoriate players over a perceived lack of patriotism.

Before beating Vietnam, 3-0, to open Group E play, six of 11 starting players opted against placing their hands over their hearts, instead keeping their arms at their sides or behind their backs. Meanwhile, five others did put their hands on their hearts, including three — Julie Ertz, Alyssa Naeher and Lindsey Horan — who also sang the national anthem lyrics.

The Vietnamese women, on the other hand, were all seen singing their anthem with their hands on their chests.

While some players turned and faced the flag, others, such as Christen Press, remained facing forward towards DuPré. Several had their hands on their hearts, such as co-captain Alex Morgan, while another co-captain, Rapinoe, kept her arms behind her back.

Photographs and video footage show that the players who turned away did so to face the stars and stripes flag at the far end of the stadium.

Regardless, critics on social media accused American players of attacking DuPré, the country, or both.

As for the game, Sophia Smith and captain Lindsey Horan both scored as the US cruised to a relatively easy win over Vietnam on Friday.

It's a big mistake for Athletes to be disrespectful to their fans and their country.
It jeopardizes their endorsement deals.
There is probably a lot of peer pressure from the Left Wingers on the team to be anti-patriotic.
Have you always hated America or is it just something you do out of tribal loyalties?
I'm supporting the USA National team. Not sure how that is "hatred for America" but then again...you're a flaming idiot so I'm not really interested in your opinion.

Have a nice day.
They should allow tackling in soccer to make it interesting.

You had the occasional athlete who would go off-script in the 80's. You didn't have the internet making it an international incident though.
If they ddn't support America they wouldnlose millions in sponsorship and public support. Now they are supported by certain institutions who want America to fall
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soccer is boring and wokey dopey women's soccer is extra boring
It's A-Holes like you who are opposed to WOKE. Clearly, the latest members of in these phrases:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
Preamble to the Declaration of Independence

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Preamble to the Constitution

Each have not met the precursor by our forfathers by faux conservatives and people like you, the current iteration of the Republican Party of the 21st Century, nor those who hate those who support the word of WOKE!

While the entire opposing team appeared to passionately sing as Vietnam's national anthem women on the women's US soccer team stood stoic, silent. Many hung their hands at their sides or behind their backs while a very few placed hands over their hearts.

Instead of representing their country - the US - or the American people, they selfishly represented their own personal views, biases, and agendas.

That makes it easy for me and other Americans to withholding our support for them. Quite simply, they have made it clear they do not represent me / us, do not care for the US.

They openly show their disdain for individual partisan politics / opinions / agendas rather than the greatness of the whole nation.

Screw'em. They want to divisive and disrespect our country. Go for it. I hope they lose every match they play in.

oh brother....

Sometimes you just have to shake your head.
You believe these athletes take any risk by denegrading an entire country of citizens in which they live? You don't think there are forces who work to undermine and hurt America from within? Don't be so naive. Notice how a certain WNBA player changed her tune when America saved her from a long sentence in Russia. If anyone dislikes their country without just cause they should move to Canada, I will tell them a thing or two...
You believe these athletees take any risk by denegrading an entire country in which they live?
Ask Colin Kaeprinick (sp?) and get back to me.
You don't think there are forces who work to undermine and hurt America from within? Don't be so naive.
Yeah...they're usually wearing a red baseball cap and hoping for a civil war. I don't think they are usually soccer players
Ask Colin Kaeprinick (sp?) and get back to me.

Yeah...they're usually wearing a red baseball cap and hoping for a civil war. I don't think they are usually soccer players
Meh, low profile grunts. Get back to me when CEOs wear the same cap, they certainly aren't shy about promoting other political views.

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