Woke Math Education Reform Is Too Dangerous To Ignore

Funny thing is, there is nothing more equal than math. Aside from some oddball equations and so on all math is equal. It's either right or it's wrong and it's up to each individual person to get it right or wrong.

Math isn't subjective, it isn't opinion, political or anything. Math is just pure math.

"Math isn't subjective, it isn't opinion, political or anything. Math is just pure math."

The woke crowd would not agree with you.
Factor this: x^2 + 2x - 24 = 0 ... didn't think you could ...

Yeah, Bubba ain't finishing Middle School anytime in the near future, we better throw some algebra at him just to make sure ...
its (x + 6)(x - 4)
al-gebra is terrorism
just like al-qaeda.
The American left today is more concerned about "equity" in science and math, than they are about kids mastering the subjects in the first place.

I gather the petition and letter signing has bumped up to some 6000 math profs now --- they are pretty worried about all this. I suppose they thought they could ignore all the craziness going on in colleges, but now it's knocking on their doors.
The Math Team is merit based. You have to pass a test and the highest score wins.
Oh, well, anything based on merit is verboten these days. I sure wish we'd go back to merit-based tests, employment, etc.
Funny no blacks or hispanics... :eusa_whistle:
A little daunting there is only one white! I know some 30 years ago friends of mine took their daughter to Harvard Square to go to MIT and they came back saying everyone called MIT "Beijing North" and it was REAL clear why.

The thing is, it's hard for people to transfer countries, whole hemispheres, to an alien language and culture. So only the smartest do it --- unless they are enslaved, of course, in which case it's probably the stupider that get caught and shipped out. So the Chinese have five times our population, always have, and so their very smartest come here, and for every one smart person we have, they have five, and some of them are smarter than our smartest. We simply cannot compete, because of the numbers wildly favoring the Chinese. Well, that photo shows the numbers in line with the population issue.

No, the real problem is whether all the elite schools in America are to be taken over by Chinese. Real Americans shut out. They already are to a great extent; plus the awkward fact that the Chinese (and some Indians, they have four times our population, four smart people to every one of ours) can and do pay solid cash for their kids. Americans have to get loans and scholarships, usually. Colleges with their burgeoning administration and "diversity" crapola want solid cash, naturally.

There wouldn't be more than a handful of blacks and a double handful of Latinos if our colleges actually used the merit tests. They fight tooth and nail not to do that, for a variety of reasons, not all of them about blacks!
A little daunting there is only one white! I know some 30 years ago friends of mine took their daughter to Harvard Square to go to MIT and they came back saying everyone called MIT "Beijing North" and it was REAL clear why.

The thing is, it's hard for people to transfer countries, whole hemispheres, to an alien language and culture. So only the smartest do it --- unless they are enslaved, of course, in which case it's probably the stupider that get caught and shipped out. So the Chinese have five times our population, always have, and so their very smartest come here, and for every one smart person we have, they have five, and some of them are smarter than our smartest. We simply cannot compete, because of the numbers wildly favoring the Chinese. Well, that photo shows the numbers in line with the population issue.

No, the real problem is whether all the elite schools in America are to be taken over by Chinese. Real Americans shut out. They already are to a great extent; plus the awkward fact that the Chinese (and some Indians, they have four times our population, four smart people to every one of ours) can and do pay solid cash for their kids. Americans have to get loans and scholarships, usually. Colleges with their burgeoning administration and "diversity" crapola want solid cash, naturally.

There wouldn't be more than a handful of blacks and a double handful of Latinos if our colleges actually used the merit tests. They fight tooth and nail not to do that, for a variety of reasons, not all of them about blacks!

Whites have gone woke and embrace stupidity to show solidarity to the people of color (colored people.)
Factor this: x^2 + 2x - 24 = 0
What does the little up arrow mean?
I have noticed that there are teachers who sabotage their students and make those students reject higher arithmetic. The motive for doing this was to subvert everyone except those chosen by the Talmudic minded "teacher". And a lot of math books are written the same way.
Best "math" teacher I ever had was Japanese. His name was Fuqua.
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More blacks like this black professor needs to speak out.

Is The Math Curriculum Being Ruined By The 'Woke Left'? This Black College Professor Thinks So​

Across the United States, a recent movement has initiated discussions of whether academic math curricula should be restructured.

Specifically, this initiative seeks to address the alleged racism within math education through various approaches, including having "high-achieving" and "low-achieving" math students being placed in the same classes.

This is being done to address the supposed segregation in math classrooms alleging white and Asian students occupy higher classes while Black and Latinx students are enrolled in lower-level courses.

The movement also proposes lessening the number of AP calculus offerings— a traditional gateway course for many colleges and STEM careers—and giving other classes like statistics the same prestige. The overall initiative has been highly controversial, however. An open letter opposing the matter was, and hundreds upon hundreds of college professors have signed it.


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