Wolfowitz calls Trump dangerous

If Trump gets the presidency, these people are finished.

Including the rightwing radio guys who've turned on trump.

It's not that trump will take revenge on them. It's just that they've exposed themselves as anti-american. They have no friends on the left and now they have no friends on the right. It's funny how desperation makes people make such obvious blunders.

sure he will. He is a bully and an old thug. He and Poootin are birds of a feather.
you can't bully on your own.

The vindictive Comrade Trump would use every agency of the Federal government to inflict pain. everyone knows he would.

That is why he will never win.
I pray that he does and I pray that he will.
Paul Wolfowitz 'might' vote for Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Good Grief! How much more evidence do you need that Comrade Trump is a lunatic?
Damn Jimbo...WTF!!!

Do you know who Wolfowitz is? He is a flaming warmongering Neocon and instrumental in W's dumb Iraq War.

He knows Cankles wants war, but Trump doesn't. Apparently you want war too....CRAZY!!!

dear Gippless. This is one of the reasons Corade Trump is toast

So you really do want WWIII.
Paul Wolfowitz, architect of the failed, illegal wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, should know when someone else is just as dangerous as he.
Yeah...he knows Cankles is just as dangerous as he is...so he will vote Cankles.
You want war? Vote Hillary...

When did the D Party become part of the warmongering establishment. Liberals for war.

This spells it out for you...

Provoking Nuclear War by Media
In the US, the anti-Russia campaign has been elevated to virtual reality. The New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, an economist with a Nobel Prize, has called Donald Trump the “Siberian Candidate” because Trump is Putin’s man, he says. Trump had dared to suggest, in a rare lucid moment, that war with Russia might be a bad idea. In fact, he has gone further and removed American arms shipments to Ukraine from the Republican platform. “Wouldn’t it be great if we got along with Russia,” he said.

This is why America’s warmongering liberal establishment hates him. Trump’s racism and ranting demagoguery have nothing to do with it. Bill and Hillary Clinton’s record of racism and extremism can out-trump Trump’s any day. (This week is the 20th anniversary of the Clinton welfare “reform” that launched a war on African-Americans). As for Obama: while American police gun down his fellow African-Americans the great hope in the White House has done nothing to protect them, nothing to relieve their impoverishment while running four rapacious wars and an assassination campaign without precedent.

The CIA has demanded Trump is not elected. Pentagon generals have demanded he is not elected. The pro-war New York Times – taking a breather from its relentless low-rent Putin smears – demands that he is not elected. Something is up. These tribunes of “perpetual war” are terrified that the multi-billion-dollar business of war by which the United States maintains its dominance will be undermined if Trump does a deal with Putin, then with China’s Xi Jinping. Their panic at the possibility of the world’s great power talking peace – however unlikely – would be the blackest farce were the issues not so dire.

“Trump would have loved Stalin!” bellowed Vice-President Joe Biden at a rally for Hillary Clinton. With Clinton nodding, he shouted, “We never bow. We never bend. We never kneel. We never yield. We own the finish line. That’s who we are. We are America!”

Just How Dangerous Are the Media? - LewRockwell LewRockwell.com
Paul Wolfowitz 'might' vote for Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Good Grief! How much more evidence do you need that Comrade Trump is a lunatic?
Damn Jimbo...WTF!!!

Do you know who Wolfowitz is? He is a flaming warmongering Neocon and instrumental in W's dumb Iraq War.

He knows Cankles wants war, but Trump doesn't. Apparently you want war too....CRAZY!!!

dear Gippless. This is one of the reasons Corade Trump is toast

So you really do want WWIII.

Nope, voting for Hillary.
Paul Wolfowitz 'might' vote for Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Good Grief! How much more evidence do you need that Comrade Trump is a lunatic?
Damn Jimbo...WTF!!!

Do you know who Wolfowitz is? He is a flaming warmongering Neocon and instrumental in W's dumb Iraq War.

He knows Cankles wants war, but Trump doesn't. Apparently you want war too....CRAZY!!!

dear Gippless. This is one of the reasons Corade Trump is toast

So you really do want WWIII.

Nope, voting for Hillary.

Voting for Trump is bad. Voting for Hillary is DUMB.
Paul Wolfowitz 'might' vote for Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Good Grief! How much more evidence do you need that Comrade Trump is a lunatic?

It also tells you something that the war mongering Paul Wolfowitz plans to back Hillary.
It tells you that he also sees accused rapist Donald Trump as unqualified to be POTUS.

Neither one of them is qualified to be POTUS
Your dislike of Hillary Clinton does not mean she's unqualified.

Please name me any president in history who was more qualified, and why.
Your dislike of Hillary Clinton does not mean she's unqualified.

Correct it's my ethics and morals and the fact I'm not a total imbecile.

What's your excuse?
The fact that you cut my post tells me all I need to know.

I love owning all of you Right-Wingers.
Paul Wolfowitz 'might' vote for Hillary Clinton - CNNPolitics.com

Good Grief! How much more evidence do you need that Comrade Trump is a lunatic?

It also tells you something that the war mongering Paul Wolfowitz plans to back Hillary.
It tells you that he also sees accused rapist Donald Trump as unqualified to be POTUS.

Neither one of them is qualified to be POTUS
Your dislike of Hillary Clinton does not mean she's unqualified.

Please name me any president in history who was more qualified, and why.

RWers know that and must make up sh*t up to make themselves feel better.

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