Woman abandons 1 year old child while stealing candy

More like those dehumanizing pro-life values. They say children are no more valuable than zygotes, knowing full well nobody cares about such specks.

There will be no end of them who will come to here defense. I guess no one offered her an abortion.

oh, yeah, there would be a flood of those with idiotic notion that everybody should be responsible for somebody's child just because the mother decided not to abort her.
I could bet this particular child is ALREADY everybody's responsibility as I could bet this "mother" is on welfare, foodstamps, medicaid and all other assistance programs.

It is amusing to see those leftard mouthpieces parrot what they are being told without putting even a slight thought into that, so they don't look moronic in repeating nonsense - but hey, that would require a leftard to have a brain and critically think, which is way too much for a leftie
More evidence that not everyone should be a parent.

But, by damn, the rw's are gonna stick their noses in other people's private lives and, if we let them, they will force women like this to reproduce.
That sounds like one of those crazy-assed Tea Party women. I'm betting she had a gun, too.
More evidence that not everyone should be a parent.

But, by damn, the rw's are gonna stick their noses in other people's private lives and, if we let them, they will force women like this to reproduce.

I agree take the child from her give it to loving family. Then sterolize the girl so she cannot have another child. Problem solved.
More evidence that not everyone should be a parent.

But, by damn, the rw's are gonna stick their noses in other people's private lives and, if we let them, they will force women like this to reproduce.

I agree take the child from her give it to loving family. Then sterolize the girl so she cannot have another child. Problem solved.


That what a leftard control state will do.

Pay child support for 5 years - more than enough to get the child to kindergarten and to let the mother acquire some skills to find the job. And do not pay more than for 2 children - "mistake" which happens more than twice ( and I am generous here) - is a pattern, not mistake.
Availability and the low price of birth control would be instantly found.
More evidence that not everyone should be a parent.

But, by damn, the rw's are gonna stick their noses in other people's private lives and, if we let them, they will force women like this to reproduce.

Abortion was available to this woman.
More evidence that not everyone should be a parent.

But, by damn, the rw's are gonna stick their noses in other people's private lives and, if we let them, they will force women like this to reproduce.

Name one Republican policy that makes women reproduce?

Please use a credible source.

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