Woman Attacked By Uppity Black Behind False Accusations

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?
Until the behavior that causes the suspicion goes away

black males have a bad reputation even among other black men

Remember Jesse Jackson admitting that he would cross the street if he saw a group of black teenagers coming toward him after dark?

Thanks for explaining that. I guess that's the same as saying some soldiers go nuts and indiscriminately murder children, like that murderer that Trump just pardoned. As long as there are crazy soldiers like that, all soldiers should be suspect any time a child is injured. Is that what you mean?
I hope he isn't saying we should pre-emptively profile and surveil all combat vets because of some belief they have an excuse to just murder random people....

Some could say young people who grow up in ghettos have PTSD -- but I damn sure don't give em a pass for murdering people...

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

When did you renew your reputation? I can show a history of your bad behavior that went on for centuries when it comes to violence, crime, etc. When did you rebuild the trust for that behavior?

Black violence has always been worse than every other group in the world. The shit that goes down in africa makes Hitler look like a choir boy. They do it to their own people! They enslave, burn, torture and murder their own people!

Actually history shows you have been the most violent group the world has ever seen. You are accountable for more atrocities around the world than anybody else.

Nope, its for sure Africa. There are more slaves there today than any other time in history.

When are you going rebuild the trust for all the atrocities you have committed?

We arent committing attrocities in 2020. I dont expect black people to apologize for MLK being a rapist. I can only hold people accountable for their actions TODAY.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

It is more common among men. That’s reality. I acknowledged that, and apparently so Do you.
The funny part is that if we spoke another FACT and said “murder/rape is more likely to occur among blacks” you’d fly in here denying it and spinning like a top.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

Chris Rock had no problem stereotyping the black community. Your statement is clearly false. Stereotypes exist for a reason. They dont come out of thin air. Quit denying reality.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

Let me assist him...

Yet that stupid orange blob pardoned him.
It was different circumstances

that was war

No. It was a crazy guy murdering unarmed civilians, including a mother holding her child, because he wanted to. Another soldier had to pull a gun on him to get him to stop. He was convicted of murder.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

Do we really need to quote the DOJ and FBI crime stats, again?

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

Do we really need to quote the DOJ and FBI crime stats, again?

If that is your credible source, then yes. You might note there have been several discredited articles that misquoted those crime stats.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

Do we really need to quote the DOJ and FBI crime stats, again?

Why did Trump delete this tweet a few years ago and pretended he didn't know anything about it?

T_006tmp.114 (28).webp

It's almost like he posted these fake stats to appease racists like you...is that why you love him so??
Poor pitiful creatures. Here's some real racist trash.
Last edited:

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

Do you live under a rock or something?? You need "source" to tell you that black men murder FAR more than all other men in the nation?

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

Do you live under a rock or something?? You need "source" to tell you that black men murder FAR more than all other men in the nation?

If this story is accurate, then the woman was wrong, wrong, wrong.

She should apologize & offer financial compensation.

Sadly, an unusually large percentage of certain young gentlemen do engage in theft.

So it is understandable that the woman in the heat of the moment jumped to conclusions.

But that does not excuse her.

Everyone should be cautious before accusing someone of a crime without proof.
I tend to accuse people of theft when I have proof they did it....especially if I am going to try to put my hands on their child behind it....

I am sure you would have a problem if someone did this to your child......with NO PROOF
And yet EVERYTHING is racial to you simply because you found A time when the black kid was innocent. I see NOTHING racial in this except she is white and you found an opportunity to attack

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

Do we really need to quote the DOJ and FBI crime stats, again?

Why did Trump delete this tweet a few years ago and pretended he didn't know anything about it?

View attachment 434436

It's almost like he posted these fake stats to appease racists like you...is that why you love him so??

Well, let’s see...
I don’t know anything about the tweet in question. I don’t have Twitter, and don’t follow it. I certainly didn’t follow it years ago.
Why did Trump post it? How the fuck should I know. Unlike you, I don’t claim to know what’s going on in everybody’s head.
Why would he need to appease me?
And as for being a racist... whatever you say champ. I really couldn’t give a shit less what you think. You sound like the typical chip on the shoulder, race card pulling loser who cries “racism” at everything. You’re a sad little creature.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

Do you live under a rock or something?? You need "source" to tell you that black men murder FAR more than all other men in the nation?


Why? You wont learn from it. Youll be back here tomorrow asking for the same source.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?

I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Nobody stereotypes their self. It is ALWAYS done by somebody else with the power to make the stereotype stick. The people that came up with the list you posted probably did think each and every stereotype was 100% accurate, but in reality, it was much less than imagined. In the case of black folk supposedly being prone to violence and crime, That became predominant thought when slaves on plantations far outnumbered their white owners, and they couldn't afford to take the chance that slaves might just take over and kill all the whites. A firm hand was used, and any small infraction was deemed a crime, and any effort at self defense was considered an indication of violent nature.

crime and violence today isn’t more common among blacks?

It is most common among men too...

Should we make a sweeping generalization from this or would that include you too and we can't that can we...

Yeah, but black men murder WAY more than other men. Would you care to address that fact?

I'm sure you have a credible source for that.

Do you live under a rock or something?? You need "source" to tell you that black men murder FAR more than all other men in the nation?


Why? You wont learn from it. Youll be back here tomorrow asking for the same source.

If you had anything but discredited bullshit links, you would have posted it. Admit you just believed bullshit and couldn't find anything real to back up your claim.

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