Woman Attacked By Uppity Black Behind False Accusations

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Your information is pretty scant

but I assume the black kid was never searched and the white girl never saw her phone again

That is what happens when you AssUMe.

the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

I guess you didn't read that part.


I missed that and I apologize for my error

Further I apologize for the white girl falsely accusing the black kid

and finally I apologize for all white people everywhere who ever lived whether they owned slaves or not for bringing black people to America against their will

You can show this post to the next white person you meet and demand a free shoe shine

Typical of fragile cucks like yourself....simply saying "oops, my mistake" is too much....

Instead you have to get up on the cross and act crucified -- because you are a diva......a whole bitch

I should have read more carefully and I apologized

in fact I offered bonus apologies

You apologized....

Then to ease the butt hurt of having to admit you were wrong to people you hate -- you had to mock it by acting like a bitch

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

Ruined their reputation from when??

When was this pristine reputation that black folks could cash in on??

You closet racists are goofy asf

Back imn the 60's there wasnt rampant murders in the black community and they werent murdering tons of white people back then either. They werent carjacking people, or rioting/looting cities, which is why they had so much support with civil rights.

Back in the 60's these 4 little girls were blown up inside of a church.....
View attachment 434347

The city police, state government and white folks like yourself at large KNEW WHO DID IT AND CALLED HIM A HERO.....it took decades for him to finally be convicted....what did this "reputation" get them??

What did that "reputation" get these men who went to fight a war for a country who didn't give a fuck about them -- to the point they were lynched for having the audacity to wear that uniform when they returned home...what did their "reputation" get them??
View attachment 434348

White folks like yourself always felt like they had the right to determine another man's value or worth and have always sought to devalue and dehumanize anyone who wasn't them -- so fuck you and your reputation -- and I guarantee you that you won't talk that bullshit offline because you would get the brakes beat off you....

White folks like us, huh?
You’d be hard pressed to find anybody condoning any behavior like that.
Even back then, I’d bet the majority of white folks did not condone that behavior.

But it’s cool, keep polishing that chip on your shoulder.

"White folks like us" -- it seems reading comprehension is hard for you....

The person I was talking to was someone who "condones behavior" like that.....if it doesn't apply to you, why are you so pressed about it?

And as far your belief that "back then" the majority of whites wouldn't condone that behavior is equally bullshit -- because if that were the case -- this photo wouldn't exist.....
View attachment 434354

It takes a majority of people condoning it -- to be posing for pics and smiling like it was a picnic.....when it fact, this was what they were posing for.....
View attachment 434357

I offered Superbad a chit to get his shoes shined

do you need one too?

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Your information is pretty scant

but I assume the black kid was never searched and the white girl never saw her phone again

That is what happens when you AssUMe.

the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

I guess you didn't read that part.


I missed that and I apologize for my error

Further I apologize for the white girl falsely accusing the black kid

and finally I apologize for all white people everywhere who ever lived whether they owned slaves or not for bringing black people to America against their will

You can show this post to the next white person you meet and demand a free shoe shine

Typical of fragile cucks like yourself....simply saying "oops, my mistake" is too much....

Instead you have to get up on the cross and act crucified -- because you are a diva......a whole bitch

I should have read more carefully and I apologized

in fact I offered bonus apologies

You apologized....

Then to ease the butt hurt of having to admit you were wrong to people you hate -- you had to mock it by acting like a bitch

I guess thats shat you were hoping for

Otherwise why begin with a troll headline like “xWoman Attacked By Uppity Black”

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

According to your logic, we whites have a long road ahead to make up for the activities of the criminal white trash in our midst. You are trying to make me responsible for people like the KKK, proud boys, putin's poodles, militia gangs, and the other dregs just because of my skin color. This demonstrates the stupidity of dividing ourselves up by skin color rather than judging people by their conduct.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

When did you renew your reputation? I can show a history of your bad behavior that went on for centuries when it comes to violence, crime, etc. When did you rebuild the trust for that behavior?

Black violence has always been worse than every other group in the world. The shit that goes down in africa makes Hitler look like a choir boy. They do it to their own people! They enslave, burn, torture and murder their own people!

Actually history shows you have been the most violent group the world has ever seen. You are accountable for more atrocities around the world than anybody else.

Nope, its for sure Africa. There are more slaves there today than any other time in history.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Your information is pretty scant

but I assume the black kid was never searched and the white girl never saw her phone again

That is what happens when you AssUMe.

the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

I guess you didn't read that part.


I missed that and I apologize for my error

Further I apologize for the white girl falsely accusing the black kid

and finally I apologize for all white people everywhere who ever lived whether they owned slaves or not for bringing black people to America against their will

You can show this post to the next white person you meet and demand a free shoe shine

Typical of fragile cucks like yourself....simply saying "oops, my mistake" is too much....

Instead you have to get up on the cross and act crucified -- because you are a diva......a whole bitch

I should have read more carefully and I apologized

in fact I offered bonus apologies

You apologized....

Then to ease the butt hurt of having to admit you were wrong to people you hate -- you had to mock it by acting like a bitch

I guess thats shat you were hoping for

Otherwise why begin with a troll headline like “xWoman Attacked By Uppity Black”

Because I knew a dick sucker like you would flock to the post and start making assumptions....


You did....

Fuck what you whining about
It's true - There IS only one iPhone in the world and it belonged to Karen.
Besides, even if there are more than one, uppity black 14 year olds could never afford one! :laugh:

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Your information is pretty scant

but I assume the black kid was never searched and the white girl never saw her phone again

That is what happens when you AssUMe.

the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

I guess you didn't read that part.

They don't read links. Trumpettes have a word limit of 14 - And only the BEST 14 words. ;)

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

Ruined their reputation from when??

When was this pristine reputation that black folks could cash in on??

You closet racists are goofy asf

Back imn the 60's there wasnt rampant murders in the black community and they werent murdering tons of white people back then either. They werent carjacking people, or rioting/looting cities, which is why they had so much support with civil rights.

Back in the 60's these 4 little girls were blown up inside of a church.....
View attachment 434347

The city police, state government and white folks like yourself at large KNEW WHO DID IT AND CALLED HIM A HERO.....it took decades for him to finally be convicted....what did this "reputation" get them??

What did that "reputation" get these men who went to fight a war for a country who didn't give a fuck about them -- to the point they were lynched for having the audacity to wear that uniform when they returned home...what did their "reputation" get them??
View attachment 434348

White folks like yourself always felt like they had the right to determine another man's value or worth and have always sought to devalue and dehumanize anyone who wasn't them -- so fuck you and your reputation -- and I guarantee you that you won't talk that bullshit offline because you would get the brakes beat off you....

I offered you a free shoe shine

since you were not hung or forced to drive a deuce and a half on the Red Ball Express what more do you want?

BTW, when are you going to give us a shoe shine for Jussie Smollett’s hate crime against white people?
Last edited:
I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Lies are typically drawn out of a hat and perpetuated by stupid people. This may explain Trump.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Your information is pretty scant

but I assume the black kid was never searched and the white girl never saw her phone again

That is what happens when you AssUMe.

the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

I guess you didn't read that part.


I missed that and I apologize for my error

Further I apologize for the white girl falsely accusing the black kid

and finally I apologize for all white people everywhere who ever lived whether they owned slaves or not for bringing black people to America against their will

You can show this post to the next white person you meet and demand a free shoe shine

Typical of fragile cucks like yourself....simply saying "oops, my mistake" is too much....

Instead you have to get up on the cross and act crucified -- because you are a diva......a whole bitch

I should have read more carefully and I apologized

in fact I offered bonus apologies

You apologized....

Then to ease the butt hurt of having to admit you were wrong to people you hate -- you had to mock it by acting like a bitch

I guess thats shat you were hoping for

Otherwise why begin with a troll headline like “xWoman Attacked By Uppity Black”

Any regular in USMB who doesn't know by now that Biff writes satire should go surf porn or something.
Any regular in USMB who doesn't know by now that Biff writes satire should go surf porn or something.
Satire is supposed to have a message

and biff’s message is that he hates white people who are not pandering guilt-ridden libs

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

Ruined their reputation from when??

When was this pristine reputation that black folks could cash in on??

You closet racists are goofy asf

Back imn the 60's there wasnt rampant murders in the black community and they werent murdering tons of white people back then either. They werent carjacking people, or rioting/looting cities, which is why they had so much support with civil rights.

Back in the 60's these 4 little girls were blown up inside of a church.....
View attachment 434347

The city police, state government and white folks like yourself at large KNEW WHO DID IT AND CALLED HIM A HERO.....it took decades for him to finally be convicted....what did this "reputation" get them??

What did that "reputation" get these men who went to fight a war for a country who didn't give a fuck about them -- to the point they were lynched for having the audacity to wear that uniform when they returned home...what did their "reputation" get them??
View attachment 434348

White folks like yourself always felt like they had the right to determine another man's value or worth and have always sought to devalue and dehumanize anyone who wasn't them -- so fuck you and your reputation -- and I guarantee you that you won't talk that bullshit offline because you would get the brakes beat off you....

White folks like us, huh?
You’d be hard pressed to find anybody condoning any behavior like that.
Even back then, I’d bet the majority of white folks did not condone that behavior.

But it’s cool, keep polishing that chip on your shoulder.

"White folks like us" -- it seems reading comprehension is hard for you....

The person I was talking to was someone who "condones behavior" like that.....if it doesn't apply to you, why are you so pressed about it?

And as far your belief that "back then" the majority of whites wouldn't condone that behavior is equally bullshit -- because if that were the case -- this photo wouldn't exist.....
View attachment 434354

It takes a majority of people condoning it -- to be posing for pics and smiling like it was a picnic.....when it fact, this was what they were posing for.....
View attachment 434357

No, I don’t have reading comprehension problems. It seemed as though you were speaking in generalities, I didn’t take it to mean you were only addressing that specific poster.
I’m curious...
Do you think stereotypes are drawn out of a hat?
At some point in time, the leaders of society got together and played “stereotype bingo” and were like....
“Irish people, you get alcoholism”
“English... bad teeth”
“Black folks.... propensity for violence and crime”

Or do you believe stereotypes exist because they are based on real World observations?

Lies are typically drawn out of a hat and perpetuated by stupid people. This may explain Trump.
A stupid answer, but not unexpected.
Any regular in USMB who doesn't know by now that Biff writes satire should go surf porn or something.
Satire is supposed to have a message

and biff’s message is that he hates white people who are not pandering guilt-ridden libs

You don't understand satire or the point of satire. Go surf porn.
I understand that Biff is eaten up with anger and hate toward white people
How long does it usually take to get past having a reputation of having dark skin?
Until the behavior that causes the suspicion goes away

black males have a bad reputation even among other black men

Remember Jesse Jackson admitting that he would cross the street if he saw a group of black teenagers coming toward him after dark?

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Black people sure ruined their reputation. There is a long road ahead for the black community to make up for all the crime and violence they commit regularly. It is going to take decades of good behavior for that trust to build, but i dont even think the good behavior will even begin for for many more decades.

Ruined their reputation from when??

When was this pristine reputation that black folks could cash in on??

You closet racists are goofy asf

Back imn the 60's there wasnt rampant murders in the black community and they werent murdering tons of white people back then either. They werent carjacking people, or rioting/looting cities, which is why they had so much support with civil rights.

Back in the 60's these 4 little girls were blown up inside of a church.....
View attachment 434347

The city police, state government and white folks like yourself at large KNEW WHO DID IT AND CALLED HIM A HERO.....it took decades for him to finally be convicted....what did this "reputation" get them??

What did that "reputation" get these men who went to fight a war for a country who didn't give a fuck about them -- to the point they were lynched for having the audacity to wear that uniform when they returned home...what did their "reputation" get them??
View attachment 434348

White folks like yourself always felt like they had the right to determine another man's value or worth and have always sought to devalue and dehumanize anyone who wasn't them -- so fuck you and your reputation -- and I guarantee you that you won't talk that bullshit offline because you would get the brakes beat off you....

White folks like us, huh?
You’d be hard pressed to find anybody condoning any behavior like that.
Even back then, I’d bet the majority of white folks did not condone that behavior.

But it’s cool, keep polishing that chip on your shoulder.

"White folks like us" -- it seems reading comprehension is hard for you....

The person I was talking to was someone who "condones behavior" like that.....if it doesn't apply to you, why are you so pressed about it?

And as far your belief that "back then" the majority of whites wouldn't condone that behavior is equally bullshit -- because if that were the case -- this photo wouldn't exist.....
View attachment 434354

It takes a majority of people condoning it -- to be posing for pics and smiling like it was a picnic.....when it fact, this was what they were posing for.....
View attachment 434357

I thought that I recognized this photo. I remember seeing it and wondering who the people in it were. They were somebody's grandparents and great-grandparents. Probably people who showed up at a Christian church later on after celebrating a murder.

These people never had any right to cover themselves in a cloak of respectability, patriotism, and religiosity, when they betrayed these values.

"A woman falsely accused a jazz musician’s 14-year-old son of stealing her cellphone — lunging at the teen during a wild caught-on-camera incident in the lobby of a Manhattan hotel. Footage of the altercation, posted by New York-based trumpeter Keyon Harrold, was shared widely on Sunday, with many saying it was yet another example of racial profiling and bogus accusations launched against black people -- the woman’s phone was returned to her by an Uber driver a few minutes after the incident. She didn’t apologize for the “traumatic” situation for his son, or to him, and neither did anyone at the hotel, Harrold said."

The nerve of this guy -- just because he thinks he is some hot shot Grammy award winning musician, he thinks he is entitled to certain things like respect and dignity...First of all, I am sure this woman had good reason to think his son stole her phone and she was within her right to put her hands on his son in order to retrieve her phone -- so what if she actually left her phone in someone's car -- she didn't know that at the time.....

From the video, you see how this guy assaulted this woman -- but of course he will claim that he was just trying to defend his son from her, yea right -- she had every right to try to apprehend your son and thankfully the hotel manager came out in support of her -- and now Mr. Harrold is complaining about not receiving an apology?? Really?? It is him and his thug son who should be apologizing for not complying with this woman like she demanded.

Ya, put your hands on my kid leave in a bag. Black, white or otherwise.

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