Woman Designs Chair to Prevent “Manspreading”

There's nowhere to sit because some lady's registered and pedigreed emotional service companion animal vomited in the only available seat.
Actually I think the man chair might be a better fit at the gynecologist's office. It can be a hit or miss where the edge of the table is........
OK. Y'all are too lazy to view the link. Here are the chairs.


Both chairs are ugly and ridiculously designed and belong in a wood chipper.
Someone invented a saddle to make sure women sit a horse the correct way.

Every one of these feminist piece-of-shit edicts are nothing but an exercise in jealous, man-hating, chip-on-shoulder baby tantrums from little girls who never grew up, matured and learned to act like REAL grown women! In various European countries, the feminist whores are so jealous, they've tried to make it a law that men have to sit down to pee in government buildings, because they said, "Peeing standing up exercises an unfair male advantage." Stinking little jealous crybaby whores.

What about woman-spreading? Why is it only a sin if a man likes to relax and stretch his legs? Did anyone know that in Sweden they have an emergency hotline for "mansplaining" (I actually had to look that one up)? Basically, "mansplaining" means any male co-worker who flaunts his knowledge of a certain subject makes these female crybabies feel "stupid"..........even though it never occured to their estrogen-soaked, entitled, spoiled brains that if "mansplaining" makes female co-workers feel stupid, MAYBE IT'S BECAUSE THEY ARE FUCKING STUPID! Literally, these feminist fuckbags have made a baby-tantrum emergency over any male didactism!

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