Woman faces charges for saving dozens of pets without permit during hurricane Florence


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Woman Faces Charges for Saving Dozens of Pets Without a Permit During Hurricane Florence

(TMU) — Tammie Hedges, a woman who runs a North Carolina nonprofit called Crazy’s Claws n Paw saved over two dozen pets during Hurricane Florence, but now she is facing charges because she didn’t have a permit. Hedges was in the process of building a shelter when Florence hit the coast, so she offered the space to pet owners in the area.

I HOPE enoug ppl make noise about this, they need to take that permit bs in times like this and shove it up their asses.

She was helping animals and you want to put her in jail you loser morons, Trump hating bastards no doubt bank on it.
Woman Faces Charges for Saving Dozens of Pets Without a Permit During Hurricane Florence

(TMU) — Tammie Hedges, a woman who runs a North Carolina nonprofit called Crazy’s Claws n Paw saved over two dozen pets during Hurricane Florence, but now she is facing charges because she didn’t have a permit. Hedges was in the process of building a shelter when Florence hit the coast, so she offered the space to pet owners in the area.

I HOPE enoug ppl make noise about this, they need to take that permit bs in times like this and shove it up their asses.

She was helping animals and you want to put her in jail you loser morons, Trump hating bastards no doubt bank on it.
There is a disaster declaration... All permitting is suspended during this time.. The state hasn't a leg to stand on..
Woman Faces Charges for Saving Dozens of Pets Without a Permit During Hurricane Florence

(TMU) — Tammie Hedges, a woman who runs a North Carolina nonprofit called Crazy’s Claws n Paw saved over two dozen pets during Hurricane Florence, but now she is facing charges because she didn’t have a permit. Hedges was in the process of building a shelter when Florence hit the coast, so she offered the space to pet owners in the area.

I HOPE enoug ppl make noise about this, they need to take that permit bs in times like this and shove it up their asses.

She was helping animals and you want to put her in jail you loser morons, Trump hating bastards no doubt bank on it.
Yep just blame it on Trump, he should have issued permits before the storm and give her a Government grant to feed them. What type of Lib are you nuts. Its local people who are behind the desk who make stupid moves like that.
Woman Faces Charges for Saving Dozens of Pets Without a Permit During Hurricane Florence

(TMU) — Tammie Hedges, a woman who runs a North Carolina nonprofit called Crazy’s Claws n Paw saved over two dozen pets during Hurricane Florence, but now she is facing charges because she didn’t have a permit. Hedges was in the process of building a shelter when Florence hit the coast, so she offered the space to pet owners in the area.

I HOPE enoug ppl make noise about this, they need to take that permit bs in times like this and shove it up their asses.

She was helping animals and you want to put her in jail you loser morons, Trump hating bastards no doubt bank on it.

What does one's opinion of Trump have to do with this woman's situation, Chicken Little?
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Woman Faces Charges for Saving Dozens of Pets Without a Permit During Hurricane Florence

(TMU) — Tammie Hedges, a woman who runs a North Carolina nonprofit called Crazy’s Claws n Paw saved over two dozen pets during Hurricane Florence, but now she is facing charges because she didn’t have a permit. Hedges was in the process of building a shelter when Florence hit the coast, so she offered the space to pet owners in the area.

I HOPE enoug ppl make noise about this, they need to take that permit bs in times like this and shove it up their asses.

She was helping animals and you want to put her in jail you loser morons, Trump hating bastards no doubt bank on it.

What does one's opinion of Trump have to do with this woman's situation, Chicken Little?

Because when you are Pro American, Pro Constitution, Pro Freedom. you are a Trump supporter. we are all the same and wouldn't even dream of doing some bs like this to a peron saving pets or whatever.

Leftist Trump haters are all the same and want to be the perfected so called LAW OBEYERS by the book, follow oh hell you wouldn't understand how we can pick out a Trump hater based off. of everything and anything because that's just who they are IDIOTS...

We can look at a fkn Trump hater and know they are one because they also have a certain look that can be spotted a mile away .....

Yeah sometimes we get fooled most times we don't.

But, like I said you wouldn't get it anyways no matter what I tell you.
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Woman Faces Charges for Saving Dozens of Pets Without a Permit During Hurricane Florence

(TMU) — Tammie Hedges, a woman who runs a North Carolina nonprofit called Crazy’s Claws n Paw saved over two dozen pets during Hurricane Florence, but now she is facing charges because she didn’t have a permit. Hedges was in the process of building a shelter when Florence hit the coast, so she offered the space to pet owners in the area.

I HOPE enoug ppl make noise about this, they need to take that permit bs in times like this and shove it up their asses.

She was helping animals and you want to put her in jail you loser morons, Trump hating bastards no doubt bank on it.

What does one's opinion of Trump have to do with this woman's situation, Chicken Little?



They have features the trained eye can pick up on .............

Then you have those who are Trump supporters and their features..



Can you spot the pro Trump features, and the Trump haters features........????????
according to your link, she was not facing any charges at all
threatened to get a warrant to take the animals.
“You can voluntarily hand over the animals, or I can go get a warrant,” they allegedly told her.
As a Trump supporter I love animals...….

I know for a fact from an Anonymous source that many liberals Torture gerbils.
according to your link, she was not facing any charges at all
threatened to get a warrant to take the animals.
“You can voluntarily hand over the animals, or I can go get a warrant,” they allegedly told her.

After the storm passed and the trouble was over, Hedges received a call from Wayne County’s animal services manager Frank Sauls, who threatened to get a warrant to take the animals.

“You can voluntarily hand over the animals, or I can go get a warrant,” they allegedly told her.

She complied with the order, and the pets were all taken to the Wayne County Animal Adoption and Education Center.

Volunteer Kathie Davidson said that animal control officers called Hedges a lawbreaker."
What does one's opinion of Trump have to do with this woman's situation, Chicken Little?

Because when you are Pro American, Pro Constitution, Pro Freedom. you are a Trump supporter.

Are you serious?

Just as much as I can tell whose a cop just by their walk, I can tell whose in the military or was in the military just by the way they walk.

It's not hard to read people dude.

Even the FBI teaches others how to read certain characteristics of certain types of people. Doesn't mean we're always right but more often than not.

Maybe I became really good at it and picked it up off my mother she couldn't hear very well....... She could read people like a book.

It's not lie i'm the only one in the world who can pick up on certain types of people , alot of Trump supporters can tell looking at these Trump haters features who they are a leftist douche. or a pro american .....as mentioned before.


An FBI Agent Shares 9 Secrets to Reading People
according to your link, she was not facing any charges at all
threatened to get a warrant to take the animals.
“You can voluntarily hand over the animals, or I can go get a warrant,” they allegedly told her.

After the storm passed and the trouble was over, Hedges received a call from Wayne County’s animal services manager Frank Sauls, who threatened to get a warrant to take the animals.

“You can voluntarily hand over the animals, or I can go get a warrant,” they allegedly told her.

She complied with the order, and the pets were all taken to the Wayne County Animal Adoption and Education Center.

Volunteer Kathie Davidson said that animal control officers called Hedges a lawbreaker."
1. threatened--to get a warrant---
--a. threat --didn't even HAVE a warrant!!!!
--b. warrant does not mean facing charges
2.there is no certainty he could get a warrant
a. the authorities are busy enough as it is
b. the authorities were NOT going to hand out a warrant for someone HELPING during a disaster

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