woman who claimed Sandy Hook was a hoax sent death threats to the parents of 6-yr-old who was killed

WTH is wrong with these vile RW garbage harassing and lying about these poor parents??

It's a stupid conspiracy but if they want to believe it, fine. That doesn't mean they have the right to torment the mourning families.

These deniers like Dale Smith MindWars etc are exactly like the Westboro baptist monsters who show up at military funerals.

Just have a tiny bit of very basic human decency, MYOB and SHUT UP.


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That's the issue...they have no basic human decency. It's not there....it's replaced by tin foil.

And most will tell you they're christian.


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I have invested hundreds of hours into researching this hoax including mind numbing boredom of going through redacted information. Step up to the plate and debate me and hear me out on why and how I KNOW that this was a manufactured event.........wassamatter? Afraid you might learn something?????


LMAO!!!!!!!!! I wonder if that report will show the police taking a rifle out of the trunk of the alleged car Lanza was driving while wearing no gloves? I kinda doubt it. Why is it that there is absolutely NO dash cam video of the evacuation of 400 plus students? Why did the Sandy Hook School not have the handicapped signs and new paint in their parking lot? Why oh why were crisis actors going through the firehouse in a continuous loop including Gene Rosen that allegedly had 4...no wait, it was 6 children that he took in from a bus driver instead of dropping the kids off at the firehouse? How many anamolies are there? I have at least 60.............want to know more of them?????

depends, what did alex tell you?

Plain and simple, no one died, Sandy Hook School had been shut down since 2008 and was being used to store old school furniture. There was a drill going on at the same time that Sandy Hoax was taking place at the Rose of St.Lima school which was part of the live footage that was shown and made to appear as if it was "live footage" at Sandy Hook on CNN. You can't win this debate nor can you defend the fact that the powers that be concerning this staged event cannot produce the documents under the FOIA.......simple requests....like which company provided the porta-potties? Can we see the receipts? Which company provided the electronic sign telling people that they must sign in? Why can't we see a receipt? Which company was assigned to do the bio-hazard clean up??? Can we see a receipt?? If this REALLY happened? These documents would be EASY to produce.....so what's the deal?

I have done quite a bit oif research about this event. In the beginning I wanted to debunk those that were saying that this was a staged event because I felt they were only throwing gas on the fire...but the more digging I did, the more I realized that something was very, very wrong with the "official story". Here are just a few. I have more but these are particularly interesting IMHO.....

The first question is why has there been so much redaction of information and inconsistencies regarding the events that took place?

Why did they not allow the paramedics and the EMT’S inside the Sandy Hook School to treat the seriously injured or those children and school staff clinging to life? Why did they not request the Life Star trauma helicopters for the victims, but we had helicopters recording the scene?

Sandy Hook stated that it had a new security system, yet there are no photos or videos to be found.

Why was the school completely demolished in October 2013? Why was it completely off limits to the public? Why the extreme security measures? Why were the construction team forced to sign a NDA (non-disclosure agreements)? What's the big secret?

Why are there no photos or videos of the dead children, staff members, or even Adam Lanza? Why are there no photos of any children being transported to the hospital, in the hospital, or at their funeral? Why are there no photos of the blood, spent cartridges, or weapons used? We saw the aftermath of Columbine, but not Sandy Hook?
There are pictures of the dead gunmen from Columbine who took their own lives, but we can't see Adam Lanza's dead body? Why were a lot of the police reports, photos, and video redacted from the public. What could they possibly be hiding?

After more than a year (12/27/13) photos were finally released, but showed little evidence. A few apparent gun shots, broken window, weapons used (displayed for photo shoot). No hard evidence, bodies, blood, dozens of bullet holes, etc... The school did not look like a panic situation or a mass shooting took place.

Speaking of photos, it showed the building was a toxic waste dump. You can see mold and flood damage on the walls and doors. There is also clearly mold on the exterior, which means they are not maintaining the school. The aerial footage of the roof shows it is damaged. The shrubbery outside is overgrown, and the broken glass shown is not safety glass. Sandy Hook also had an asbestos problem. Who would send their child to a school like this???? This is merely a few days before Christmas vacation but there are no Christmas decorations or children's drawings ANYWHERE to be seen on the windows???

During the 911 call, (released almost a FULL YEAR 12/4/13 after the incident) the behavior of the caller (Barbara Halstead) did not sound like she was panicking, neither does Rick Thorne who called after her. No description of the shooter. At one point you can hear someone say "I heard a rumor its fake?". It may have been "are they in a room where it's safe", but why is it not in the transcripts along with the other dialogue? The 9/11 caller is whispering while claiming a gun is being fired but you don't hear a single gun shot but allegedly Adam Lanza, a 120 pound Asperger's Syndrome child is making like Rambo.
During the call, they said there were gun shoots going off, but no audio of gunfire can be heard (only random, single popping noises). The Columbine 911 audio has clear panic and gunfire audio.

One more thing about the 911 call. Why was the 911 call about an unwanted person instead of shoots fired? The police responded to an unwanted person instead of an active shooter. The official story says Adam Lanza shot over 150+ rounds and killed 26 people in less than 10 minutes. None of the witnesses stories match this claim. Many have said they heard a loud popping noise over the loud speaker. If they were inside the school they should have been able to hear these loud 150+ rounds from a rifle or handgun going off without a loud speaker, as well as screaming kids. The shooting is supposed to be taking place during the 911 calls and you can't hear the 150+ rounds going off. The school nurse who hid inside the school said she heard 5 shots not 150+ shots. Why is that?

Why are interviews of the kids inconsistent with the events that took place. They account being a in a drill and going outside to see police and firemen. Some say they heard a loud sound. Why don't they remember the 150+ gunfire shoots happening? No one forgets when they hear gunfire or screaming kids. During Alexis Wasik's interview, she says there were police officers and children crying but no gunfire. Impossible! Her mother, Lynn, was also seen chuckling at a response with CNN of "It doesn't even seem real." Yeah, really funny. The parents, Joe and Lynn Wasik also act very strange while giving an interview with their daughter.

Who declared all 20 children and six school staff members legally dead within the first 11 MINUTES?? Connecticut law states that only a doctor can declare them legally dead. Who provided the urgent medical care to the two children who were not transported to the Danbury Trauma Center until an hour after the school was deemed safe for that 15 mile drive?

What happened to the 500 children and 60 school staff members from Sandy Hook Elementary School on Dec 14, 2012. "Approximately 700 students were present."-CNN. There is no footage of the massive evacuation of 700 People or even 500+ people, let alone the 500+ concerned parents. Not in, out, or going to the firehouse.

Why were the parents seen laughing and or not crying when they learn their child is dead?
The parents and people involved like Francine and David Wheeler, Nicole Hockley, Gene Rosen, Jimmy Greene, Mark Barden, Kevin Marc, Richard Martinez are KNOWN actors or entertainers.

Speaking of Gene Rosen, who has a extensive background in acting, why did his story of what happened change so much from each interview? Why was he seen walking around at the firehouse from a news chopper? This means he could not have been at his house. One video shows him rehearsing his lines and gets corrected by the cameraman talking about when the kids told him about what happened. Why would a cameraman correct his story?

Why was a fake photo of Allison Wyatt used (when the real child was named Lily), and when noticed by the real mother (Cathy Gaubert from Atlanta) that it was taken down and another photo was replaced?

Why was Sandy Hook shooting victim Noah Pozner pictured among those killed on 16 December 2014, on a Army Public School in Peshawar, Pakistan that killed 145 people in an ambush attack? Someone must be wrong, right?

How do we know the pictures of the children are actual children that went to Sandy Hook the day of the shooting? Is there proof, they are in fact children of the parents and not random photos of cute kids?

Why was the "iconic" photo of kids walking in a straight line not picked up by the police dash cams at the exact same time the photo was taken? Why were the dash camera times inconsistent with the report of the timeline of events that took place?

When the first aerial footage helicopter arrives, why are the police officers and firemen standing around without a sense of urgency? Why aren't they assisting the wounded? Why aren't they securing the perimeter for any other threats? Why aren't they searching for other survivors, and where are all the kids? There is also a 10 minute HD news helicopter clip that shows people wondering around and no sign of the hundreds of kids and they are going into the firehouse and then coming out another door and repeating as if to make it appear that there were more people than there actually were????

The official story states Adam Lanza shot over 150+ rounds killing 26 people in less than 10 minutes. Why did the police wait 5 minutes before they entered the school when they could have helped save lives? Why did the responding officers have to park a quarter mile from the scene?

Who was the person(s) that ran off into the woods being chased by cops? Why were they running? Why was it never talked about? Did the FEMA drills going on at the same time have anything to do with the shooting? It was occurring between 9am-4pm in Bridgeport, CT (13 miles away) called "Planning for the needs of children in disasters". Could that explain the "check in sign" at Sandy Hook and the ID badges people were wearing?

Why were the majority of houses around the surrounding area have their mortgages paid off on December 25, 2009?
The strange purchase date and price of Sandy Hook homes can be found on the "Assessors Online Database for Newtown, CT". A response to this question claims that "the sale price of $0 the reason would be because of a family sale where the home ownership is simply transferred. (In other words, no money actually changed hands) Then why so many on the same day? Also it is on Christmas, meaning no one would be working so it would be a sneaky way to do business when no one is looking, no???

Why would a police officer by the name of Lt. Vanghele at 9:45 AM on Dec 14, 2012 from the Newtown Police Department after finding a kindergarten female child in the hallway make her go into room eight and leave her? Room eight was allegedly the supposed gruesome crime scene with dead children and school staff. Official Report quote "In all, seventeen people were killed in classroom 8." Why would they leave the child in there? Why wouldn't they whisk her away to safety?????

Why would two CT State Troopers enter room Ten (which is allegedly a gruesome crime scene with dead bodies of children and school staff) tell a kindergarten boy who they find in the bathroom (whose name is redacted) tell him to stay and they will be both be back when it is safe? Why would they do that when room ten which is allegedly the same room Adam Lanza killed himself?

Why wouldn't the medical examiner allow the families to see the bodies of their children? We are led to believe that the victims' families are only satisfied with seeing just a photo of their loved one who they will never see again. Think of how you would act as a parent...do you REALLY buy this load of bullshit???

Who was the company that authorities allowed the removing and cleaning all of the Bio-Hazard materials? They would have to remove all the body parts and 45-60 gallons of blood based on the number of children and school staff shot and killed that day. When Wolfgang Halbig asked about contractor’s names for such services as installing the new security system and cleaning up biological material after the event, he was told disclosing that information would “put the children at risk”. What the fuck does that even mean?

Wolfgang Halbig worked in public education as a teacher, dean, assistant principal, principal, director of an alternative school and as the Director for School Safety and Security of the Seminole County Public Schools, a school district of approximately 65,000 students. He trains for crisis situations like shootings. He was asking questions as to why certain protocols were not followed and why certain information is not available. As a result, he was threatened and ignored for simply asking questions. He firmly believes that Sandy Hook was a hoax. Look him up, his in-depth investigation of Sandy Hook is interesting and informative.

Why would the FBI make the Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting Classified? When the FBI Investigative report in the Columbine Mass shooting isn't. Why didn't the FBI include the deaths at Sandy Hook on their crime statistics in 2012? The other mass shootings included the deaths in their stats, why not Sandy Hook?

Why can't they provide the list of 26 children and the music teacher who performed at the 2013 Super Bowl in New Orleans.
This should be classified as a field trip and the parents should have been required to sign waivers in the event their child was injured on the field trip. Who paid for their flight? What's the name of the individual or school/school board who paid for that huge expense?

How is it possible that a trained SWAT team or many SWAT teams that day could not find the Registered Nurse (Sally Cox) and a Secretary who made a 911 call from the front office in a closet for over 4 hours after searching the school 3 times?While these two people were unaccounted for, dashcam videos shows an officer laying out snacks, sandwich making matrials and drinks on the hood of his patrol vehicle.......WTF????

Why did we have police officers telling a registered nurse to close her eyes so she wouldn't see the blood?

Why did reporter Andrea McCarren report that she spoke with the school nurse of Sandy Hook and the nurse stated she met eyes with the shooter and jumped under a desk? Why would she say something like that when Nurse Sally Cox states (on ABC morning news) that she only saw his feet?

Why did McCarren also report saying that she asked the nurse "If she knew the suspects mother..and she said she did..and she was an absolutely loving person..a very caring experienced kindergarten teacher...just the kind of person you would want with your 5 year old children"?... When Nancy Lanza was not a kindergarten teacher at Sandy Hook and former school board official Lillian Bittman, is quoted saying "No one has heard of her".

Why Lt. George Sinko, working an off-duty detail at a construction site and making overtime money ignore the 911 calls and a Newtown police dispatcher requesting help from police officers for shots fired at The Sandy Hook Elementary School. For over two hours he sits and does absolutely nothing while children and school staff are supposedly being shot and killed.

Why would Adam "No Motive" Lanza drive past 8 other schools and go to Sandy Hook Elementary?
We have seen no motive for him to do so. Why has there been no connection that Adam Lanza committed the crime? Why is information redacted? Why are the parents so concerned in keeping information private? Why did Pete Williams from NBC report that a "couple of officials" said that on the 13th of December that Adam Lanza went to the school and got into some kind of altercation with four other staff members........ and that on December 14th..3 out of 4 of those staff member were killed?Why would he say a "couple of officials" told him that? Who are those officials?
This needs to be clarified because Lt. Vance states that this is false information and there are no reports of any altercation......seriously???

Like I stated earlier, the only sense of urgency the donut eating Corrupticutt cops show on CNN is when they are conducting a live shooter drill at the Rose of St. Lima,....DOH!!!! Who are these cops and why are they there and not at Sandy Hook and the alleged shooting taking place THERE? Can you say "FAKE NEWS"????? Thought ya could......

Why was Eric Holder in Connecticut with Governor Dan Malloy announcing Project Longevity, an initiative that provides new federal grant money to prevent gun violence on November 27th, 2012...just before the Sandy Hook Shooting on December 14th, 2012? What are the odds? Why were there articles and donation websites created BEFORE the date of the shooting? Google URL cache date can verify this information.

Here is an interesting fact about the home of Nancy and Adam Lanza...their neighbors were John & Linda Trentacosta. John Trentacosta is President & CEO Newtown Savings Bank. In 2011, he was the newly appointed member of the New York Fed’s council. Immediately following the Sandy Hook shooting, United Way of Western Connecticut and the Newtown Savings Bank created the Sandy Hook School Support Fund at 12/14/2012 at 6:58pm. Newtown Savings Bank CEO John Trentacosta told the local paper that the fund came together as a response to countless requests. How could they receive countless requests for the fund, develop a fund concept, have a planning meeting, establish a fund account, coordinate with the United Way, develop a campaign, create the artwork, web content, and publish online within a half a day? Robbie Parker, the smirking crisis actor made sure to mention that there was a fund set up for his alleged daughter when he gave that less than convincing performance....I ask this.....for those with any common sense....if you just lost your child....would you be plugging a donation site?????

Why did Lt. Vance State state the gunman was found in the hallway when the official report states Adam Lanza was found in Room Ten ? Who was the police officer calling into the Newtown Police dispatcher at (9:55) stating in his words that we should have multiple weapons, a long rifle and a shotgun? How would he know about both of these guns when the long rifle was found in classroom 10 and the shotgun was found in the back of Adam Lanza's trunk at night? BTW, when they removed the rifle from the alleged car he drove to get there? They were not wearing any rubber gloves....it defies all protocol for recovering potential evidence, no????

Why on Wednesday January 21, 2015 did officials in Newtown vote to tear down the home where Adam Lanza lived? Why destroy a perfectly good home? What do they not want the public to know about the house? The parents sued the estate of Nancy Lanza and then allowed the house to be bulldozed....it was a tangible asset but yet it was destroyed? I suspect that it was done to prevent anyone from removing DNA samples that could prove that there was no one that matches the DNA of an "Adam Lanza". In May 21 of 2015, why did the state board award officer Thomas Bean of more than $380,000 in long term disability for anxiety and depression? He was not supposed to enter the school. He was only supposed to guard an entrance, but he was curious. He was actually quoted in saying, "For 12 years as a cop I did my job as best I could. For the town, this is not about right or wrong anymore, it is about the dollar."

The last question you might be asking is, "If it is a hoax, there would be a lot of people involved with this lie." Well my friend, welcome to the new America. Where truth is stranger than fiction. There are a lot of bad people in this country that would sell their soul for money or power. There is also the power of blackmail. This event wasn't just about gun control. It could also be about increasing government power in the form of surveillance, internet control, mental health, money, and political propaganda. They may not get to pass gun control tomorrow, but they are trying. Every time guns are brought up in a discussion, Sandy Hook is brought up as well. Look at the hard facts and ignore the disinformation. The mainstream media is going to continue to put sad music on while showing pictures of the supposedly killed kids. Don't play on emotion, use logic. Don't believe a "official" story from the mainstream media. We must stop them and expose the truth before it is too late. If they can get away with Sandy Hook, they will no doubt stage other shootings and they have. If you are curious about wanting to learn more, I recommend watching the documentary "We need to talk about Sandy Hook" online. It is a good place to start and see information yourself from real researchers. I have many more anomalies about the events of that day but these are very important and it shows that it was more than likely a DHS live drill that was passed off as a real time event.

Hell, I barely scratched the surface of the things I learned about this staged event......we haven't even discussed the background of the major players like David Wheeler and his klunt wife that are DNC operatives and real time actors, Al Rosen or the creepy behavior of Wayne Carver or how the same host of characters that were put on TV about Sandy Hoax are also connected to the Boston bombing, the Aurora and Oregon shootings as well as well as the Charleston false flag event that happened when debate about the TPP was going on......bring it on. It's like shooting fish in a barrel to me.
Look! A word wall. Maybe it can be used on the Mexican border.

Look! Buttecea can't refute anything I posted!!!! Imagine that?????

WTH is wrong with these vile RW garbage harassing and lying about these poor parents??

It's a stupid conspiracy but if they want to believe it, fine. That doesn't mean they have the right to torment the mourning families.

These deniers like Dale Smith MindWars etc are exactly like the Westboro baptist monsters who show up at military funerals.

Just have a tiny bit of very basic human decency, MYOB and SHUT UP.


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Hey, dickweed, I MORE than laid out MY argument as to why I know this was a staged event.......how debate and discussion works is that you COUNTER my contentions.......see how that works??????
WTH is wrong with these vile RW garbage harassing and lying about these poor parents??

It's a stupid conspiracy but if they want to believe it, fine. That doesn't mean they have the right to torment the mourning families.

These deniers like Dale Smith MindWars etc are exactly like the Westboro baptist monsters who show up at military funerals.

Just have a tiny bit of very basic human decency, MYOB and SHUT UP.


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That's the issue...they have no basic human decency. It's not there....it's replaced by tin foil.

Buttecea SEZ???? "Da gubermint NEVER lies!!!!!".......yeah, keep on believing that bullshit, "sweetie". The fact of the matter is you have been sold a parcel of lies your entire life.............
WTH is wrong with these vile RW garbage harassing and lying about these poor parents??

It's a stupid conspiracy but if they want to believe it, fine. That doesn't mean they have the right to torment the mourning families.

These deniers like Dale Smith MindWars etc are exactly like the Westboro baptist monsters who show up at military funerals.

Just have a tiny bit of very basic human decency, MYOB and SHUT UP.


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That's the issue...they have no basic human decency. It's not there....it's replaced by tin foil.

And most will tell you they're christian.


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"There was fluoride coming out of her eyes. Fluoride coming out of her whatever."


yes, because internet memes absolutely, positively tell the truth all the time & are more reliable & trustworthy than anything!

except for alex jones that is.

I have invested hundreds of hours into researching this hoax including mind numbing boredom of going through redacted information. Step up to the plate and debate me and hear me out on why and how I KNOW that this was a manufactured event.........wassamatter? Afraid you might learn something?????


LMAO!!!!!!!!! I wonder if that report will show the police taking a rifle out of the trunk of the alleged car Lanza was driving while wearing no gloves? I kinda doubt it. Why is it that there is absolutely NO dash cam video of the evacuation of 400 plus students? Why did the Sandy Hook School not have the handicapped signs and new paint in their parking lot? Why oh why were crisis actors going through the firehouse in a continuous loop including Gene Rosen that allegedly had 4...no wait, it was 6 children that he took in from a bus driver instead of dropping the kids off at the firehouse? How many anamolies are there? I have at least 60.............want to know more of them?????

You forgot about the father Robbie, who just lost his baby girl, getting caught off camera laughing and smiling. Than quickly getting into character. You are right, there are far too many oddities.

No ambulences rushing injured to hospital. Just parked, with lights flashing.
I have learned one thing in my time on this planet. Never, ever believe one word the federal government tries to spoon feed you. They will tell small lies, just to remain consistant. And tell big lies, to engineer larger schemes.

It's interesting how people will not even look at the possibility, that something was not right here. It might be the belief, that this many people can't keep such a big secret.

But what if they really were handed life changing cash? And told that if they talk, they will be ruined financially, or worse.

But oh no, obammys transparent (yeah right) government, would never do anything dishonest. It should be obvious to anyone, that he was hell bent on enacting restrictive anti firearm measures.

Combine that with the fact, that this all seemed like a movie. A lot of things the government has done in recent decades feels that way, no?
did you know the moon landing never happened. it's true! honest to god!

So, thanks for admitting that you are a troll and not worthy of any further effort....duly noted.


i am not a troll. but fully admit you are a loon & will be treated with as much seriousness as you deserve.

No, you are a troll that is totally intimidated by the very questions that any reasonable person would ask. Why would the state of Connecticut refuse to honor very basic FOIA requests about the events of that day? Why would they attempt to intimidate someone like Wolfgang Halbig whose expertise about school safety after the Columbine shooting was deemed so good that he was put on national TV but when he inquired about the Sandy Hook/Hoax shooting he was told to stop asking questions and even had Florida state troopers go to his home on behalf of the state of Connecticut to try and intimidate him? Does this look "normal" to you?????


dale........ sweety............ you believe the sandy hook massacre was a hoax but will readily & vehemently deny that fat donny 2 scoops had anything to do with the russians interfering in the presidential election. that is some twisting mother fucking logic.

you do believe that is it is a witch hunt & a hoax.....don't you, dale?
Last edited:

I live in Largo, Florida, ass-wipe....any time you wish to take umbrage with what I post? Haul your ass down here and DO something about it instead of sitting behind your little keyboard talking shit. I wouldn't say a thing about this event if I wasn't 100 percent sure that it was all a staged act.
I do not give a fuck about where you live, you insane creep.

I live in Largo, Florida, ass-wipe....any time you wish to take umbrage with what I post? Haul your ass down here and DO something about it instead of sitting behind your little keyboard talking shit. I wouldn't say a thing about this event if I wasn't 100 percent sure that it was all a staged act.
I do not give a fuck about where you live, you insane creep.

Nah, it's just easier for you to be a little creep that runs off at the mouth because you can't refute what some else says that doesn't fit in with your poorly perceived reality of what is....so don't expect any pity from me, ass-wipe.
did you know the moon landing never happened. it's true! honest to god!

So, thanks for admitting that you are a troll and not worthy of any further effort....duly noted.


i am not a troll. but fully admit you are a loon & will be treated with as much seriousness as you deserve.

No, you are a troll that is totally intimidated by the very questions that any reasonable person would ask. Why would the state of Connecticut refuse to honor very basic FOIA requests about the events of that day? Why would they attempt to intimidate someone like Wolfgang Halbig whose expertise about school safety after the Columbine shooting was deemed so good that he was put on national TV but when he inquired about the Sandy Hook/Hoax shooting he was told to stop asking questions and even had Florida state troopers go to his home on behalf of the state of Connecticut to try and intimidate him? Does this look "normal" to you?????


dale........ sweety............ you believe the sandy hook massacre was a hoax but will readily & vehemently deny that fat donny 2 scoops had anything to do with the russians interfering in the presidential election. that is some twisting mother fucking logic.

you do believe that is it is a witch hunt & a hoax.....don't you, dale?

The big flaw in your logic is, there is no proof of this Russia bullshit. Just a bunch of made up crap, so that vile woman can save face. She couldn't even win a rigged election. Shes a joke, and so are these false claims.

I live in Largo, Florida, ass-wipe....any time you wish to take umbrage with what I post? Haul your ass down here and DO something about it instead of sitting behind your little keyboard talking shit. I wouldn't say a thing about this event if I wasn't 100 percent sure that it was all a staged act.
I do not give a fuck about where you live, you insane creep.

Nah, it's just easier for you to be a little creep that runs off at the mouth because you can't refute what some else says that doesn't fit in with your poorly perceived reality of what is....so don't expect any pity from me, ass-wipe.

i gave you straight up facts & you would rather breathe in that methane filled bubble real deep. i almost linked snopes that debunks your debunking too, but you are a waste to even bother. you are too far gone.

i suspect that you think that whole sick 'pizza gate' was real.

riiiiiiiight.... sweety?
did you know the moon landing never happened. it's true! honest to god!

So, thanks for admitting that you are a troll and not worthy of any further effort....duly noted.


i am not a troll. but fully admit you are a loon & will be treated with as much seriousness as you deserve.

No, you are a troll that is totally intimidated by the very questions that any reasonable person would ask. Why would the state of Connecticut refuse to honor very basic FOIA requests about the events of that day? Why would they attempt to intimidate someone like Wolfgang Halbig whose expertise about school safety after the Columbine shooting was deemed so good that he was put on national TV but when he inquired about the Sandy Hook/Hoax shooting he was told to stop asking questions and even had Florida state troopers go to his home on behalf of the state of Connecticut to try and intimidate him? Does this look "normal" to you?????


dale........ sweety............ you believe the sandy hook massacre was a hoax but will readily & vehemently deny that fat donny 2 scoops had anything to do with the russians interfering in the presidential election. that is some twisting mother fucking logic.

you do believe that is it is a witch hunt & a hoax.....don't you, dale?

Sweetie-pie sugar cakes, Seth Rich was the source of the leak that revealed that the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie cowards stole the nomination from Sanders and were plotting to steal the national election as well. Julian Assange offered a 2OK reward to find the killers/killers and why is that? Because Seth Rich was the source. What I continue to find utterly hilarious is that leftards are more pissed about the leaks of the e-mails than they are the contents. I wish that someone would leak the RNC because they are just as big of a criminal organization as the DNC.....just different sides of the same coin. What I do see is neocons, the media, the commie left and operatives within the shadow government trying to take Trump down. As jaded as I am about the political process of this banana republic that is ran (and owned) by an international banking cartel? I can't help but root for Trump even though I do not participate in the election process since I opted out of the U.C.C and reclaimed my natural state status and not that of a de-facto-employee of USA.INC thus subjected to their acts, statutes, codes and ordinances....but that's another topic altogether and one that would probably make your head explode.

Like I have stated MANY times here, people have no fucking clue on what has been done to them and what is coming at them unless they wake the fuck up.

I live in Largo, Florida, ass-wipe....any time you wish to take umbrage with what I post? Haul your ass down here and DO something about it instead of sitting behind your little keyboard talking shit. I wouldn't say a thing about this event if I wasn't 100 percent sure that it was all a staged act.
I do not give a fuck about where you live, you insane creep.

Nah, it's just easier for you to be a little creep that runs off at the mouth because you can't refute what some else says that doesn't fit in with your poorly perceived reality of what is....so don't expect any pity from me, ass-wipe.

i gave you straight up facts & you would rather breathe in that methane filled bubble real deep. i almost linked snopes that debunks your debunking too, but you are a waste to even bother. you are too far gone.

i suspect that you think that whole sick 'pizza gate' was real.

riiiiiiiight.... sweety?

You didn't give me "diddly squat". I have researched Sandy Hoax so that I had all my "i"s dotted and my "t"s crossed because I knew that shit bag trolls like you would lamely attempt to debate me....and so far? You are the lamest. Do I believe that there is something to "Pizzagate"? Let's just say that the Wikileaks shows that the elites like the Podestas have an infatuation with pizza, pasta, walnut sauce and cheese. James Alefantis is one creepy motherfucker as well. Do you think that this kind of artwork is appropriate for an alleged "child friendly" venue????
did you know the moon landing never happened. it's true! honest to god!

So, thanks for admitting that you are a troll and not worthy of any further effort....duly noted.


i am not a troll. but fully admit you are a loon & will be treated with as much seriousness as you deserve.

No, you are a troll that is totally intimidated by the very questions that any reasonable person would ask. Why would the state of Connecticut refuse to honor very basic FOIA requests about the events of that day? Why would they attempt to intimidate someone like Wolfgang Halbig whose expertise about school safety after the Columbine shooting was deemed so good that he was put on national TV but when he inquired about the Sandy Hook/Hoax shooting he was told to stop asking questions and even had Florida state troopers go to his home on behalf of the state of Connecticut to try and intimidate him? Does this look "normal" to you?????


dale........ sweety............ you believe the sandy hook massacre was a hoax but will readily & vehemently deny that fat donny 2 scoops had anything to do with the russians interfering in the presidential election. that is some twisting mother fucking logic.

you do believe that is it is a witch hunt & a hoax.....don't you, dale?

Sweetie-pie sugar cakes, Seth Rich was the source of the leak that revealed that the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie cowards stole the nomination from Sanders and were plotting to steal the national election as well. Julian Assange offered a 2OK reward to find the killers/killers and why is that? Because Seth Rich was the source. What I continue to find utterly hilarious is that leftards are more pissed about the leaks of the e-mails than they are the contents. I wish that someone would leak the RNC because they are just as big of a criminal organization as the DNC.....just different sides of the same coin. What I do see is neocons, the media, the commie left and operatives within the shadow government trying to take Trump down. As jaded as I am about the political process of this banana republic that is ran (and owned) by an international banking cartel? I can't help but root for Trump even though I do not participate in the election process since I opted out of the U.C.C and reclaimed my natural state status and not that of a de-facto-employee of USA.INC thus subjected to their acts, statutes, codes and ordinances....but that's another topic altogether and one that would probably make your head explode.

Like I have stated MANY times here, people have no fucking clue on what has been done to them and what is coming at them unless they wake the fuck up.

blah blah fucking blah.

& you have no life. :itsok:
off yourself, you horrible cuntbag.

I live in Largo, Florida, ass-wipe....any time you wish to take umbrage with what I post? Haul your ass down here and DO something about it instead of sitting behind your little keyboard talking shit. I wouldn't say a thing about this event if I wasn't 100 percent sure that it was all a staged act.
I do not give a fuck about where you live, you insane creep.

Nah, it's just easier for you to be a little creep that runs off at the mouth because you can't refute what some else says that doesn't fit in with your poorly perceived reality of what is....so don't expect any pity from me, ass-wipe.

i gave you straight up facts & you would rather breathe in that methane filled bubble real deep. i almost linked snopes that debunks your debunking too, but you are a waste to even bother. you are too far gone.

i suspect that you think that whole sick 'pizza gate' was real.

riiiiiiiight.... sweety?

You didn't give me "diddly squat". I have researched Sandy Hoax so that I had all my "i"s dotted and my "t"s crossed because I knew that shit bag trolls like you would lamely attempt to debate me....and so far? You are the lamest. Do I believe that there is something to "Pizzagate"? Let's just say that the Wikileaks shows that the elites like the Podestas have an infatuation with pizza, pasta, walnut sauce and cheese. James Alefantis is one creepy motherfucker as well. Do you think that this kind of artwork is appropriate for an alleged "child friendly" venue????View attachment 132834

oh.... & you heard about that " shooting spree " that occurred at that DC ball field where
" senator scalise " & " capital police " were " shot " ?

it was all staged & they were just actors....

& it was a hoax.
So, thanks for admitting that you are a troll and not worthy of any further effort....duly noted.


i am not a troll. but fully admit you are a loon & will be treated with as much seriousness as you deserve.

No, you are a troll that is totally intimidated by the very questions that any reasonable person would ask. Why would the state of Connecticut refuse to honor very basic FOIA requests about the events of that day? Why would they attempt to intimidate someone like Wolfgang Halbig whose expertise about school safety after the Columbine shooting was deemed so good that he was put on national TV but when he inquired about the Sandy Hook/Hoax shooting he was told to stop asking questions and even had Florida state troopers go to his home on behalf of the state of Connecticut to try and intimidate him? Does this look "normal" to you?????


dale........ sweety............ you believe the sandy hook massacre was a hoax but will readily & vehemently deny that fat donny 2 scoops had anything to do with the russians interfering in the presidential election. that is some twisting mother fucking logic.

you do believe that is it is a witch hunt & a hoax.....don't you, dale?

Sweetie-pie sugar cakes, Seth Rich was the source of the leak that revealed that the leftard clown posse of sniveling commie cowards stole the nomination from Sanders and were plotting to steal the national election as well. Julian Assange offered a 2OK reward to find the killers/killers and why is that? Because Seth Rich was the source. What I continue to find utterly hilarious is that leftards are more pissed about the leaks of the e-mails than they are the contents. I wish that someone would leak the RNC because they are just as big of a criminal organization as the DNC.....just different sides of the same coin. What I do see is neocons, the media, the commie left and operatives within the shadow government trying to take Trump down. As jaded as I am about the political process of this banana republic that is ran (and owned) by an international banking cartel? I can't help but root for Trump even though I do not participate in the election process since I opted out of the U.C.C and reclaimed my natural state status and not that of a de-facto-employee of USA.INC thus subjected to their acts, statutes, codes and ordinances....but that's another topic altogether and one that would probably make your head explode.

Like I have stated MANY times here, people have no fucking clue on what has been done to them and what is coming at them unless they wake the fuck up.

blah blah fucking blah.

& you have no life. :itsok:

Great reply...not. You prove once again that you have no debating skills nor do you have an answer to the very salient questions that I proposed....why is that? Your lame response was the ultimate surrender.

As far as the shooting goes today? I don't know if it was real or staged but I am open-minded to the possibility that it could be and I haven't (nor would I) use it to claim that all leftards are like this guy that obviously suffered from "little man's syndrome" with a violent past...at least that is what is being reported. Like all high profile shootings, I will do my due diligence on this one as well. You have to admit that the animosity has been artificially ratcheted up and certain incidences that would have been crushed when the Barrypuppet was president has been given a free pass now that the jug-eared sack of shit is on the sidelines now....even you have to admit that much.l

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