Women legislators introduce bills on men's reproductive health


Gold Member
Jan 15, 2010
What's fair is fair. And what's right is right. Right?

Ohio state Sen. Nina Turner (D) isn’t happy with bills that seek to control women’s access to contraception and abortion. She has joined a trend across the nation by introducing a bill that would require men seeking a prescription for erectile dysfunction drugs to see a sex therapist, receive a cardiac stress test and “get a notarized affidavit signed by a sexual partner affirming impotency.” Sex therapists would be required to present the option of “celibacy as a viable lifestyle choice.”

"The men in our lives, including members of the General Assembly, generously devote time to fundamental female reproductive issues—the least we can do is return the favor," Senator Turner said. "It is crucial that we take the appropriate steps to shelter vulnerable men from the potential side effects of these drugs.

"When a man makes a crucial decision about his health and his body, he should be fully aware of the alternative options and the lifetime repercussions of that decision," Senator Turner said today. Men will be more easily guided through the process of obtaining treatment for impotence so they can better understand and more effectively address their condition.

Women legislators turn the tables and introduce bills regulating men’s reproductive health « Women's Studies Liblog

Women legislators introduce bills regulating men's reproductive health - Topix

Last month in Oklahoma, State Senator Constance Johnson, a Democrat, introduced an amendment to the so-called “personhood” bill that would declare it an act against unborn children to “waste sperm.”

In Illinois, Rep. Kelly Cassidy introduced an amendment to a mandatory ultrasound bill that would require men to watch a graphic video about the side effects of Viagra before being able to get a prescription for it. “If they’re serious about us not being able to make our own health care decisions, then I’m just as serious about them not being able to make theirs,” she said.

In Wilmington, Delaware, the state’s largest city, the city council passed a resolution earlier this month, calling on the state legislature and U.S. Congress to pass laws granting “personhood” rights to eggs and sperm. The resolution was written by Loretta Walsh, a councilwoman, as a response to the current battles over health care access for women.

A bill in Virginia sought to require rectal exams and cardiac stress tests for men seeking Viagra, while another in Georgia would limit vasectomies for men.

How About Requiring Rectal Exams for Viagra Perscriptions? - Law Blog - WSJ

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