Women seeking abortion in Nebraska face another roadblock.


Bane of the Urbane
Mar 8, 2008
The bill requires a doctor or other health professional to screen women to determine whether they are being pressured into having abortions. Doctors also must assess whether women have risk factors that could lead to mental or physical problems after an abortion.

The bill is unusual, however, in spelling out what doctors must look for. They include any risk factors cited in peer-reviewed journals indexed by two major medical and scientific listing services during the year before a planned abortion. The risks could be “physical, psychological, emotional, demographic, or situational,’’ according to the bill.

“It’s very difficult to know for certain if you’re complying with this bill,’’ said Kyle Carlson, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland. “There’s an undetermined amount of documentation you have to go through to know all the . . . risk factors.’’

Neb. to require mental health, other screenings before abortions - The Boston Globe

Sounds like this law opens up all sorts of opportunity for abuse of patient rights. Not to mention opportunities for lawsuits.
Sounds like the law won't stand constitutional muster, but I see nothing wrong with attempting to make sure that the mother is healthy enough to have an abortion both physically and mentally.

However, I agree, it sounds as if there is wide latitude for abuse of patient right.

On the other hand, since she need only go to an abortionist who is more concerned with the fees for the abortion and since the abortionist will be doing the evaluating... I don't see that much is going to change. The abortionist will simply charge extra fees to do the evaluating and still perform the abortion.

Most Doctor offices have both, the Gyno that performs abortions and the gyno/obstetrician that follows the woman's pregnancy throughout her term.

The Doctor's Office makes MORE MONEY from the woman keeping her baby and going through the 9 months of pregnancy with routine doctor appointments than on the one time abortion.... I am not certain money comes in to play the way you think, Immanuel....
Sounds like the law won't stand constitutional muster, but I see nothing wrong with attempting to make sure that the mother is healthy enough to have an abortion both physically and mentally.

However, I agree, it sounds as if there is wide latitude for abuse of patient right.

On the other hand, since she need only go to an abortionist who is more concerned with the fees for the abortion and since the abortionist will be doing the evaluating... I don't see that much is going to change. The abortionist will simply charge extra fees to do the evaluating and still perform the abortion.

And those fees will go to pay extra insurance in case soime one decides to sue the doctor claiming the doctor failed to identify some psychological reason why the patient should not have an abortion.
Most Doctor offices have both, the Gyno that performs abortions and the gyno/obstetrician that follows the woman's pregnancy throughout her term.

The Doctor's Office makes MORE MONEY from the woman keeping her baby and going through the 9 months of pregnancy with routine doctor appointments than on the one time abortion.... I am not certain money comes in to play the way you think, Immanuel....

That is funny since I do not believe that Planned Parenthood (the countries largest abortion provider) does all that much birthing. PP does not make more money bringing a child to term as mothers who go to full term, tend to find doctors at hospitals for those services.

Also, notice who it was that the article went to for an opposition viewpoint... not a doctor but Planned Parenthood.

Sounds like the law won't stand constitutional muster, but I see nothing wrong with attempting to make sure that the mother is healthy enough to have an abortion both physically and mentally.

However, I agree, it sounds as if there is wide latitude for abuse of patient right.

On the other hand, since she need only go to an abortionist who is more concerned with the fees for the abortion and since the abortionist will be doing the evaluating... I don't see that much is going to change. The abortionist will simply charge extra fees to do the evaluating and still perform the abortion.

And those fees will go to pay extra insurance in case soime one decides to sue the doctor claiming the doctor failed to identify some psychological reason why the patient should not have an abortion.

Some of those fees will, but I am sure not all of those fees will. It is called "markup"

Most Doctor offices have both, the Gyno that performs abortions and the gyno/obstetrician that follows the woman's pregnancy throughout her term.

The Doctor's Office makes MORE MONEY from the woman keeping her baby and going through the 9 months of pregnancy with routine doctor appointments than on the one time abortion.... I am not certain money comes in to play the way you think, Immanuel....

That is funny since I do not believe that Planned Parenthood (the countries largest abortion provider) does all that much birthing. PP does not make more money bringing a child to term as mothers who go to full term, tend to find doctors at hospitals for those services.

Also, notice who it was that the article went to for an opposition viewpoint... not a doctor but Planned Parenthood.


I guess you'd be wrong....they do provide prenatal care...

1. Call a Health Care Provider

First things first — if a woman is pregnant, she needs to see a health care provider as soon as possible. Contact your local Planned Parenthood health center to schedule an appointment. Don't procrastinate on this one! Prenatal care is necessary to monitor the health of the fetus and the mother.

2. Ditch the Smokes

The other thing a pregnant woman needs to do pronto is stop some of those bad habits ... like smoking. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen the fetus receives, contributes to low birth weight, and could even cause a miscarriage. So if you're a smoker, here's another big reason to quit.

Cigarettes and coffee often go together ... but not when a woman is pregnant. Most health care providers advise pregnant women to limit their caffeine intake. (Don't forget that chocolate contains caffeine, too.)

3. Pass on the Partying

Drinking alcohol during pregnancy is a serious don't. Alcohol consumption can lead to Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) or Fetal Alcohol Effects (FAE). FAS and FAE cause birth defects and affect a child's ability to learn, think, and move. And even a little alcohol ... any kind of alcohol ... can harm a fetus.

Drugs and pregnancy also don't mix. Drug use during pregnancy has been linked to low birth weight and symptoms of drug withdrawal in infants, including excessive crying and shaking. Check in with your health care provider before you take any drugs, including prescription and over-the-counter medications.

4. Weighing In

A woman can help prevent low birth weight by following her health care provider’s recommendations and by eating right. And say good-bye to dieting — pregnant women require 300-800 additional calories a day! It's really important for a pregnant woman to get the vitamins and minerals she needs, especially folic acid, calcium, and iron. Exercise is also an important part of staying healthy, but it's important for a pregnant woman to check with her clinician about what's safe for her to do.

Having a healthy pregnancy starts from day one. Eat right, steer clear of drugs and alcohol, and make sure to get adequate prenatal care. For more complete information, check out Prenatal Care.
Prenatal Care for Pregnant Teens - Planned Parenthood
Prenatal Care for Pregnant Teens - Planned Parenthood
Oh do they now?

Good for them. They still make more money destroying life than bringing it into the world.

The bill requires a doctor or other health professional to screen women to determine whether they are being pressured into having abortions. Doctors also must assess whether women have risk factors that could lead to mental or physical problems after an abortion.

The bill is unusual, however, in spelling out what doctors must look for. They include any risk factors cited in peer-reviewed journals indexed by two major medical and scientific listing services during the year before a planned abortion. The risks could be “physical, psychological, emotional, demographic, or situational,’’ according to the bill.

“It’s very difficult to know for certain if you’re complying with this bill,’’ said Kyle Carlson, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland. “There’s an undetermined amount of documentation you have to go through to know all the . . . risk factors.’’

Neb. to require mental health, other screenings before abortions - The Boston Globe

Sounds like this law opens up all sorts of opportunity for abuse of patient rights. Not to mention opportunities for lawsuits.

somebody needs to teach her about condoms.. condoms prevent abortion.
Oh do they now?

Good for them. They still make more money destroying life than bringing it into the world.

Yeah, doctors perform abortions because they want to get rich. :cuckoo:

Doctors who want to get rich perform plastic surgery on Hollywood starlets.

And they don't put themselves at risk for being murdered by zealots.
Oh do they now?

Good for them. They still make more money destroying life than bringing it into the world.

Yeah, doctors perform abortions because they want to get rich. :cuckoo:

Doctors who want to get rich perform plastic surgery on Hollywood starlets.

And they don't put themselves at risk for being murdered by zealots.

there is still a lucrative market involved... yes? These docs are not exactly non-profit, right?
The bill requires a doctor or other health professional to screen women to determine whether they are being pressured into having abortions. Doctors also must assess whether women have risk factors that could lead to mental or physical problems after an abortion.

The bill is unusual, however, in spelling out what doctors must look for. They include any risk factors cited in peer-reviewed journals indexed by two major medical and scientific listing services during the year before a planned abortion. The risks could be “physical, psychological, emotional, demographic, or situational,’’ according to the bill.

“It’s very difficult to know for certain if you’re complying with this bill,’’ said Kyle Carlson, a lawyer for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland. “There’s an undetermined amount of documentation you have to go through to know all the . . . risk factors.’’

Neb. to require mental health, other screenings before abortions - The Boston Globe

Sounds like this law opens up all sorts of opportunity for abuse of patient rights. Not to mention opportunities for lawsuits.

somebody needs to teach her about condoms.. condoms prevent abortion.
Tell who?

Birth Control Methods: Comparison Chart

Method of Birth Control How Many Couples Using This Method Will Get Pregnant in a Year? How Well Does This Method Work in Preventing Pregnancy? Can This Method Also Protect Against STDs? Consistent Abstinence None Completely effective Yes Birth Control Patch ("The Patch") 8 out of 100 Effective No Birth Control Pill ("The Pill") 8 out of 100 Effective No Birth Control Ring ("The Ring") 8 out of 100 Effective No Female Condom 21 out of 100 Less effective Yes Male Condom 15 out of 100 Moderately effective Yes Birth Control Shot 3 out of 100 Effective No Diaphragm 16 out of 100 Moderately effective No Emergency Contraception 1 to 2 out of 100 Very effective No IUD Fewer than 1 out of 100 Very effective No Fertility Awareness 25 out of 100 Less effective No Spermicide 29 out of 100 Less effective No Withdrawal ("Pulling Out") 27 out of 100 Less effective No Not Using Any Birth Control 85 out of 100 Not effective No http://kidshealth.org/teen/sexual_health/contraception/bc_chart.html#
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Oh do they now?

Good for them. They still make more money destroying life than bringing it into the world.

Yeah, doctors perform abortions because they want to get rich. :cuckoo:

Doctors who want to get rich perform plastic surgery on Hollywood starlets.

And they don't put themselves at risk for being murdered by zealots.

there is still a lucrative market involved... yes? These docs are not exactly non-profit, right?

Depends on what you think is a lucrative market.

I don't know of any doctor who could be labled "non profit".

But what does any of this have to do with requiring women seeking abortions to go through mental testing first? Should Nebraska require the same of women trying to get pregnant? Or men seeking prescriptions for Viagra?
Yeah, doctors perform abortions because they want to get rich. :cuckoo:

Doctors who want to get rich perform plastic surgery on Hollywood starlets.

And they don't put themselves at risk for being murdered by zealots.

there is still a lucrative market involved... yes? These docs are not exactly non-profit, right?

Depends on what you think is a lucrative market.

I don't know of any doctor who could be labled "non profit".

But what does any of this have to do with requiring women seeking abortions to go through mental testing first? Should Nebraska require the same of women trying to get pregnant? Or men seeking prescriptions for Viagra?

compare what George Tiller made in a year versus the average middle class income of $46,326 and you tell me if the word lucrative comes to mind.

hardons don't kill babies. fyi.

American middle class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
there is still a lucrative market involved... yes? These docs are not exactly non-profit, right?

Depends on what you think is a lucrative market.

I don't know of any doctor who could be labled "non profit".

But what does any of this have to do with requiring women seeking abortions to go through mental testing first? Should Nebraska require the same of women trying to get pregnant? Or men seeking prescriptions for Viagra?

compare what George Tiller made in a year versus the average middle class income of $46,326 and you tell me if the word lucrative comes to mind.

hardons don't kill babies. fyi.

American middle class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So your beef with doctors is that they make more money than you do?

Depends on what you think is a lucrative market.

I don't know of any doctor who could be labled "non profit".

But what does any of this have to do with requiring women seeking abortions to go through mental testing first? Should Nebraska require the same of women trying to get pregnant? Or men seeking prescriptions for Viagra?

compare what George Tiller made in a year versus the average middle class income of $46,326 and you tell me if the word lucrative comes to mind.

hardons don't kill babies. fyi.

American middle class - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So your beef with doctors is that they make more money than you do?


not at all. It's that the particular kind of doctor you seem to favor in this case makes a living by killing babies. A lucrative living because you allow the market of killing babies to perpetuate. Do I need to be any clearer or are you going to drop another profound comparison on me like you did with the, uh, viagra question?

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