Wonder what happened to the Afghan CIA station chief that the Obuma bunglers outed?


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Just think, it was only a month ago, and already this OUTRAGE is off the radar, while the subversives still bring up the phony Plame deal... Soon the 5 for 1 terrorist swap will be back page with this story...The feckless MSM doing what they do best, protecting the pond scum!
Outrage? Since the list was sent to the White House and the public still doesn't know what the man's name is, no one gives a flying fuck but partisan hacks like you. See how that works...
Outrage? Since the list was sent to the White House and the public still doesn't know what the man's name is, no one gives a flying fuck but partisan hacks like you. See how that works...

You can't even get your subversive spin correct.... :asshole:

The White House press office inadvertently included the CIA senior officer's name on a list of 15 senior U.S. officials participating in a military briefing for Obama at Bagram Airfield. The list had been compiled by U.S. military officials for the White House press office to make available to the press corps. The CIA officer was identified in the initial list as "Chief of Station." That initial list was included in a "pool report" -- a summary of the event intended for distribution to other news organizations -- filed by Washington Post White House bureau chief Scott Wilson. Press officials circulated Wilson's pool report to more than 6,000 recipients.

CIA Chief of Station Kabul's name leaked by the White House - UPI.com
Outrage? Since the list was sent to the White House and the public still doesn't know what the man's name is, no one gives a flying fuck but partisan hacks like you. See how that works...

You can't even get your subversive spin correct.... :asshole:

The White House press office inadvertently included the CIA senior officer's name on a list of 15 senior U.S. officials participating in a military briefing for Obama at Bagram Airfield. The list had been compiled by U.S. military officials for the White House press office to make available to the press corps. The CIA officer was identified in the initial list as "Chief of Station." That initial list was included in a "pool report" -- a summary of the event intended for distribution to other news organizations -- filed by Washington Post White House bureau chief Scott Wilson. Press officials circulated Wilson's pool report to more than 6,000 recipients.

CIA Chief of Station Kabul's name leaked by the White House - UPI.com

soooo post his name ..
Being caught in a web of scandals has its benefits. If the latest cover-up or unforced error generates enough outrage, it will ultimately eclipse previous fumbles. Take as a case in point the story of the White House’s inadvertently leaking the name of the CIA station chief in Kabul, Afghanistan. The story was biggish news when it emerged on May 24.

It wasn’t as big as it would have been had a Republican been in the White House. When Valerie Plame was outed as a CIA operative in 2003, the mainstream media couldn’t let go of it, dogging the Bush administration and State Department in print until eventually a sacrificial lamb was found in the person of Scooter Libby.

The “Plame affair” (as it now officially designated by Wikipedia) and the outing of the CIA station chief are only superficially similar — Valerie Plame was a desk jockey in a D.C. suburb, while the more recent slip placed the outee in mortal danger. Luckily for the feckless Obama administration, the VA scandal, Bowe Bergdahl kerfuffle, and loss of Lois Lerner’s emails have all conspired to push the story to a back burner.

Unluckily for Obama, some in the media have long memories. Here is where the story stands, according to a June 10 article in the Independent Sentinel:
The chief has been moved to a safe location but he was forced out of his job. It is not known if he has any job. He is the only one who paid a price for his name being leaked.
White House Counsel Neil Eggleston is reportedly conducting a review. As is Obama’s custom, he is investigating himself. It is a mystery why an extended investigation is needed. It seems simple enough.
The article goes on to note:
The intentional disclosure of the name of a “covered” operative is a crime under the U.S. Intelligence Identities Protection Act but the White House will get away with it and without much fanfare.
You can't even get your subversive spin correct.... :asshole:

The White House press office inadvertently included the CIA senior officer's name on a list of 15 senior U.S. officials participating in a military briefing for Obama at Bagram Airfield. The list had been compiled by U.S. military officials for the White House press office to make available to the press corps. The CIA officer was identified in the initial list as "Chief of Station." That initial list was included in a "pool report" -- a summary of the event intended for distribution to other news organizations -- filed by Washington Post White House bureau chief Scott Wilson. Press officials circulated Wilson's pool report to more than 6,000 recipients.

CIA Chief of Station Kabul's name leaked by the White House - UPI.com

soooo post his name ..



M of A - Kabul Chief Of Station, Gregory Vogel, Was Outed Long Ago

Thank you for straightening out the REAL NAME as the WH posted...from your story...

In the comments people point to Cryptocomb.org which claims to have a copy the original media pool report. In that version one "Mike Raiole" is named as Chief of Station Kabul, not Gregory Vogel.

So YOU have now identified the guy that for the last 4 years everyone in Kabul thought was G. Vogel..... Good find!!!!
Outrage? Since the list was sent to the White House and the public still doesn't know what the man's name is, no one gives a flying fuck but partisan hacks like you. See how that works...

The best you could say is that the public in the US doesn't know. However there were many many people from all over the world who received this information. You cannot guarantee that the man's identity remained unknown to anyone who would use this information.
Outrage? Since the list was sent to the White House and the public still doesn't know what the man's name is, no one gives a flying fuck but partisan hacks like you. See how that works...

The best you could say is that the public in the US doesn't know. However there were many many people from all over the world who received this information. You cannot guarantee that the man's identity remained unknown to anyone who would use this information.

Who the hell cares? It's a done deal. it was when his name went on the list. There's no Federal Case and he's on the first flight home. That's the game he played, and he knew it. He's blown, see ya...
Outrage? Since the list was sent to the White House and the public still doesn't know what the man's name is, no one gives a flying fuck but partisan hacks like you. See how that works...

The best you could say is that the public in the US doesn't know. However there were many many people from all over the world who received this information. You cannot guarantee that the man's identity remained unknown to anyone who would use this information.

Who the hell cares? It's a done deal. it was when his name went on the list. There's no Federal Case and he's on the first flight home. That's the game he played, and he knew it. He's blown, see ya...

Val Plame was going to parties in D.C. talking about it, and giving interviews.
Outrage? Since the list was sent to the White House and the public still doesn't know what the man's name is, no one gives a flying fuck but partisan hacks like you. See how that works...

The best you could say is that the public in the US doesn't know. However there were many many people from all over the world who received this information. You cannot guarantee that the man's identity remained unknown to anyone who would use this information.

It does now! :D
"The list had been compiled by U.S. military officials for the White House press office..."

So it wasn't Obama who wrote the list? But you're going to blame Obama anyway, right?
Would you like us to fire the Military, since they created the list? Done...

Of course not, you fire the ones that released it, Obuma, and his staff! Or since it was a FELONY, lock them up!
They released what was released to them! That's their job in this case. You're blaming the mailman for the letter bomb, and all he did was deliver it, which is his JOB!

You kill someone accidentally, you're charged with a crime. Circumstances dictate the severity of that crime.:D
"The list had been compiled by U.S. military officials for the White House press office..."

So it wasn't Obama who wrote the list? But you're going to blame Obama anyway, right?

Of course not, you fire the ones that released it, Obuma, and his staff! Or since it was a FELONY, lock them up!
They released what was released to them! That's their job in this case. You're blaming the mailman for the letter bomb, and all he did was deliver it, which is his JOB!

You kill someone accidentally, you're charged with a crime. Circumstances dictate the severity of that crime.:D

The killer in this case was the Military, since they wrote the damn list and sent it to the White House, for release.

And in most accidental killings no one is charged with anything. There's nothing to change, it's an accident, as in this case.

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