Wonders of Islam: oceans of lights, from the heavens

I don't do any of that. But some do. What does it change to me, or to Islam ? How fair is that ?
And neither do the "moderates" go to war with your "extremists." Muslims are cowards. They're afraid to go against those they claim don't represent them. The truth is, you do. You're just not bold enough to do the dirty work yourself.

The West rid itself of the Nazis. We didn't tolerate them or enable them.

I like most every Muslim I ever met as an individual, but their culture is a cancer on the world.

We don't go to war with extremists. We jail them, and make them serve their sentences. Europe is having a debate as to whether the children of Jihadis born of European mothers or fathers should be returned home, and if so how would they go about serving jail times. Because, ISIS and its people are in Muslim jails, in Iraq, or even in Assad's Syria. You are extremely unaware of what goes on in the world, so it seems.
We don't go to war with extremists. We jail them, and make them serve their sentences.
Except for when you make them your entire government and religious leadership structure and cheer them as they, for instance, outlaw apostasy.
You mean to insinuate that Muhammad (peace be upon him) committed rapes and murders. That is not the case. He waged many wars, because, like all prophets, he was severely fought without fighting back, for years. In the end God ordered him to fight back, it was enough turning the other cheek (13 years of harsh 7th century persecution without fighting back). Only then came the 9 years of fighting back. 13+9=22, accounting for the 22 years of revelation.

As to rape, this is not so. Before Muhammad spoke, girls were buried alive, just for being girls. If someone had a girl, he would bury her alive. But a boy was ok. This is how it was, as well as many other things. You don't tell these people to marry one wife only and to never ever divorce. This would be like speaking Chinese. Changes come step by step. So Muhammad (peace be upon him) ordered to not bury girls alive, to have great respect for girls and women, that a boy and a girl are the same, that greatness is in honouring one's wife, that divorce is allowed but most hated by God, that they could have up to 4 wives (though he still emphasizes to honour one's wife as ultimately as one can think of), that sexual intercourse with one's female servant is not adultery (people had servants and slaves at the time, male and female). Muslim women veil their hair. This means the hair of the woman is almost sacred, not to be shared with any eyes out there, just the husband and the family. This is what I think.

You mean to insinuate that Muhammad (peace be upon him) committed rapes and murders.


:suggest or hint (something bad or reprehensible) in an indirect and unpleasant way.

No. I'll come right out and state that he did.

As to rape, this is not so. Before Muhammad spoke, girls were buried alive, just for being girls.

And that's why the human race died out.....no girls. DURR

If someone had a girl, he would bury her alive.

And after Muhammad spoke, you could rape before you murdered.

Just so I know, do you hate me ? I mean, since I am 500 % Muslim. If so, I don't hate you. Islam forbids me to hate you or any human being. As a matter of fact, Islam forbids me to hate any living thing.

Kinda hard to cut infidel's throats, burn them in fires, and blow them up if you don't hate them.

I'm just sayin'.

I don't do any of that. But some do. What does it change to me, or to Islam ? How fair is that ?

You may not be as they are. But being a Muslim yourself, it's your responsibility to get your own people under control. Truthfully, you have an extremely violent and hateful segment of your population who are making you look bad to the rest of the world. You may consider yourself a "peaceful" person but those among you who are taking a more literal interpretation of the Quran don't seem to be open for a sane discussion. I have no idea how you could go about dealing with your problem but until your religion evolves to that point, we and other nations will continue dealing with them militarily and decisively.

It's been said that most religions take a period of 1700-2000 years before they mature. Christianity has had its less than stellar moments, as with the Crusades and the Salem Witch Trials, but we have reached our culmination as as a faith which is very beneficial to mankind. Seeing as how Islam wasn't formed until 622 AD, I would hope that by the year 2322, you get your little problem under control. Otherwise, the world is going to lose patience with you.
He is not following the "perfect man." Anyone can see ISIS does. He is a cultural, feel good Muslim. Unfortunately he is trying to make Islam appear to be what it is not. Silk purse from a sow's ear comes to mind.
therefore that Islam does not need any kind of reform.
The opening post shows exactly the reform islam needs. You could start with convincing people: hey, ignore that part about cutting off little girls' clits. Oh and, hey, you might want to ignore that part about killing infidels and apostates.

There,you have two jobs already.

What are you talking about ? Islam is not like Christianity. You don't just hear about things Muhammad (peace be upon him ) says and you do it. No. "The scholars are the inheritors of the prophets", this is what Muhammad said, this is Islam's culture. Islam goes about its eminent worldly renowned scholars (like Imam Ghazali, like Rumi, like Ibn Arabi, like Abd Al Qadir Jilani, like Saadi, like Sultan Bahu, etc...) Them they interpret Muhammad's sayings, and then tell us do this, do that; and then we do. But like I said there are outlaws and rebels. Just pick any Muslim country, and you will find that the very word "Jihad" uttered is likely to get you very soon behind bars.
You don't just hear about things Muhammad (peace be upon him ) says and you do it.
Well, that's false.... many Muslims do precisely that....

I'm going to stop you again. You can STOP trying to teach ME what "islam is about". You need to go make yourself useful and teach other Muslims what Islam is about. They are the ones with the problem. Go correct them, not the guy relating simple facts of their behavior to you.
You don't just hear about things Muhammad (peace be upon him ) says and you do it.
Well, that's false.... many Muslims do precisely that....

I'm going to stop you again. You can STOP trying to teach ME what "islam is about". You need to go make yourself useful and teach other Muslims what Islam is about. They are the ones with the problem. Go correct them, not the guy relating simple facts of their behavior to you.

Yes, many Muslims do that. I absolutely do not deny that. It's like saying many human being kill people. Therefore the human race is a murderer. That's not fair in any way whatsoever, and it's completely false.
You mean to insinuate that Muhammad (peace be upon him) committed rapes and murders.


:suggest or hint (something bad or reprehensible) in an indirect and unpleasant way.

No. I'll come right out and state that he did.

As to rape, this is not so. Before Muhammad spoke, girls were buried alive, just for being girls.

And that's why the human race died out.....no girls. DURR

If someone had a girl, he would bury her alive.

And after Muhammad spoke, you could rape before you murdered.

Just so I know, do you hate me ? I mean, since I am 500 % Muslim. If so, I don't hate you. Islam forbids me to hate you or any human being. As a matter of fact, Islam forbids me to hate any living thing.

Kinda hard to cut infidel's throats, burn them in fires, and blow them up if you don't hate them.

I'm just sayin'.

I don't do any of that. But some do. What does it change to me, or to Islam ? How fair is that ?

You may not be as they are. But being a Muslim yourself, it's your responsibility to get your own people under control. Truthfully, you have an extremely violent and hateful segment of your population who are making you look bad to the rest of the world. You may consider yourself a "peaceful" person but those among you who are taking a more literal interpretation of the Quran don't seem to be open for a sane discussion. I have no idea how you could go about dealing with your problem but until your religion evolves to that point, we and other nations will continue dealing with them militarily and decisively.

It's been said that most religions take a period of 1700-2000 years before they mature. Christianity has had its less than stellar moments, as with the Crusades and the Salem Witch Trials, but we have reached our culmination as as a faith which is very beneficial to mankind. Seeing as how Islam wasn't formed until 622 AD, I would hope that by the year 2322, you get your little problem under control. Otherwise, the world is going to lose patience with you.
He is not following the "perfect man." Anyone can see ISIS does. He is a cultural, feel good Muslim. Unfortunately he is trying to make Islam appear to be what it is not. Silk purse from a sow's ear comes to mind.

Again, I am 500 % Muslim. I don't think any regular "feel-good" Muslim would talk to Non-Muslims about these topics in detail.
It's like saying many human being kill people
But not equivalent, as this isn't a random sampling of killers. This is an awful lot of people doing nasty things for islam. And stop telling me "that is not Islamic". I dont give shit whether it is or not, I'm an atheist.

Go tell THEM it's not Islamic, because they say it is. For the umpteenth time.
Just so I know, do you hate me ? I mean, since I am 500 % Muslim. If so, I don't hate you. Islam forbids me to hate you or any human being. As a matter of fact, Islam forbids me to hate any living thing.

Kinda hard to cut infidel's throats, burn them in fires, and blow them up if you don't hate them.

I'm just sayin'.

I don't do any of that. But some do. What does it change to me, or to Islam ? How fair is that ?

You may not be as they are. But being a Muslim yourself, it's your responsibility to get your own people under control. Truthfully, you have an extremely violent and hateful segment of your population who are making you look bad to the rest of the world. You may consider yourself a "peaceful" person but those among you who are taking a more literal interpretation of the Quran don't seem to be open for a sane discussion. I have no idea how you could go about dealing with your problem but until your religion evolves to that point, we and other nations will continue dealing with them militarily and decisively.

It's been said that most religions take a period of 1700-2000 years before they mature. Christianity has had its less than stellar moments, as with the Crusades and the Salem Witch Trials, but we have reached our culmination as as a faith which is very beneficial to mankind. Seeing as how Islam wasn't formed until 622 AD, I would hope that by the year 2322, you get your little problem under control. Otherwise, the world is going to lose patience with you.
He is not following the "perfect man." Anyone can see ISIS does. He is a cultural, feel good Muslim. Unfortunately he is trying to make Islam appear to be what it is not. Silk purse from a sow's ear comes to mind.

Again, I am 500 % Muslim. I don't think any regular "feel-good" Muslim would talk to Non-Muslims about these topics in detail.
You reject the Islam of the Koran. You reject the practices of your prophet. Do you deny the atrocities of your illiterate "prophet"?
Iran is not at war with Israel because of religion.
Oh well then, I guess you better tell them that....for the 100th time.

The Ayatollah says it is because of and for Islam. As it turns out, he's a fairly important guy in Iran.

Why are you complaining to me? Complain to him! And stop trying to lecture the guy who takes him at his word (me).
You mean to insinuate that Muhammad (peace be upon him) committed rapes and murders.


:suggest or hint (something bad or reprehensible) in an indirect and unpleasant way.

No. I'll come right out and state that he did.

As to rape, this is not so. Before Muhammad spoke, girls were buried alive, just for being girls.

And that's why the human race died out.....no girls. DURR

If someone had a girl, he would bury her alive.

And after Muhammad spoke, you could rape before you murdered.

Just so I know, do you hate me ? I mean, since I am 500 % Muslim. If so, I don't hate you. Islam forbids me to hate you or any human being. As a matter of fact, Islam forbids me to hate any living thing.

Kinda hard to cut infidel's throats, burn them in fires, and blow them up if you don't hate them.

I'm just sayin'.

I don't do any of that. But some do. What does it change to me, or to Islam ? How fair is that ?

You may not be as they are. But being a Muslim yourself, it's your responsibility to get your own people under control. Truthfully, you have an extremely violent and hateful segment of your population who are making you look bad to the rest of the world. You may consider yourself a "peaceful" person but those among you who are taking a more literal interpretation of the Quran don't seem to be open for a sane discussion. I have no idea how you could go about dealing with your problem but until your religion evolves to that point, we and other nations will continue dealing with them militarily and decisively.

It's been said that most religions take a period of 1700-2000 years before they mature. Christianity has had its less than stellar moments, as with the Crusades and the Salem Witch Trials, but we have reached our culmination as as a faith which is very beneficial to mankind. Seeing as how Islam wasn't formed until 622 AD, I would hope that by the year 2322, you get your little problem under control. Otherwise, the world is going to lose patience with you.
He is not following the "perfect man." Anyone can see ISIS does. He is a cultural, feel good Muslim. Unfortunately he is trying to make Islam appear to be what it is not. Silk purse from a sow's ear comes to mind.

ISIS takes a gun and does what the "how to use it" book says. It does not do what the first book says, the book "do not ever use weapons. Love people and sow peace in the world."
You don't just hear about things Muhammad (peace be upon him ) says and you do it.
Well, that's false.... many Muslims do precisely that....

I'm going to stop you again. You can STOP trying to teach ME what "islam is about". You need to go make yourself useful and teach other Muslims what Islam is about. They are the ones with the problem. Go correct them, not the guy relating simple facts of their behavior to you.

Islam is about love of God, exclusively; to put it in one sentence. You get it wrong, VERY wrong.
ISIS takes a gun and does what the "how to use it" book says. It does not do what the first book says, the book "do not ever use weapons. Love people and sow peace in the world."

Get back to me when you convince 1.4 billion of your brothers to parrot your philosophy.
Iran is not at war with Israel because of religion.
Oh well then, I guess you better tell them that....for the 100th time.

The Ayatollah says it is because of and for Islam. As it turns out, he's a fairly important guy in Iran.

Why are you complaining to me? Complain to him! And stop trying to lecture the guy who takes him at his word (me).

Have you seen people marching and protesting ? The day of the protest, one man yells, and everyone repeats. What he says, usually is not the root of the matter. Has nothing to do with it. The next day they are back to more normal fighting.
I don't do any of that. But some do. What does it change to me, or to Islam ? How fair is that ?
And neither do the "moderates" go to war with your "extremists." Muslims are cowards. They're afraid to go against those they claim don't represent them. The truth is, you do. You're just not bold enough to do the dirty work yourself.

The West rid itself of the Nazis. We didn't tolerate them or enable them.

I like most every Muslim I ever met as an individual, but their culture is a cancer on the world.

We don't go to war with extremists. We jail them, and make them serve their sentences. Europe is having a debate as to whether the children of Jihadis born of European mothers or fathers should be returned home, and if so how would they go about serving jail times. Because, ISIS and its people are in Muslim jails, in Iraq, or even in Assad's Syria. You are extremely unaware of what goes on in the world, so it seems.

Jailing them only further radicalizes them.
God sent prophets throughout time and ages to tell people to build relationships with Him. The first prophet was Adam. Then there were many, like Seth, Elijah, David, Solomon, Jonah, Salih, Abraham, Moses, Noah, John the Baptist, Jesus, peace on them all. When God wanted to end prophethood (it's been quite a long time since Adam), He sent Muhammad, peace be upon him, the last of all prophets, there shall be no prophet after him, and he is known as The Seal of the Prophets.

God sent him a book: the Qur'an. God says in it:

Glorified (and Exalted) be He (God) Who took His slave (Muhammad) for a journey by night from
AI-Masjid-al-Haram (at Makkah) to AI-Masjid-al-Aqsa (in Jerusalem), the neighbourhood whereof We have blessed, in order that We might show him (Muhammad) of Our Ayat (proofs, evidences, lessons, signs, etc.). Verily, He is the All-Hearer, the All-Seer. (17:1)

All in one night, Muhammad travelled to Jerusalem, then from Jerusalem to the heavens, mounted on a heavenly mount by the name of Buraq, and accompanied with the Archangel Gabriel; then came back to his home in Mecca after this, after having had this journey and visit to God Almighty.

It is a magnificent and sublime religion. Unsurprisingly, it is the religion that counts the more people of all the religions in the whole world (if Catholics are separated from the other denominations of Christians, else, this is not so).

God says: Indeed in the Messenger of God (Muhammad) you have a good
example to follow for him who hopes for (the Meeting with God) and the Last Day, and
remembers God much. (33:21)

Muhammad (peace be upon him) said: "It is enough for a man to prove himself a liar when he goes on narrating whatever he hears."

"People will run away from Dajjal (the Antichrist) seeking shelter in the mountains."

"Leave what makes you doubt for what does not make you doubt. Verily, truth brings peace of mind and falsehood sows doubt."

'''Have no desire for this world, God will love you; and have no desire for what people possess, people will love you."

"There lies within the body a piece of flesh. If it is sound, the whole body is sound; and if it is corrupted, the whole body is corrupted. Verily this piece is the heart."

"Purification is half of faith."

"A slave becomes nearest to his Lord when he is in prostration. So increase supplications while prostrating."

"It does not befit a Siddiq (righteous Muslim) to frequently curse others."

The perversity associated with Islam comes from wicked interpretations of perverted men. Islam is in no way related to that.
What about that lamp with the Genie?

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