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World drought and Global Warming

God commanded us to subdue the earth. There's nothing wrong with exploiting the planet's natural resources, that's why God put them there. The Left demands that nobody can use resources and we must revert to the stone age, which is why their hatred of the coal and oil industries waxes so hot.

Nothing wrong with using resources wisely. There's a lot wrong with being a bad ruler, a poor caretaker or someone who destroys a gift.

God also told Noah this:
Genesis 8:17
"Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you, birds and animals and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may breed abundantly on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth."

If you gave your child a family heirloom, would you expect them to cherish it and take care of it? Use it if it's a tool? Yes. Would you be disappointed if they misused it, neglected it and, worse, destroyed it? I would be.
I'm not sure what your point is. How are we using it unwisely?
Jesus fucking Christ. How are we using it unwisely! We have depleted major fishing areas to the point that we have changed the ecology to where the prior dominant species are having a difficult time re-establishing themselves. The cod fisheries off North America is a prime example. We have poisoned whole rivers, you can see that in China right now, and in the US in the fly ash spills, and the results of mountain top removal mining. There is a vast amount of plastic garbage in our oceans that are having an adverse effect on the marine species. And we are changing the climate at a rate that the plants and animals cannot adjust to.
Those are local pollution issues unconnected to the global warming myth. Terrible? Yes. But also easily fixable.
But I didn't basically said that. I was actually clear in what I said.

Voting is in the voting booth. Fine. I read a copy of the China Daily on the way to Hong Kong last year, and the Chinese govt basically said "we allow you to vote, you have democracy, stop crying that you can only vote for people we choose".

It's like, that's not democracy. Just because you can vote, doesn't mean it's democracy.

You don't think that having a system that allows for more parties, more representation etc is more democracy?

People believing they only have a choice between two candidates isn't as democratic as people believing they have the choice between four or five.

And if you have a problem with other people's opinions and start attacking people for showing their opinions on a forum like this, then I'd have to ask, why the fuck do you come on here? Simply because you've got nothing better to do in life?
Now you are basically lying. See how that works?
Those are local pollution issues unconnected to the global warming myth. Terrible? Yes. But also easily fixable.
Dude, that's clearly narrow-minded. In that case, the pollution in Beijing is a "local pollution" issue, but when we combine it with New Delhi and shit load of other overpopulated, polluting cities it adds up to a global problem.

That said, I'm content to let the hand play out as is. However, I'm not denying science published by NASA: NASA: Climate Change and Global Warming
But I didn't basically said that. I was actually clear in what I said.

Voting is in the voting booth. Fine. I read a copy of the China Daily on the way to Hong Kong last year, and the Chinese govt basically said "we allow you to vote, you have democracy, stop crying that you can only vote for people we choose".

It's like, that's not democracy. Just because you can vote, doesn't mean it's democracy.

You don't think that having a system that allows for more parties, more representation etc is more democracy?

People believing they only have a choice between two candidates isn't as democratic as people believing they have the choice between four or five.

And if you have a problem with other people's opinions and start attacking people for showing their opinions on a forum like this, then I'd have to ask, why the fuck do you come on here? Simply because you've got nothing better to do in life?
Now you are basically lying. See how that works?

Yes, I see you're not really interested in debate.

There's no lie there.

Pretty much bullshit. The Milankovic Cycles provide and elegant explanation of the ice ages. And we were already starting our slow multi-thousand year descent into the next one when we started burning the fossil fuels. Now, we are in for at least several centuries of warming, even if we were to stop burning fossil fuels right now. It has been several million years since the atmosphere had the level of GHGs that it now contains. And at that time there was little ice at the poles.

I know your church is embarrassed by the Ice Age predictions and ferociously working to rewrite history. What you should be more embarrassed over is the outright fraud such as "snow free Himalayas"

Claims Himalayan glaciers could melt by 2035 were false, says UN scientist

Your church makes the most absurd predictions, and your track record is worse than the Jehovah's witnesses. Granted, they are a bit more scientific than your cult is....
Goddammit, how about backing that up with links to credible scientific sources? You know, like articles from peer reviewed journals. You do know what those are?

You promote a religion, their is nothing even remotely scientific to your nonsense. There is less scientific legitimacy to the AGW than there is to Scientology.

Ironically, National Geographic’s sermon on settled science could have hardly come at a more inopportune time. In recent months, leading scientists have reversed themselves and have admitted their expert findings and advice were wrong on eating fat. After decades of telling us not to do so, we now learn that fat can be good for your diet and for weight loss. What we all thought to be true based on the expert testimonies, turned out to be precisely the opposite of the truth. Oops.

This kind of reversal happens all the time in the pursuit of scientific truths. Forty years ago the experts warned of a coming ice age, now they are absolutely certain the earth is warming – and some of the same “experts” were on board both scares. National Geographic even acknowledges this inconvenient fact, but explains that even though the climatologists were all wrong several decades ago, this somehow actually helps make the case for global warming.

Wait, for a scientific fact to be true, it has testable and refutable. But if any weather pattern confirms “climate change,” then by definition it is neither refutable nor is it testable. That’s convenient.}

Settled Science Scam
God commanded us to subdue the earth. There's nothing wrong with exploiting the planet's natural resources, that's why God put them there. The Left demands that nobody can use resources and we must revert to the stone age, which is why their hatred of the coal and oil industries waxes so hot.

Nothing wrong with using resources wisely. There's a lot wrong with being a bad ruler, a poor caretaker or someone who destroys a gift.

God also told Noah this:
Genesis 8:17
"Bring out with you every living thing of all flesh that is with you, birds and animals and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth, that they may breed abundantly on the earth, and be fruitful and multiply on the earth."

If you gave your child a family heirloom, would you expect them to cherish it and take care of it? Use it if it's a tool? Yes. Would you be disappointed if they misused it, neglected it and, worse, destroyed it? I would be.
I'm not sure what your point is. How are we using it unwisely?
Jesus fucking Christ. How are we using it unwisely! We have depleted major fishing areas to the point that we have changed the ecology to where the prior dominant species are having a difficult time re-establishing themselves. The cod fisheries off North America is a prime example. We have poisoned whole rivers, you can see that in China right now, and in the US in the fly ash spills, and the results of mountain top removal mining. There is a vast amount of plastic garbage in our oceans that are having an adverse effect on the marine species. And we are changing the climate at a rate that the plants and animals cannot adjust to.

I agree with the pollution, but say what? On changing the climate that plant and animals can not adjust to?

Got links?

I think that you overestimate Uncensored abilities. We have seen the evidence of rapid warming in the cryosphere, and the permafrost. We have seen record heat on all the inhabited continents increasing the size and intensity of wildfires. And people like this jerk just ignore all of that, preferring to live in a political alternative universe.

Preach it brother!


  1. 1880:
    “The Tundras or wastes along the border of the Arctic Ocean are of the dreariest description, covered with ice and snow in winter, and in summer metamorphosed into mosquito-haunted marshes.”

  2. 1891:
    “Partly in this region are the vast tundra, or great shaking, quivering bogs, which cover an immense area of the north of Siberia. They are estimated by some authorities as covering 1,000,000 square miles, but that is merely an estimate. The north of this tundra can never be anything else but a bog ; regarding the southern tundra the Russians differ. Some are of opinion that they are like the northern, and can never be anything else but desolate bogs; others think they can be drained, reclaimed, and turned into first class pasture land, or even used for crops.”

  3. 1896:
    “On the maps the tundra has a bad name. It is called the ” region of treeless swamp.” It is uninhabited ; and for eight months out of the twelve it is covered with snow.”
    “The tundra was, in fact, a moor, with here and there a large flat bog and abundant lakes.”

  4. 1899:
    “In winter the Tundra is, of course, one vast frozen sheet. In the brief summer it is swampy, steamier and swarming with mosquitoes”

  5. 1901:
    “To the north, the Tundra, stretching inland from the Arctic Sea, swampy and treeless, ranging from 150 to 400 miles in width.”

  6. 1902:
    “The “tundras” are vast areas of swamp and marsh lands hardened by frost and covered with snow in winter, but in the short summer teeming with vegetation and swarming with wild birds,”

  7. 1906:
    “Then comes the hot sun, and the low, wide tundras along the coast are turned into great fresh water lakes”

  8. 1907:
    “There is in the north the half-frozen Tundra.”

  9. 1908:
    “arriving just after the ice melts on the largest swamp in the world called the Tundra, extending over 2,000 miles east and west.”

  10. 1910:
    “Another danger that threatens them is that they may be delayed over-long on the way, so that summer overtakes them, in which case they will run grave risk of being engufed, together with their machines, in the thawing tundra.”
Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse...

Experts Say Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse
March 27, 2017 - As East Africa struggles through a drought, scientists say climate change may be making the situation worse as a warming planet may be altering the weather patterns that bring rain to the region.
In Somalia, the rains failed late last year. And the rains before that were meager. Livestock have died. Crops have failed. Famine threatens Somalia for the second time this decade. While drought is not uncommon in this dry region, it has gotten worse, Chris Funk, a climate scientist at the University of California at Santa Barbara, said. "What we've seen over, say, the last 35 years is that the rainfall during what's called the long rains in East Africa has declined substantially," Funk said. He added the explanation may lie in an atmospheric cycle that links East Africa and the Pacific Ocean.


A Somali woman walks through a camp of people displaced from their homes elsewhere in the country by the drought, shortly after dawn in Qardho, Somalia​

Warm, wet air rises over the western Pacific, causing rain over Southeast Asia. On the other side of the cycle, dry air descends over East Africa. That is why not much rain falls here even in normal years. But when the western Pacific is warmer, it pushes the whole system harder: more rain over Southeast Asia, and more dry air descending on East Africa. More dry air means more drought. And Funk said the ocean is getting warmer. "The warming over the western Pacific appears to be pretty much directly related to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," he said.

Research shows that in the past, a warmer ocean meant a drier East Africa. But Funk says it is not entirely clear whether the current drying trend will continue. "One of the things making it hard to look into the future is the fact that the story told by the global climate models, the climate change models, is pretty much the exact opposite of what we're seeing in East Africa," Funk said. The models predict it should be getting wetter. But experts increasingly think the models may be flawed in this area. Funk and others are working on it. The short term is more clear. The western Pacific is still warmer than average. Which means the forecast is for a third season of disappointing rains.

Experts Say Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse
Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse...

Experts Say Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse
March 27, 2017 - As East Africa struggles through a drought, scientists say climate change may be making the situation worse as a warming planet may be altering the weather patterns that bring rain to the region.
In Somalia, the rains failed late last year. And the rains before that were meager. Livestock have died. Crops have failed. Famine threatens Somalia for the second time this decade. While drought is not uncommon in this dry region, it has gotten worse, Chris Funk, a climate scientist at the University of California at Santa Barbara, said. "What we've seen over, say, the last 35 years is that the rainfall during what's called the long rains in East Africa has declined substantially," Funk said. He added the explanation may lie in an atmospheric cycle that links East Africa and the Pacific Ocean.


A Somali woman walks through a camp of people displaced from their homes elsewhere in the country by the drought, shortly after dawn in Qardho, Somalia​

Warm, wet air rises over the western Pacific, causing rain over Southeast Asia. On the other side of the cycle, dry air descends over East Africa. That is why not much rain falls here even in normal years. But when the western Pacific is warmer, it pushes the whole system harder: more rain over Southeast Asia, and more dry air descending on East Africa. More dry air means more drought. And Funk said the ocean is getting warmer. "The warming over the western Pacific appears to be pretty much directly related to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," he said.

Research shows that in the past, a warmer ocean meant a drier East Africa. But Funk says it is not entirely clear whether the current drying trend will continue. "One of the things making it hard to look into the future is the fact that the story told by the global climate models, the climate change models, is pretty much the exact opposite of what we're seeing in East Africa," Funk said. The models predict it should be getting wetter. But experts increasingly think the models may be flawed in this area. Funk and others are working on it. The short term is more clear. The western Pacific is still warmer than average. Which means the forecast is for a third season of disappointing rains.

Experts Say Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse

They are lying. It was said recently that global warming was going to make Droughts in California a permanent thing.....and last year they had massive rains.

The computer models they use are innaccurate.....and can't predict what they say they predict.
Northern Africa

Tunisia goes thirsty as repeated droughts raise concerns

Ethiopia hit by worst drought in decades

"Ethiopia hit by worst drought in decades"


India drought: '330 million people affected' - BBC News

India drought: '330 million people affected'"

Curfew in Indian tech hub over deadly water protests

Southern Africa

Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe declares drought disaster - BBC News

"Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has declared a state of disaster in rural parts of the country hit by a drought."


There appears to be a lot of drought in the world at present, Southern Africa is suffering, Northern Africa is suffering, India is suffering too. Is this the effect of Global Warming? The effect of El Niño? Both, how much of this is natural and how much of this is man made?

Drought has existed in these places before. However having drought affecting so many people at the same time is going to cause a massive strain on the world soon.

Seems to me that Mother Nature is removing the pestilence destroying her natural habitat. And most of the pests are wiping themselves out by disturbing her balance.
Northern Africa

Tunisia goes thirsty as repeated droughts raise concerns

Ethiopia hit by worst drought in decades

"Ethiopia hit by worst drought in decades"


India drought: '330 million people affected' - BBC News

India drought: '330 million people affected'"

Curfew in Indian tech hub over deadly water protests

Southern Africa

Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe declares drought disaster - BBC News

"Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has declared a state of disaster in rural parts of the country hit by a drought."


There appears to be a lot of drought in the world at present, Southern Africa is suffering, Northern Africa is suffering, India is suffering too. Is this the effect of Global Warming? The effect of El Niño? Both, how much of this is natural and how much of this is man made?

Drought has existed in these places before. However having drought affecting so many people at the same time is going to cause a massive strain on the world soon.

Seems to me that Mother Nature is removing the pestilence destroying her natural habitat. And most of the pests are wiping themselves out by disturbing her balance.

So you're basically say we humans are making the planet uninhabitable for humans? Oh, great.
So you're basically say we humans are making the planet uninhabitable for humans? Oh, great.

Oh, so we must REPENT and turn from our carbon sins so that Gaia will forgive us and not destroy the world? Only through sacrifice to our rulers can the planet be saved?

You have such a unique religion, no one has ever heard this shit before..

Northern Africa

Tunisia goes thirsty as repeated droughts raise concerns

Ethiopia hit by worst drought in decades

"Ethiopia hit by worst drought in decades"


India drought: '330 million people affected' - BBC News

India drought: '330 million people affected'"

Curfew in Indian tech hub over deadly water protests

Southern Africa

Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe declares drought disaster - BBC News

"Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe has declared a state of disaster in rural parts of the country hit by a drought."


There appears to be a lot of drought in the world at present, Southern Africa is suffering, Northern Africa is suffering, India is suffering too. Is this the effect of Global Warming? The effect of El Niño? Both, how much of this is natural and how much of this is man made?

Drought has existed in these places before. However having drought affecting so many people at the same time is going to cause a massive strain on the world soon.

Seems to me that Mother Nature is removing the pestilence destroying her natural habitat. And most of the pests are wiping themselves out by disturbing her balance.

So you're basically say we humans are making the planet uninhabitable for humans? Oh, great.

Nope....humans can't do that....fake computer models may do it...but those aren't real....
Let's build Ethiopia a nuclear power plant in order to desalinate their water, and wait and see how long it is until they have torn the plant apart to try to sell for scrap metal and nuclear weapons.
Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse...

Experts Say Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse
March 27, 2017 - As East Africa struggles through a drought, scientists say climate change may be making the situation worse as a warming planet may be altering the weather patterns that bring rain to the region.
In Somalia, the rains failed late last year. And the rains before that were meager. Livestock have died. Crops have failed. Famine threatens Somalia for the second time this decade. While drought is not uncommon in this dry region, it has gotten worse, Chris Funk, a climate scientist at the University of California at Santa Barbara, said. "What we've seen over, say, the last 35 years is that the rainfall during what's called the long rains in East Africa has declined substantially," Funk said. He added the explanation may lie in an atmospheric cycle that links East Africa and the Pacific Ocean.


A Somali woman walks through a camp of people displaced from their homes elsewhere in the country by the drought, shortly after dawn in Qardho, Somalia​

Warm, wet air rises over the western Pacific, causing rain over Southeast Asia. On the other side of the cycle, dry air descends over East Africa. That is why not much rain falls here even in normal years. But when the western Pacific is warmer, it pushes the whole system harder: more rain over Southeast Asia, and more dry air descending on East Africa. More dry air means more drought. And Funk said the ocean is getting warmer. "The warming over the western Pacific appears to be pretty much directly related to increasing greenhouse gases in the atmosphere," he said.

Research shows that in the past, a warmer ocean meant a drier East Africa. But Funk says it is not entirely clear whether the current drying trend will continue. "One of the things making it hard to look into the future is the fact that the story told by the global climate models, the climate change models, is pretty much the exact opposite of what we're seeing in East Africa," Funk said. The models predict it should be getting wetter. But experts increasingly think the models may be flawed in this area. Funk and others are working on it. The short term is more clear. The western Pacific is still warmer than average. Which means the forecast is for a third season of disappointing rains.

Experts Say Climate Change May Be Making African Drought Worse

Or may be worse because of Madagascar.

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