Worst. President. Ever. Obama ‘Recovery’ Results in One Million Fewer Jobs

Said on this board in 2008 I hoped Obama would not get in. Not because I liked McCain or the GoP. Far from it. Because I knew the right would blame him from Day 1 for the mess Bush caused. I also said with would take 10-12 years to fix the mess. What are we in now? Year 7? It is slowly coming back, but the right-wing neocons are known for fucking things up and then demanding the normals and lefties fix it...Clinton fixed up Rayguns mess, but the mess Dubya left was massive....let's not forget the state of the world economy when Dumbya signed out was so bad that it came in second to the 1929 Depression. I think Obama has been an average president, and he could have done more. But he's not even close to being the worst. Bush owns that (well in my lifetime - LBJ was the first of my lifetime)...
Said on this board in 2008 I hoped Obama would not get in. Not because I liked McCain or the GoP. Far from it. Because I knew the right would blame him from Day 1 for the mess Bush caused. I also said with would take 10-12 years to fix the mess. What are we in now? Year 7? It is slowly coming back, but the right-wing neocons are known for fucking things up and then demanding the normals and lefties fix it...Clinton fixed up Rayguns mess, but the mess Dubya left was massive....let's not forget the state of the world economy when Dumbya signed out was so bad that it came in second to the 1929 Depression. I think Obama has been an average president, and he could have done more. But he's not even close to being the worst. Bush owns that (well in my lifetime - LBJ was the first of my lifetime)...

yeah sure, it's not like Bush had free run as Democrats did for Obama's first two years... Bush gave in to Democrats the whole time he was President

you want to place blame, blame BOTH FRIKKEN PARTIES...but of course you won't..so what's the use of all them words

Six year people and they are still making excuse for Obama and his party by blaming, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
wake up will you?
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yeah sure, it's not like Bush had free run as Democrats did for Obama's first two years... Bush gave in to Democrats the whole time he was President

you want to place blame, blame BOTH FRIKKEN PARTIES...but of course you won't..so what's the use of all them words

Six year people and they are still making excuse for Obama and his party by blaming, Boooooooooooooooooooooooooosh
wake up will you?

I was talking specifics to this thread.

The overall picture? Your political system sucks...big time...
If 145 million are working now and 142 million were working in February of 2009,

how does that translate into blaming Obama for there being a million fewer people working?
I like Obama hate threads. They're my favorite. :thup:

A) YOU are a f...king LIAR! Why would you LIKE something that attacks something that you worship?? That's just a stupid statement!
B) I for one and MOST compassionate, logical rational people DON"T HATE anyone.. much less Obama! Why waste time on "hating"?
C) What most of us compassionate,people want is a President that like a doctor should "first do no harm"! Obama told us before he
was elected he favored higher gas prices, skyrocketing utility rates, bankrupting companies and putting 400,000 people and companies that pay $100 billion a year in Federal,state,local and share in paying YOUR local property taxes out of business! He said he had a preference
for that!

So yes most of us who are far smarter then Obama when it comes to businesses and employment and how the economy works are
concerned that he is harming the country. He is putting the country at grave risk.

If I were to hate one thing it is people who claim I hate Obama! I totally understand where he is coming from. His father hated the USA.
His father wanted 100% taxation. His father hated Obama's grandmother because she was an evil banker!

So yes I understand Obama wanting to destroy capitalism.
The tremendous ignorance that Obama shows is exactly like what most of you supporters think and is best illustrated by these women:

ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

And see Obama thinks he has a stash! He has never worked for a for-profit! He has always had his way paid thanks to the donations of others!

Consequently Obama really dislikes having to beg capitalists for donations. He detests them because he needs them to pay his way ..i.e. just like his mother detested her mother who financed most of her daughters international travels.

So I truly think Obama lives in another reality.
I like Obama hate threads. They're my favorite. :thup:

A) YOU are a f...king LIAR! Why would you LIKE something that attacks something that you worship?? That's just a stupid statement!
B) I for one and MOST compassionate, logical rational people DON"T HATE anyone.. much less Obama! Why waste time on "hating"?
C) What most of us compassionate,people want is a President that like a doctor should "first do no harm"! Obama told us before he
was elected he favored higher gas prices, skyrocketing utility rates, bankrupting companies and putting 400,000 people and companies that pay $100 billion a year in Federal,state,local and share in paying YOUR local property taxes out of business! He said he had a preference
for that!

So yes most of us who are far smarter then Obama when it comes to businesses and employment and how the economy works are
concerned that he is harming the country. He is putting the country at grave risk.

If I were to hate one thing it is people who claim I hate Obama! I totally understand where he is coming from. His father hated the USA.
His father wanted 100% taxation. His father hated Obama's grandmother because she was an evil banker!

So yes I understand Obama wanting to destroy capitalism.
The tremendous ignorance that Obama shows is exactly like what most of you supporters think and is best illustrated by these women:

ROGULSKI: Why are you here?
WOMAN #1: To get some money.
ROGULSKI: What kind of money?
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

And see Obama thinks he has a stash! He has never worked for a for-profit! He has always had his way paid thanks to the donations of others!

Consequently Obama really dislikes having to beg capitalists for donations. He detests them because he needs them to pay his way ..i.e. just like his mother detested her mother who financed most of her daughters international travels.

So I truly think Obama lives in another reality.

I absolutely love that you think you're smarter than Obama.
Said on this board in 2008 I hoped Obama would not get in. Not because I liked McCain or the GoP. Far from it. Because I knew the right would blame him from Day 1 for the mess Bush caused. I also said with would take 10-12 years to fix the mess. What are we in now? Year 7? It is slowly coming back, but the right-wing neocons are known for fucking things up and then demanding the normals and lefties fix it...Clinton fixed up Rayguns mess, but the mess Dubya left was massive....let's not forget the state of the world economy when Dumbya signed out was so bad that it came in second to the 1929 Depression. I think Obama has been an average president, and he could have done more. But he's not even close to being the worst. Bush owns that (well in my lifetime - LBJ was the first of my lifetime)...

the right would have blamed any Democrat who got in.....my biggest beef against Obama is he is a piss poor leader,and this country needs a leader.....there hasnt been any so far this Century....
Said on this board in 2008 I hoped Obama would not get in. Not because I liked McCain or the GoP. Far from it. Because I knew the right would blame him from Day 1 for the mess Bush caused. I also said with would take 10-12 years to fix the mess. What are we in now? Year 7? It is slowly coming back, but the right-wing neocons are known for fucking things up and then demanding the normals and lefties fix it...Clinton fixed up Rayguns mess, but the mess Dubya left was massive....let's not forget the state of the world economy when Dumbya signed out was so bad that it came in second to the 1929 Depression. I think Obama has been an average president, and he could have done more. But he's not even close to being the worst. Bush owns that (well in my lifetime - LBJ was the first of my lifetime)...

You should have predicted 20 years. That way you could continue to blame Bush for everything for 20 years.
The truth is that the economy bottomed out about the time the stimulus passed. So it was completely unnecessary. Not only unnecessary but harmful, creating artificial incentives, like all gov't programs do.
Someone has to ask at what point can policies instituted 5 years ago be said to succeed or fail? And why do policies enacted 7 years ago (what were those again?) have an effect but newer ones dont.
If you think Bush was the among the worst presidents then you are too stupid and clueless even to engage.

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