Would Paul Ryan pull a Palin if he doesn't become VP?


Jun 27, 2009
If Romney loses, Ryan will be seen as a leading White House contender in 2016. He will be a national party figure even without being a top member of the House leadership. That could breed resentment among current Republican leaders and perhaps splinter coalitions within the already fractured GOP alliances at the top of the House.

A return also would make Ryan a leading target for Democrats. For the next few years, Democrats would lay traps in legislation, forcing him to take sides on measures that could come back to haunt him during a presidential bid.

That is why some of Ryan's biggest boosters are considering whether it wouldn't be better for Ryan to resign from the House. He could write a book — "saving America" is a theme often bandied about — or teach at a university.

VP Ryan? Prof. Ryan? GOP nominee's future unclear
omg, would Biden check into a insane asylum when he loses the Vice Presidency..

[When] Romney loses, Ryan will be seen as a leading White House contender in 2016.

For the sake of republicans one hopes not.

The WH will more than likely go to the GOP in 2016, provided they don’t screw up like they did this year; Ryan would be a dreadful choice accordingly.

For example, unlike Romney or Ryan, Christie is a republican democrats will vote for.
there is nothing wrong with Ryan being Vice President..at least he's young who presents new ideas...the Democrats have to hang onto all their old fools who are hundred years old to run their lives for them WHO offer NOTHING but the same old shit....Joey Biden is a perfect EXAMPLE, lived off us taxpayers all his LIFE...
Don't see a problem, commiecrats will have fewer numbers in the new congress, they will be in survival mode.
I'll bet ANYONE my house that Joe Biden will go down as the BIGGEST MORON ever to be Vice President.. Mark Levin use to call him the dumbest man in the senate before he was VP.. HE WAS RIGHT! This guy is BOZO central.
there is nothing wrong with Ryan being Vice President..at least he's young who presents new ideas...the Democrats have to hang onto all their old fools who are hundred years old to run their lives for them WHO offer NOTHING but the same old shit....Joey Biden is a perfect EXAMPLE, lived off us taxpayers all his LIFE...

Exactly what are these new ideas you speak of? All i've heard is the same rehashed garbage that got us into the mess we currently are in. Trickle down does not work!
there is nothing wrong with Ryan being Vice President..at least he's young who presents new ideas...the Democrats have to hang onto all their old fools who are hundred years old to run their lives for them WHO offer NOTHING but the same old shit....Joey Biden is a perfect EXAMPLE, lived off us taxpayers all his LIFE...

Exactly what are these new ideas you speak of? All i've heard is the same rehashed garbage that got us into the mess we currently are in. Trickle down does not work!

worked fine all these years..How are going to trickle up and who are you going to rop for it?

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