Would someone like Trump's grandfather be allowed to immigrate into the US today?


Gold Member
Oct 5, 2016
Friedrich was a draft dodger, tax evader, and he was deported from Germany.

He has done things like run a brothel and sold horse meat.

Plus he was German, during WWI more or less perceived as the enemy.

Donald Trump's grandfather was an illegal migrant and 'Trojan horse'
Trump's grandfather was a pimp and tax evader; his father a member of the KKK - American Herald Tribune

So he was a draft-dodger because he immigrated to the US to avoid being conscripted into the German Army in WW1?

Honestly, dude: You just added a whole new meaning to the word "derangement" in the phrase "Trump Derangement Syndrome."

"Soon after the family arrived in Germany, Bavarian authorities determined that Trump had emigrated from Germany to avoid his military-service obligations, and he was classified as a draft dodger.[3]:98 On 24 December 1904 the Department of Interior announced an investigation to expel Trump from Germany. Officially, they found that he had violated the Resolution of the Royal Ministry of the Interior number 9916, an 1886 law that punished emigration to North America to avoid military service with the loss of German citizenship.[3]:"

Frederick Trump - Wikipedia

BTW: Brothels were no big deal in NY back in the early 1900's. As a matter of fact, some Democrat lawmakers tried to run through a bill making them legal again. And horsemeat? Who didn't eat horsemeat back then? They still eat the shit way up in the socialist paradise of Canada.

You're gonna need to try a little harder than that, hillbilly.
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Friedrich was a draft dodger, tax evader, and he was deported from Germany.

If I was in Germany back then I'd dodge the draft too. I don't want to invade Europe and take over the world. You should praise him you piece of shit.

He has done things like run a brothel and sold horse meat.

You Dems legalized brothels in Nevada so what the fuck do you care you piece of shit. And the shithole country people who you want to give free healthcare to eat dogs. Is this going anywhere?

Plus he was German, during WWI more or less perceived as the enemy.

There you go, he dodged the draft, which means HE was NOT the enemy. All's well that ends well. You're not very bright are you.

Donald Trump's grandfather was an illegal migrant and 'Trojan horse'

No, you're just a punkass bitch and a cock swallowing faggot who wants to snivel and cry like a BITCH, and attack a great president who is more of a man than your punk ass will ever be.

There, I think that covers it.


Germans are very white so he’d be welcome here with open arms.

And what are you? Pink, like your panties? You're another little bitch who needs to shut his dicksucker.
Germans are very white so he’d be welcome here with open arms.
Africa is a mega shithole--
please compare Germany to shithole Africa..Germans much, much better
it would be stupid to want Africans over Germans
..and why bring up race, anyway???
Friedrich was a draft dodger, tax evader, and he was deported from Germany.
He has done things like run a brothel and sold horse meat.
Plus he was German, during WWI more or less perceived as the enemy.
Couldn't care less. ... :cool:

Me neither. Behold the fields in which I grow my fucks.
Lay thine eyes upon it, and see that it is barren...

That's some mighty wishful thinking there: Those leftist cock-gobblers have been reduced to believing that their Orange Misfortune never would have happened if his Granddaddy hadn't immigrated here.

I'm sure one or more of the leftards are furiously working on a time machine in their garages, so they can go back in time and prevent Trump's election.

Deranged, every last one of them. :laughing0301:
Germans are very white so he’d be welcome here with open arms.
Africa is a mega shithole--
please compare Germany to shithole Africa..Germans much, much better
it would be stupid to want Africans over Germans
..and why bring up race, anyway???

Why not bring up race, if
Friedrich was a draft dodger, tax evader, and he was deported from Germany.

If I was in Germany back then I'd dodge the draft too. I don't want to invade Europe and take over the world. You should praise him you piece of shit.

He has done things like run a brothel and sold horse meat.

You Dems legalized brothels in Nevada so what the fuck do you care you piece of shit. And the shithole country people who you want to give free healthcare to eat dogs. Is this going anywhere?

Plus he was German, during WWI more or less perceived as the enemy.

There you go, he dodged the draft, which means HE was NOT the enemy. All's well that ends well. You're not very bright are you.

Donald Trump's grandfather was an illegal migrant and 'Trojan horse'

No, you're just a punkass bitch and a cock swallowing faggot who wants to snivel and cry like a BITCH, and attack a great president who is more of a man than your punk ass will ever be.

There, I think that covers it.


Germans are very white so he’d be welcome here with open arms.

And what are you? Pink, like your panties? You're another little bitch who needs to shut his dicksucker.

Draft dodgers were highly praised as "heroes" by the leftist cock-gobblers back during the Vietnam War. So what's the problem now?

Oh, that's right: "Trump."
Yawns. Me great granny's family amassed a rather impressive real estate portfolio being loan sharks in the depression. Some of that now has my name on it. Whore houses are nothing compared to that little skeleton in my progressive closet. Not giving them up though. I am progressive enough to like me some free money :woohoo:
Friedrich was a draft dodger, tax evader, and he was deported from Germany.

If I was in Germany back then I'd dodge the draft too. I don't want to invade Europe and take over the world. You should praise him you piece of shit.

He has done things like run a brothel and sold horse meat.

You Dems legalized brothels in Nevada so what the fuck do you care you piece of shit. And the shithole country people who you want to give free healthcare to eat dogs. Is this going anywhere?

Plus he was German, during WWI more or less perceived as the enemy.

There you go, he dodged the draft, which means HE was NOT the enemy. All's well that ends well. You're not very bright are you.

Donald Trump's grandfather was an illegal migrant and 'Trojan horse'

No, you're just a punkass bitch and a cock swallowing faggot who wants to snivel and cry like a BITCH, and attack a great president who is more of a man than your punk ass will ever be.

There, I think that covers it.


Germans are very white so he’d be welcome here with open arms.

And what are you? Pink, like your panties? You're another little bitch who needs to shut his dicksucker.

Wow you really have a "potty" mouth. Are you a truck driver?
Yawns. Me great granny's family amassed a rather impressive real estate portfolio being loan sharks in the depression. Some of that now has my name on it. Whore houses are nothing compared to that little skeleton in my progressive closet. Not giving them up though. I am progressive enough to like me some free money :woohoo:

I hear ya, bro. One of my kinfolk was both a Federal Marshall and a bootlegger back in the '20's.

Ya gotta do whatever pays the bills.
A not sure how many greats grandfather of mine Clarence (same last name) had a family of slaves for at least 40 years we know of. This one family was the only slaves he ever had. His wife died young and he left them everything he owned in his will. He had made them free many years before but tbey all stayed together. My sister has found a lot of info about him
Wow you really have a "potty" mouth......

Thank you.

.....Are you a truck driver?

I actually drove M1070's for a while. You should sign up and try it, serve your country:


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