Would Ted Cruz have beaten Hillary?

If Ted Cruz would have gotten nomination, would he have won!

  • Yes he would have, as Hillary was weak enough to lose to any Republican

  • No he would not, Hillary would have slammed him, even under the same circumstances that elected Trum

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Ted Cruz would have done Like John McCain and lost like a gentleman. No way he could have taken on the Clinton machine. He was a sap who agreed to play by liberal rules in all things.

"Real men dont attack women" Ted Cruz

Now how is a cuck like that going to go on the attack against Hillary Clinton? And remember that after he was mathematically eliminated in the primaries he chose Carly Fiona, another loser, as his vp..though he wasnt the Presidential candidate by any stretch. You dont choose a VP candidate without or before being nominated unless you are trying to suck up. Another effort to lose but stay in the Swamps good graces.

Had Ted Cruz been the candidate there is no doubt Hillary would now be coughing away in the Oval Office with Huma under her desk.

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