Would the world be more peaceful without religion? If so, why or why not?


Aug 29, 2017
Religion has been known to cause conflict and hate. If there was no religion, would the world be more peaceful? Discuss

Religion has been known to cause conflict and hate. If there was no religion, would the world be more peaceful? Discuss

Lefties Antifa are the cause of conflict and hate, OK.

Religion has been known to cause conflict and hate. If there was no religion, would the world be more peaceful? Discuss

So many people have misused religion as an excuse for conflict and hate, to further their own ends and ambitions. Anyone who thinks the world would have been more peaceful without religion is a fool. And let us not forget that untold millions and billions have needed the strength they get from their faith to get through this veil of tears.
not all religions preach intolerance and violence. Look at buddhism and hinduism
not all religions preach intolerance and violence. Look at buddhism and hinduism

Does any other religion besides Islam support intolerance and violence? I don't think so. And even then, I thought most muslims reject intolerance and violence, it's the extremists that give them a bad name.
not all religions preach intolerance and violence. Look at buddhism and hinduism

Does any other religion besides Islam support intolerance and violence? I don't think so. And even then, I thought most muslims reject intolerance and violence, it's the extremists that give them a bad name.
Not much, im sure. But the history is surrounded in it. The bible itself speaks of thousands and thousands of people dying by Gods orders. Might be what led to all the death by the christians a long time ago. Gods actions. IDK. Hell, in the NT it talks about God will kill billions of people in the Revelations prophecy.
People have evolved. Not what the bible preaches. If we got rid of religions right now, i dont see how the world could get any worse. IMO, it coudl only get better. It would eliminate ME wars, genocide in Africa etc
not all religions preach intolerance and violence. Look at buddhism and hinduism

Does any other religion besides Islam support intolerance and violence? I don't think so. And even then, I thought most muslims reject intolerance and violence, it's the extremists that give them a bad name.
Not much, im sure. But the history is surrounded in it. The bible itself speaks of thousands and thousands of people dying by Gods orders. Might be what led to all the death by the christians a long time ago. Gods actions. IDK. Hell, in the NT it talks about God will kill billions of people in the Revelations prophecy.
People have evolved. Not what the bible preaches. If we got rid of religions right now, i dont see how the world could get any worse. IMO, it coudl only get better. It would eliminate ME wars, genocide in Africa etc

First of all, getting rid of all religions is not possible, so we're discussing something that ain't going to happen. And even if you could, so much of every culture around the world has religious ideals interwoven into it that cannot be removed. And to suggest that the wars in the ME or genocide in Africa would be eliminated is ridiculous. Wars and genocide would still happen if Religion did not exist.
not all religions preach intolerance and violence. Look at buddhism and hinduism

Does any other religion besides Islam support intolerance and violence? I don't think so. And even then, I thought most muslims reject intolerance and violence, it's the extremists that give them a bad name.
Not much, im sure. But the history is surrounded in it. The bible itself speaks of thousands and thousands of people dying by Gods orders. Might be what led to all the death by the christians a long time ago. Gods actions. IDK. Hell, in the NT it talks about God will kill billions of people in the Revelations prophecy.
People have evolved. Not what the bible preaches. If we got rid of religions right now, i dont see how the world could get any worse. IMO, it coudl only get better. It would eliminate ME wars, genocide in Africa etc

First of all, getting rid of all religions is not possible, so we're discussing something that ain't going to happen. And even if you could, so much of every culture around the world has religious ideals interwoven into it that cannot be removed. And to suggest that the wars in the ME or genocide in Africa would be eliminated is ridiculous. Wars and genocide would still happen if Religion did not exist.
of course it wouldnt happen. I am aware this is a hypothetical ;)
Thats very true about the cultures and such.
Not all of them, just the ones built around religion. Like the caliphate, christian and muslim ethnic cleansing in africa etc.
The OP asked if it would be MORE peaceful.
not all religions preach intolerance and violence. Look at buddhism and hinduism

Does any other religion besides Islam support intolerance and violence? I don't think so. And even then, I thought most muslims reject intolerance and violence, it's the extremists that give them a bad name.
Not much, im sure. But the history is surrounded in it. The bible itself speaks of thousands and thousands of people dying by Gods orders. Might be what led to all the death by the christians a long time ago. Gods actions. IDK. Hell, in the NT it talks about God will kill billions of people in the Revelations prophecy.
People have evolved. Not what the bible preaches. If we got rid of religions right now, i dont see how the world could get any worse. IMO, it coudl only get better. It would eliminate ME wars, genocide in Africa etc

First of all, getting rid of all religions is not possible, so we're discussing something that ain't going to happen. And even if you could, so much of every culture around the world has religious ideals interwoven into it that cannot be removed. And to suggest that the wars in the ME or genocide in Africa would be eliminated is ridiculous. Wars and genocide would still happen if Religion did not exist.
of course it wouldnt happen. I am aware this is a hypothetical ;)
Thats very true about the cultures and such.
Not all of them, just the ones built around religion. Like the caliphate, christian and muslim ethnic cleansing in africa etc.
The OP asked if it would be MORE peaceful.

I submit that there are very few cultures around the world where religion is not significant and has been throughout civilization. Wars and genocide have been going on for a long time, most of the time religion was used as a pretext for other motivations such as power and greed. Religion is not and has not been the reason, it has been the excuse.

And BTW religion has also been a primary source of a bunch of good things, such as faith and hope, altruism and equality. Some might suggest those things would have happened anyway, but there's no evidence to support that conclusion.
The Communists proved that without religion, the wars and genocides get worse, not better.
Religion has been known to cause conflict and hate. If there was no religion, would the world be more peaceful? Discuss

Man's desire for power and wealth has been known to cause conflict and hate.

Mao didn't kill 50+ million of his own countrymen because Confucius said. Lenin and Stalin did not slaughter millions of Russians in the name of the Russian Orthodox Church. Hitler was into ethnic cleansing and Pol Pot, genocide. None of these slaughters were sanctioned by a god...but they were sanctioned by an ideology - a secular one.

Hard to top that death toll.
If we got rid of religions right now, i dont see how the world could get any worse.

By any objective measure religion has been a force for good. But for you to understand that, you would first have to make an objective analysis of all the good that has come from it starting from the very beginning.
Without the Spirit of the Lord giving peace to our hearts, there would be much more pain, anger, resentment, bitterness than there is.

When the Spirit of the Lord ceases to strive with men, we butcher each other.

But the Spirit hasn't ceased to strive with us yet. Look at the Harvey response. Men and women of all walks of lifw, but especially those of faith have reached out and donated billions in time and money for the relief effort. And this is pure religion, undefiled and spotless before God, to take care of the widow and fatherless and to keep yourself unspotted from the world. Millions are taking care of the people who have been hurr. Many are binding up the wounds of the broken who have lost all. Many more will be blessed because we are a nation of faith
all religions are ruled by evil ... failure to bring Justice to the crucifiers is an example. same also for gov'ts as recorded through history for both.
Religion has been known to cause conflict and hate. If there was no religion, would the world be more peaceful? Discuss

You can kill the almost 8 billion religious believers on the planet and it wouldn't bring peace to the world. The only way to bring peace to the human race is to kill all but one.
all religions are ruled by evil ... failure to bring Justice to the crucifiers is an example. same also for gov'ts as recorded through history for both.
I'm sure you'd relish murdering all those who believe differently than you "to bring the world peace". :)

Religion has been known to cause conflict and hate. If there was no religion, would the world be more peaceful? Discuss

Religion isn't the problem. Humans are. If there was no religion, we'd simply find another excuse to kill each other. It's part of the human condition. It's also the result of sin. If everyone was a Christian the world be a better place.

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