Would You Ever Not Invite Your Family Members to Thanksgiving Dinner Based Upon Political Beliefs

I haven't had a Thanksgiving dinner with my dad and older sister since the mid 90s. I'd like to dedicate this awesome country song to both of them. "I guess some things just don't mix like you hope, like me and you and diamond rings and old bar stools."

God bless you and Tim always!!!


I am sorry to hear that. May you have a wonderful holiday carnival season. I will.
^^^ Thank you. My mom and me went to Golden Corral again. Unlike like last year, we were able to get a table to ourselves and the line for the food wasn't even close to being as bad as it was last year either and so I have no complaints. :) :) :)

God bless you and my mom always!!!

This is nuts. Family is family and sure I might not agree with some of my family matters politically but they're still my family nonetheless. That's why I always say that politics aren't everything. As long as you're a good person and are nice to me on here I'll like you even if you're a democrat or lean somewhat towards the left. Slade3200 is my favorite person on here who isn't a conservative because he knows that family and friendship should be a whole lot more important than who you vote for.

Blood is thicker than politics. Or it should be.

Don't talk politics at Thanksgiving, especially if there is alcohol involved.

I would never do this to anyone in my family.....I would simply ask that we not talk politics so as to avoid any issues.
Blood is thicker than politics. Or it should be.

Don't talk politics at Thanksgiving, especially if there is alcohol involved.

I would never do this to anyone in my family.....I would simply ask that we not talk politics so as to avoid any issues.
The same DNA is the only common thread that I share with my dad and older sister and for the record, I am ashamed to have the same DNA as them because other than that, we are nothing alike, but my mom tells me that our DNA is the more common blood form compared to hers. She is B negative, and I am O positive just like they are.

God bless you and my mom always!!!

I put clean clothes on every day. People who leave the house usually do that.

Yeah so do I. I fail to see your point. Do I want to? I don't think so. :rolleyes:

Would You Ever Not Invite Your Family Members to Thanksgiving Dinner Based Upon Political Beliefs​

Well, I don't see you or other conservatives not inviting family over politics but I see them not inviting you.
These people have now identified themselves as total hardcore ideologues---
---never invite them again, you cannot trust these people.
---contact others and invite them to YOUR place instead. Tell them what happened. EXCLUDE the ideologues.
Trumplings are not welcome

Tried explaining how Trump more than doubled the deficit even before Covid hit. Didn't go well

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