Would you intervene like Penny did on the subway???

Or waited until the man actually put his hands on someone.

Maybe he had a weapon. Nobody knew at the time.

If you are in public and a man comes at you and your family threatening to kill them...are you going to tell us you are going to wait until they actually make a move before you try and dissolve the situation ?
You don't know either and neither did Penny. You are the one focusing on black/white because this is why this particular situation is being rehashed again in this forum. I DGAF what you say some other back people said. The reality here is if that had been Lawrence Talyor yelling like that Daniel Penny would have stayed stuck in his seat, but since the guy was 140 lbs., your white her decided to take the law into his own hands.

I'm not the one focusing on race in this situation. You are. You are so stuck on this "he's such a wimp that if it has been a big strong black man, he would have stayed in his seat"..

If the guy on the train had been white and penny were black, you'd be defending penny. This is ALL about race for you.

And for the record, you have no idea what he would have done. You can assume all you want, but that's all they are, assumptions.
Threatening is ASSAULT.
No it's not, stop making excuses for this guy killing an unarmed man. I have seen folks selling wolf tickets more times than I can count. So if a guy tells you he is going to whoop your ass you think you can just pull a gun and blow his brains out. As long as, they are not putting their hands on me I don't give a damn what they say.
Maybe he had a weapon. Nobody knew at the time.
Maybe he had a sandwich 🥪, you can't kill a man because of a maybe.
If you are in public and a man comes at you and your family threatening to kill them...are you going to tell us you are going to wait until they actually make a move before you try and dissolve the situation ?
I will put myself between he and my family and then if it has to go to the next level, ok. I am not going to kill him because of what he might do.
No it's not, stop making excuses for this guy killing an unarmed man. I have seen folks selling wolf tickets more times than I can count. So if a guy tells you he is going to whoop your ass you think you can just pull a gun and blow his brains out. As long as, they are not putting their hands on me I don't give a damn what they say.
Yes it is…..ever heard of assault and battery? Do you know the difference?

And stop defending the black man threatening to kill people because he’s black - and condemning the Good Samaritan because he’s white.

The black kid who stabbed to death a violent man in the subway the following month - and who ran away to evade police - got off entirely. You defend him because he’s black.

Even worse - the black kid who got off after the killing, even evading police, says the white Penny should be convicted. Unbelievable racism!
Yes it is…..ever heard of assault and battery? Do you know the difference?
  • Words alone are usually not assault, but threats combined with actions can be.

  • And stop defending the black man threatening to kill people because he’s black - and condemning the Good Samaritan because he’s white.
If the black man had attacked an innocent woman or child I would defend the white man, but killing a man who was probably having a breakdown I will not.
The black kid who stabbed to death a violent man in the subway the following month - and who ran away to evade police - got off entirely. You defend him because he’s black.
You mean the one who actually ASSAULTED his girl friend.
Even worse - the black kid who got off after the killing, even evading police, says the white Penny should be convicted. Unbelievable racism!
Damn let the racism go, you can't tell the difference in talking about hurting someone and actually physically harming someone.
Maybe he had a sandwich 🥪, you can't kill a man because of a maybe.

I will put myself between he and my family and then if it has to go to the next level, ok. I am not going to kill him because of what he might do.
.maybe he did have a sandwich, maybe he had a knife...

Again, you have other people on that car, including other black people who said penny did the right thing.

Be honest, if neely was the one putting penny in the choke hold and killing him, you'd be here defending Neely, saying he was a hero and penny deserved to die...

You know that's the truth right there.
How many folks did he harm?
How many folks could he have harmed?

Again, if someone comes on your rail car, and you are trapped there with no escape and someone stands up ranting, saying they are ready to die and are going to "kill a mother fucker"...you are going to wait until he actually attempts it before you intervene?

In the case you mentioned with your family, if you put yourself in between them, it's going to provoke a response. What if, while you are waiting, that guy throws a hail mary and knocks you out cold? Now your family are left to defend themselves.

You don't wait in situations like that. You try and subdue the person until help comes. I'm pretty sure penny had no intention of killing Neely, that was an accident.
.maybe he did have a sandwich, maybe he had a knife...
Or maybe they didn't find ANY weapons on him at all.
Again, you have other people on that car, including other black people who said penny did the right thing.
So why didn't anybody else on that car choke him to death?
Be honest, if neely was the one putting penny in the choke hold and killing him, you'd be here defending Neely, saying he was a hero and penny deserved to die...

You know that's the truth right there.
If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. I can't recall an incident where a black man murdered an unarmed white man and I tried to justify it.
How many folks could he have harmed?
Well, we know he didn't harm any.
Again, if someone comes on your rail car, and you are trapped there with no escape and someone stands up ranting, saying they are ready to die and are going to "kill a mother fucker"...you are going to wait until he actually attempts it before you intervene?
As long as he didn't put his hands on anyone there is nothing I need to do.
In the case you mentioned with your family, if you put yourself in between them, it's going to provoke a response. What if, while you are waiting, that guy throws a hail mary and knocks you out cold? Now your family are left to defend themselves.
There is a pattern here, all of your arguments and comments are "What Ifs". What if I hit the lottery, what if I have a heart attack, blah, blah, blah.
You don't wait in situations like that. You try and subdue the person until help comes. I'm pretty sure penny had no intention of killing Neely, that was an accident.
Unless they man tries to harm me or someone else, all I need to do is wait and let the proper authorities handle the situation.
Or maybe they didn't find ANY weapons on him at all.

And they didn't know know that until after the fact
So why didn't anybody else on that car choke him to death?

Maybe because nobody else had the courage or the training to do anything about it.

If a frog had a glass ass it would break every time he jumps. I can't recall an incident where a black man murdered an unarmed white man and I tried to justify it.

If this had been murder, I wouldn't be justifying it. This was a subdue gone wrong. Penny was acquitted. Had his motive from the start been to kill Neely, I'd have joined you in saying he should be in prison.

You can let go of the black/white dichotomy of this situation. I also noticed you haven't responded to my assertion that if penny wer black and neely where white, YOU would be here saying he deserved to die. That says a lot.
Well, we know he didn't harm any.
And you would wait to find out?

As long as he didn't put his hands on anyone there is nothing I need to do.

And if given the chance, that might be too late.
There is a pattern here, all of your arguments and comments are "What Ifs". What if I hit the lottery, what if I have a heart attack, blah, blah, blah.

You're right. Let's take the " what ifs" out of it and take it to it's core. Neely was threatening to kill people, acting erratically, Penny tried to subdue him before he could do anything, but his choke hold went wrong and he accidentally killed the man. If you can prove he intentionally killed Neely, then I will agree with you, but until that point, all you have is a guy who was trying to protect himself and the passengers of that subway car.
Unless they man tries to harm me or someone else, all I need to do is wait and let the proper authorities handle the situation.

Which, at the time, might have been awhile since they were on a moving subway car.
And they didn't know know that until after the fact.
Yea, after he was murdered.
Maybe because nobody else had the courage or the training to do anything about it.
Probably because he hadn't done anything to them.
If this had been murder, I wouldn't be justifying it.
Please, keep telling yourself that.
This was a subdue gone wrong. Penny was acquitted. Had his motive from the start been to kill Neely, I'd have joined you in saying he should be in prison.
You weren't in his head, you don't know what the hell his motive was. How many times have we seen a white man get away with murdering a black man in this country?
You can let go of the black/white dichotomy of this situation. I also noticed you haven't responded to my assertion that if penny wer black and neely where white, YOU would be here saying he deserved to die. That says a lot.
If Neely had choked an unarmed man to death just because he thought the guy might have a weapon, I would be giving his ass the business as well.
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