Would you rather live in Germany or the USA?

Germany is pure evil and should have never been rebuilt
Whilst it may appear to represent the source of the modern Nazi and Deutschland is still full of them , DYOFR and look at the US and Khazaria . Both run by Nazis except these days they are better known as the Fourth Reich and Deep State .And if you think that Jews are badly treated in Germany , for example , learn about the faux Jews who have deliberately and painstakingly created that "fake world " in order to shelter and hide behind . It is the "Jews" who are prepared to sacrifice their own in order to create and weaponise anti -semitism .Far too complex for the Sheeple to see and understand .imho . Post of the month .
Same question I saw on another thread, and i found it interesting that
This black guy preferred to live in Germany before Mississipi

The black war veteran fathered a son with a german woman, the rednecks found the picture of his son and wife in germany, and the KKK tortured him, and wanted to kill him but then decided to cut off his tongue but let him live. They did that to punish him for the mullato he fathered, they wanted first to kill him, but his white friend saved him, so they "only" cut off his tongue, and didnt killed him. At the end of the movie he is with his family reunited in germany.
Interesting that in Germany he could have a white wife but not in Mississipi. The last 30 minutes were the best part of the movie.

But that was back in the world war, that he lived and could do that in Germany but not in America. Now it is different though he could do that in America too. But i think it is interesting that back then it was possible in germany, but i guess that works for blacks, they had it better in europe, i guess gypsies didnt had it better in europe or have it, so it wouldnt work for me. But I also dont know how gypsies were treated in the USA, I heard from some users, on this forum, here and there they just lynched gypsies if they felt like because "they stole a kid".... I dont know if they were serious or wanted to hurt me, but doesnt sound really good either.

The US.
Have you ever eaten German food?
Beyond a few dishes it is BLEAH!
It's a movie, right? Not reality. It should be noted that the KKK was the democrat party political muscle. FDR nominated a (former) member of the KKK to the Supreme Court and the longest serving democrat senator was a KKK member.

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