Would you want to go to mars if in a alternate universe it was


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
I am asking you to consider another reality where mars is much bigger and more habitual. Possibly a mars that is the size of Venus.

Would you want to go to mars if in a alternative universe it was different in these ways....
1. 90% the size of earth
2. had most of earth's gravity
3. Had 500 millibar at sea level atmosphere...Much thicker then it is currently! It would feel density wise like being 18,000 feet up on a mountain on earth.
4. The planet because of that pressure could have water within some of its warmer areas near the equator.
5. Possibly small lakes, sea's and maybe even small oceans!
6. rain and snow was possible on the planet and the entire planet wasn't totally a desert near the water.
7. Has a thick enough atmosphere to block out radiation from the sun.
8. Still has hot core that also shields the planet and its atmosphere

This planets negatives compared to earth
1. Be colder then earth as it is still further from the sun.
2. Much drier
3. Might not have the same atmosphere make up. Possibly a world where there's much more co2 still...Hell, if it is a green house gas then maybe with the denser atmosphere = a planet with temperature more like earth.
Do you think the untied states would have taken a far more serious attempt at getting to mars and forming a colony by now??? Of course, within this alternative universe mars.
We are in the process of terraforming Mars, so it will resemble Earth in many ways once it's done. Then, we can finally ship off all the conservatives to live on Mars so we can finally have peace on Earth.
Do you think the untied states would have taken a far more serious attempt at getting to mars and forming a colony by now??? Of course, within this alternative universe mars.

Hard to say, the real space program has been so botched.

I would support such a move. But, I don't know it fit would happen.
There would have to be a really compelling reason for me to want to leave Earth for Mars. Such as Earth's atmosphere poisoned far beyond Beijing levels, extreme over-population or escaping a global plague.
We are in the process of terraforming Mars, so it will resemble Earth in many ways once it's done. Then, we can finally ship off all the conservatives to live on Mars so we can finally have peace on Earth.
But then you'd have to invade Mars to get money from them to finance your "peace on Earth".
Matthew, if I could live there, and not suffer because of the atmospheric differences, I wouldn't mind it at all.
We are in the process of terraforming Mars, so it will resemble Earth in many ways once it's done. Then, we can finally ship off all the conservatives to live on Mars so we can finally have peace on Earth.
i believe we are kinda far from terraforming.....
We are in the process of terraforming Mars, so it will resemble Earth in many ways once it's done. Then, we can finally ship off all the conservatives to live on Mars so we can finally have peace on Earth.

Or, we could just fix the destruction we're bringing down on our own planet and just stay home.

BUT ...

In answer to OP, sorta -

I have often thought about this same question but with different parameters. Like the movie, Cocoon. Would you go? I hope I would and I think I would.

I've seen this planet so if aliens ask me if I'd like to go see theirs, sounds like a very good idea.

The movie Arrival comes to mind as well.

But, so does the old Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man".

I do love the book, The Martian and, to a lesser extent, the movie. I like the scientific questions he faces and found most of the book to be accurate in that way.

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