Would you wish to live within an 19th century America?


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
The Good insane United states of America
Would you wish to live within a 19th century America?
-No regulations on work standards
-No medical regulations
-No food safety standards
-Pollute as much as you wish
-Throw your trash out into the field

Pretty much if you're not well off, well, you're fucked.

Not me but last night shown me that a lot of people certainly do...I don't think this is making America great as it simply doesn't make sense to me.
Would you wish to live within a 19th century America?
-No regulations on work standards
-No medical regulations
-No food safety standards
-Pollute as much as you wish
-Throw your trash out into the field

Pretty much if you're not well off, well, you're fucked.

Not me but last night shown me that a lot of people certainly do...I don't think this is making America great as it simply doesn't make sense to me.

mattie just exactly wtf are you trying to say here?
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Would you wish to live within a 19th century America?
-No regulations on work standards
-No medical regulations
-No food safety standards
-Pollute as much as you wish
-Throw your trash out into the field

Pretty much if you're not well off, well, you're fucked.

Not me but last night shown me that a lot of people certainly do...I don't think this is making America great as it simply doesn't make sense to me.

mattie just exactly wtf are you trying to say here?

What is great about the shitty standards of the 19th century and why would anyone wish to go back?
Would you wish to live within a 19th century America?
-No regulations on work standards
-No medical regulations
-No food safety standards
-Pollute as much as you wish
-Throw your trash out into the field

Pretty much if you're not well off, well, you're fucked.

Not me but last night shown me that a lot of people certainly do...I don't think this is making America great as it simply doesn't make sense to me.

Poor matthew. You're stuck in a loop dude. Time to take a break.....

I would live in a 1760 America.

It pretty much went downhill from there.
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Would you wish to live within a 19th century America?
-No regulations on work standards
-No medical regulations
-No food safety standards
-Pollute as much as you wish
-Throw your trash out into the field

Pretty much if you're not well off, well, you're fucked.

Not me but last night shown me that a lot of people certainly do...I don't think this is making America great as it simply doesn't make sense to me.

Poor matthew. You're stuck in a loop dude. Time to take a break.....

I am asking a serious question. Would we really be better off over today going back to the 19th century.
Would you wish to live within a 19th century America?
-No regulations on work standards
-No medical regulations
-No food safety standards
-Pollute as much as you wish
-Throw your trash out into the field

Pretty much if you're not well off, well, you're fucked.

Not me but last night shown me that a lot of people certainly do...I don't think this is making America great as it simply doesn't make sense to me.

Poor matthew. You're stuck in a loop dude. Time to take a break.....

I am asking a serious question. Would we really be better off over today going back to the 19th century.

In some ways yes. In other ways no. The problem you have is you are an extremist. It's either one way, or the other. Real life is not that way. You need to learn that.
Would you wish to live within a 19th century America?
-No regulations on work standards
-No medical regulations
-No food safety standards
-Pollute as much as you wish
-Throw your trash out into the field

Pretty much if you're not well off, well, you're fucked.

Not me but last night shown me that a lot of people certainly do...I don't think this is making America great as it simply doesn't make sense to me.

Poor matthew. You're stuck in a loop dude. Time to take a break.....

I am asking a serious question. Would we really be better off over today going back to the 19th century.

You wouldn't. Freedom is ultimately very frightening which is why so many people prefer slavery no matter what the time period.
Would you wish to live within a 19th century America?
-No regulations on work standards
-No medical regulations
-No food safety standards
-Pollute as much as you wish
-Throw your trash out into the field

Pretty much if you're not well off, well, you're fucked.

Not me but last night shown me that a lot of people certainly do...I don't think this is making America great as it simply doesn't make sense to me.

mattie just exactly wtf are you trying to say here?

What is great about the shitty standards of the 19th century and why would anyone wish to go back?

I don't know anyone that wants to go back to the 19th century.

Regardless, it's a known fact that the standard of living rose faster in the 19th century, than the 20th.

Further, no one is suggesting that Cleveland would allow unlimited pollution. The difference is, we believe that local communities know better than the Federal government what policies is best for their own areas.

There are numerous examples for those who actually learn about a topic before spewing posts, where communities already had pollution policies in place that both protected the people and allowed business to flourish, where when the Federal government came in, they enacted harsh policies that destroyed business and ruined communities.

Equally there were other examples where places like Dayton Ohio had tougher environmental laws, than the EPA required, and by Federal power, allowed companies to pollute more than the local governments wanted.

That's the primary difference between the left-wing and the right-wing. The left-wing is inherently arrogant, and believes they know better than everyone else, how everyone should live. You, and those like you, are tyrants who want to dictate your will upon everyone.

We, on the other hand, believe in power to the people. Allow your communities and your citizens, to determine the best policies for your towns, and your states.

But the left can't stand people having control over their own lives. So they have to dictate everything to everyone.

Another perfect example is food policies. You believe that government ensures food meets certain standards. But that's not true, and never has been. Food testing was done far more rigorously before government got involved.

Companies spent millions making sure their food was safe, to protect their brand name.

Once the government got involved, many companies canceled their food safety programs, because the government was using tax payer money to test their food for them. This also allowed companies to avoid compensation for food safety failures because they had documentation that the government certified their food as safe.

The irony is, even to this day, companies do far more food safety programs than the government. When Walmart rolled out their offering of roast chicken, they signed up to have the government test their roast chicken for food safety.

After a year, they discovered that out of all their stores nation wide, government food safety inspections only happened 12 times. That's 12 times total over an entire year, over all their stores.

Walmart realized this wasn't a worth while food inspection system at all, and instead spent millions developing a wifi thermometer system, where now food inspection is 100%. Every single roast chicken at every single walmart store, has a wifi computer monitored thermometer making sure each one is roasted at safe temperatures long enough to ensure safety standards.

But again, the left would like to believe that without their policies that there would be no food safety. In reality, their policies result in less food safety. If their government paid for inspections didn't exist, Walmart would never have waiting an entire year, thinking that the government was going to do inspections for them. They would have been doing their own food inspections from the start.

The examples where left-wing belief is true and useful are few and far between. Most of the time, they assume things are better, when they are worse, or attempt to take credit for something they had nothing to do with.

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