Wounded Iraq veteran dares Rush, 'Call me phony soldier to my face'


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2011
VoteVets.org, a political group made up of veterans from US military operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, is launching an ad campaign which accuses conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh of insulting combat troops.

The ad is a response to Limbaugh's use of the phrase "phony soldiers" on the air last week, a term he used following a caller's complaint that the press never talks to "real soldiers," instead speaking to troops critical of the war in Iraq that "come up out of the blue and spout to the media."

According to a press release from the veterans group, the ad "takes on Rush Limbaugh for his contention that those who served in Iraq, but oppose the Bush administration's failed policies, are 'phony soldiers."

The Raw Story | Wounded Iraq veteran dares Rush, 'Call me phony soldier to my face'
Wahhh Wahhh Wahhhh Wahhh Rush said stuff Libs don't like Wahhh

Mudwhistle said it best

Wounded Iraq veteran dares Rush, 'Call me phony soldier to my face'
Jason Rhyne
Published: Tuesday October 2, 2007

As DaveMan pointed out, this story is from 2007. Rush called a Iraq War protester who was drummed out of the service in 44 days a "phoney soldier".

How hard is it for you people to do a little research on a subject? (took me 30 seconds) Oh yeah, that would get in the way of your Rush hating, mob mentality.
Date check.

I think Limbaugh is a chicken shit that ducked out of 'Nam, but even I have to admit the "phony soldier" thing was feaux outrage. It was obvious he was referring to actual fakers as opposed to veterans who had a different viewpoint than him.

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