WOW! Frogs Kickin' Ass near Paris

I don't know why certain Americans don't like France or the the French. They've been our allies since the birth of our country and have never done anything to harm us. Its a great country and a great culture.
I spent 6 months on a project in Limoges France, I found the people to be very nice, now people in Paris are another story, just like most big cities where the people are assholes.
The French are just like that stuck up"I'm so sophisticated" cousin every family has, we love them but sometimes they get on our nerves. I'm guessing our Jock like " I'm great because I'm an American" attitude gets on their nerves as well(even if it is the truth,lol). Regardless in a pinch we'd have their backs and would expect them to have ours.

I wouldn't trust my back to a frog....they're the most venal cowards on the face of the earth. :eusa_eh:

Me personally, I don't trust my back to anyone. You're right, their track record over the last 100 years isn't great. Maybe having our back is expecting too much. Who knows maybe this incident will help them get their balls back. Anyhoo we'd still have their back.
I guess you forgot...'Mission Accomplished'.
It was...until Obabble fucked it up....regardless of what Foo and you say. Gfy
You have been exposed as a hypocrite.

Yes, Obama fucked it up, but you are a partisan hypocrite if you can't recognize mistakes of those you support.
I have long acknowledged that W was not aggressive enough in his iraq war...nor with Islam in general...Obabble has taken that approach to the extreme. W tried....Obabble quit.
I agree. But W did as much as the American people (and world) would allow.
A leader does what has to be done and achieves the support of the people he leads. Liberals opposed everything W did...but that doesn't mean he was limited in the actions he took. He was not fighting a war to please the voters...he was fighting to stabilize iraq and teach the radicals a lesson. In the end....neither has been accomplished. As some talking head said today, the next person who wants to be president better have a winning strategy, and be able to defend it....and talk openly about it. So far I hear nothing.
regretfully, a faction exists that will ever agree to war matter how justified. With Iraq...the conflict was as arguably justifiable as unjustifiable. Bush's hands were tied with American politics and anti-American drivel from liberals and Euromites alike...especially France and canada on this side of the pond.
I'm looking forward to the parade in Paris on Sunday.
Je Suis Charlie -

What are they going to do, all dress in rainbow clothing, and march down the boulevard with signs begging Muslims to accept their apologies, and begging them to please not hurt anyone ?
Here we were making fun of them in 2003, changing our favorite tater' treat to "Freedom Fries" and making jokes about the only way you'll get a French soldier into Iraq is if they grow truffles in Baghdad...Look at 'em now!


France Manhunt For Charlie Hebdo Suspects: Hostage Taken After Fugitives Sighted North Of Paris
(Reuters) - French anti-terrorist police surrounded a small northern town and helicopters hovered overhead after at least one person was taken hostage in a print works by two men believed to have carried out an attack on a Paris satirical journal.

Earlier, police had chased a vehicle at high speed along the nearby A2 motorway towards Paris as authorities appeared to be closing in on the two brothers. Gunshots rang out and police trucks, ambulances and armored vehicles descended on the area close to Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport.

Police and anti-terrorist forces blocked all entries to the town of about 8,000, clearly seeking to limit the scale of any siege.

The people who were making fun of the French in 2003 were as stupid and wrong then as they are now.
The French are just like that stuck up"I'm so sophisticated" cousin every family has, we love them but sometimes they get on our nerves. I'm guessing our Jock like " I'm great because I'm an American" attitude gets on their nerves as well(even if it is the truth,lol). Regardless in a pinch we'd have their backs and would expect them to have ours.

I wouldn't trust my back to a frog....they're the most venal cowards on the face of the earth. :eusa_eh:

No doubt based on your wealth of experience operating with French forces.

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