WOW! Frogs Kickin' Ass near Paris

All three are dead. The two brothers came out guns blazing with a predictable result.
Obabble gets another day off.

Another USMB idiot has to find a way to drag Obama into it.
You forgot. Bin laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run. GFY.
I guess you forgot...'Mission Accomplished'.
It was...until Obabble fucked it up....regardless of what Foo and you say. Gfy
You have been exposed as a hypocrite.

Yes, Obama fucked it up, but you are a partisan hypocrite if you can't recognize mistakes of those you support.
All three are dead. The two brothers came out guns blazing with a predictable result.
Sounds like they probably got what they wanted.
They picked the place to hole up, they got the standoff, which then got the eyes of the world including every form of media.
They then get to go out now as martyrs.
All three are dead. The two brothers came out guns blazing with a predictable result.
Sounds like they probably got what they wanted.
They picked the place to hole up, they got the standoff, which then got the eyes of the world including every form of media.
They then get to go out now as martyrs.
They are dead...the most important thing. Now France and the world should dismantle whatever mosque they attended and make life a living hell for the family members of this terrorist.
The question now will be, will the French have the will to go into the areas of their cities where the cancer grows and clean things up ?.
Or will it be business as usual, and radical Islam will continue to be preached and the result will be one Islamic attack after another and the western culture of France slowly dies ?

Western people have got to start having more kids, or the world will lose the greatest civilization the world has ever seen.
I don't know why certain Americans don't like France or the the French. They've been our allies since the birth of our country and have never done anything to harm us. Its a great country and a great culture.

Do you actually know any french people?
I've only met two in my life and both were fucken head cases. I came to believe that getting drunk and crying was a national past time for these people.
Enjoy the 72 virgins, boys. You'll have countless pleasures with them over the eons and they'll always remind you of home since they smell like goats and sport similar facial hair.
The question now will be, will the French have the will to go into the areas of their cities where the cancer grows and clean things up ?.
Or will it be business as usual, and radical Islam will continue to be preached and the result will be one Islamic attack after another and the western culture of France slowly dies ?

Western people have got to start having more kids, or the world will lose the greatest civilization the world has ever seen.
More kids and more faith in the one and only true God.
I don't know why certain Americans don't like France or the the French. They've been our allies since the birth of our country and have never done anything to harm us. Its a great country and a great culture.

Do you actually know any french people?
I've only met two in my life and both were fucken head cases. I came to believe that getting drunk and crying was a national past time for these people.
That is the case with most Euromites. They have lost their faith and turned their land over to killer muslims.
Obabble gets another day off.

Another USMB idiot has to find a way to drag Obama into it.
You forgot. Bin laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run. GFY.
I guess you forgot...'Mission Accomplished'.
It was...until Obabble fucked it up....regardless of what Foo and you say. Gfy
You have been exposed as a hypocrite.

Yes, Obama fucked it up, but you are a partisan hypocrite if you can't recognize mistakes of those you support.
I have long acknowledged that W was not aggressive enough in his iraq war...nor with Islam in general...Obabble has taken that approach to the extreme. W tried....Obabble quit.
I don't know why certain Americans don't like France or the the French. They've been our allies since the birth of our country and have never done anything to harm us. Its a great country and a great culture.
The French are just like that stuck up"I'm so sophisticated" cousin every family has, we love them but sometimes they get on our nerves. I'm guessing our Jock like " I'm great because I'm an American" attitude gets on their nerves as well(even if it is the truth,lol). Regardless in a pinch we'd have their backs and would expect them to have ours.
Here we were making fun of them in 2003, changing our favorite tater' treat to "Freedom Fries" and making jokes about the only way you'll get a French soldier into Iraq is if they grow truffles in Baghdad...Look at 'em now!
And here you are calling them frogs.

Cuz' the eat cuisses de grenouilles.

"""Terry O'Connor: English people and French people have long been enemies, culturally, militarily and commercially. In fact the two countries have almost been at war more often than at peace. (Well, not really, but it sometimes seems that way when you browse the history books.) So insults between the two nations are common. The French have described the English as a nation of shopkeepers and the English have described the French as a nation of frog-eaters. So, boil it down over the years and "frog-eaters" becomes frogs or froggies. N'est pas?"""

Another USMB idiot has to find a way to drag Obama into it.
You forgot. Bin laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run. GFY.
I guess you forgot...'Mission Accomplished'.
It was...until Obabble fucked it up....regardless of what Foo and you say. Gfy
You have been exposed as a hypocrite.

Yes, Obama fucked it up, but you are a partisan hypocrite if you can't recognize mistakes of those you support.
I have long acknowledged that W was not aggressive enough in his iraq war...nor with Islam in general...Obabble has taken that approach to the extreme. W tried....Obabble quit.
I agree. But W did as much as the American people (and world) would allow.
I hope they kill all the terrorist bastards and keep up the show of force every time there is even so much as a little threat.

Well Done France.
It appears that at least 4 hostages were killed and one if the accomplices is still on the run.
You forgot. Bin laden is dead and Al Queda is on the run. GFY.
I guess you forgot...'Mission Accomplished'.
It was...until Obabble fucked it up....regardless of what Foo and you say. Gfy
You have been exposed as a hypocrite.

Yes, Obama fucked it up, but you are a partisan hypocrite if you can't recognize mistakes of those you support.
I have long acknowledged that W was not aggressive enough in his iraq war...nor with Islam in general...Obabble has taken that approach to the extreme. W tried....Obabble quit.
I agree. But W did as much as the American people (and world) would allow.
A leader does what has to be done and achieves the support of the people he leads. Liberals opposed everything W did...but that doesn't mean he was limited in the actions he took. He was not fighting a war to please the voters...he was fighting to stabilize iraq and teach the radicals a lesson. In the end....neither has been accomplished. As some talking head said today, the next person who wants to be president better have a winning strategy, and be able to defend it....and talk openly about it. So far I hear nothing.
The French are just like that stuck up"I'm so sophisticated" cousin every family has, we love them but sometimes they get on our nerves. I'm guessing our Jock like " I'm great because I'm an American" attitude gets on their nerves as well(even if it is the truth,lol). Regardless in a pinch we'd have their backs and would expect them to have ours.

I wouldn't trust my back to a frog....they're the most venal cowards on the face of the earth. :eusa_eh:

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