Wow, I Thought I'd Never See This


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
I was reading the paper, getting that ink all over my hands, about where Hillary Clinton accepted the blame for her loss in the election. Couldnt believe it, I turned to page 2 and there was a column by Paul Krugman extolling the virtues of Donald Trump and how he had so successfully handled two damaging hurricanes so early in his administration. An opinion column on page 2? I couldnt believe it, but Krugman complimenting Trump was virtually impossible!

I laid the paper down on the dining room table feeling stunned; two miracles in one day then I saw the headline to the Washington Compost. I read that again; Washington COMPOST. The headline demanded a special council investigation into Hillary Clinton's network of corruption.

No way! I stood up and started slapping myself in the face; I had to be dreaming.

Slowly I came out of it and set up in my bed. The night time sky assured me that all was well, I was only dreaming, and the liberal establishments self-destruction was still continuing apace. It had not realized its predicament and saved itself.

I then relaxed and calmly went back to a peaceful sleep.
But Trump really HAS handled the hurricanes well! Far better than any other president I can think of in recent history!

I'm sure he will get all the credit due him by the folks on CNN.
tRump is a joke on the American people who voted his worthless being to be, ha ha, presidente of the USA. The only thin he has handled has been his daughters body and his wifes prostitution calls.
tRump is a joke on the American people who voted his worthless being to be, ha ha, presidente of the USA. The only thin he has handled has been his daughters body and his wifes prostitution calls.

I was reading the paper, getting that ink all over my hands, about where Hillary Clinton accepted the blame for her loss in the election. Couldnt believe it, I turned to page 2 and there was a column by Paul Krugman extolling the virtues of Donald Trump and how he had so successfully handled two damaging hurricanes so early in his administration. An opinion column on page 2? I couldnt believe it, but Krugman complimenting Trump was virtually impossible!

I laid the paper down on the dining room table feeling stunned; two miracles in one day then I saw the headline to the Washington Compost. I read that again; Washington COMPOST. The headline demanded a special council investigation into Hillary Clinton's network of corruption.

No way! I stood up and started slapping myself in the face; I had to be dreaming.

Slowly I came out of it and set up in my bed. The night time sky assured me that all was well, I was only dreaming, and the liberal establishments self-destruction was still continuing apace. It had not realized its predicament and saved itself.

I then relaxed and calmly went back to a peaceful sleep.

Amazing what revelations appear when you pull your head out of the Echobubbular sand innit? :lalala:

Boy, you need to sharpen your self-delusion skills. Try this thread for inspiration. When the news doesn't match your bubble -- just deny it exists.
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tRump is a joke on the American people who voted his worthless being to be, ha ha, presidente of the USA. The only thin he has handled has been his daughters body and his wifes prostitution calls.
Maybe you can understand now, how those with common sense were stunned when the nation went crazy and elected the African with his Socialist mentality.
But Trump really HAS handled the hurricanes well! Far better than any other president I can think of in recent history!

I'm sure he will get all the credit due him by the folks on CNN.

Donald, the hurricane whisperer
tRump is a joke on the American people who voted his worthless being to be, ha ha, presidente of the USA. The only thin he has handled has been his daughters body and his wifes prostitution calls.

So, you don't handle your wife's prostitution calls??

Ah, the old family rule violation. So much fun let's post it twice.

But Trump's family is open game? Bullshit.

Unless they post here --- yep.

Looks like the first step is gonna be to get over this here hero-worship fixation.
As Bush and the Obomb continue to hand out food and clothing to those left homeless by Irma......
tRump is a joke on the American people who voted his worthless being to be, ha ha, presidente of the USA. The only thin he has handled has been his daughters body and his wifes prostitution calls.
"only thin" you are capable of is butchering the English language.
"only thin" you are capable of is butchering the English language.[/QUOTE]Seems it is the only english you know!!
The American people are tiring of the automatic opposition to our President by the obstructionist Dems and their media hacks in everything he does, says, or thinks. Our country faces problems that need to be dealt with but the left is so hell bent on making this President fail, they are willing to steer us into a civil war to accomplish it. The world is seeing the true face of the Democratic Party and I hope they continue to show themselves for the despicable creatures they are.
But Trump really HAS handled the hurricanes well! Far better than any other president I can think of in recent history!

I'm sure he will get all the credit due him by the folks on CNN.

But if Krugman ever realized it he would never say it, much less put it in a column, and that column would be on the editorial page, lol.
tRump is a joke on the American people who voted his worthless being to be, ha ha, presidente of the USA. The only thin he has handled has been his daughters body and his wifes prostitution calls.
President Trump is a wonderful leader of the free world and my beloved nation. It's a pity that people of your ilk refuse to see all the good he has done so far, with or without the help of the so-called GOP.

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