WOW, not even a whole hour

He is doing what he said'

A cease-fire in the Syrian civil war, negotiated by Russia and the United States, officially took effect at sundown on Monday after a weekend of intensified fighting and a vow by the president to retake the entire country.
Peace in the Middle East, that'll be the day.

Syria is a fucking quagmire, Obama supports rebels, Russians support Assad, and all are against ISIS. Yet Obama supports Saudi Arabia and Turkey which are financing ISIS.

Hopefully we will get a President Trump that will remove us from these entanglements and keep Muslims where they belong, in the Middle East where they can kill each other rather than non-Muslims.
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He is doing what he said'

A cease-fire in the Syrian civil war, negotiated by Russia and the United States, officially took effect at sundown on Monday after a weekend of intensified fighting and a vow by the president to retake the entire country.

Penny makes an excellent point------It is VERY IMPORTANT to
take careful note of what dictators SAY in whatever language
they say it. A signature on a "peace agreement"----or a "ceasefire agreement" is not as important as a promise to
the supporters
think that 'long in the face ketchup kerry' brokered this deal didn't he ?? What a wheeler dealer that guy is .
The State Department says the new cease-fire in Syria includes no provisions for the U.S. and Russia to approve Syrian government airstrikes.

Spokesman John Kirby's clarification comes shortly after Secretary of State John Kerry said Syria could continue bombing operations against al-Qaida-linked militants as part of the truce, if Washington and Moscow agree.<<

BEIRUT—A tenuous calm set in across Syria on Monday night as a U.S.-Russia brokered cease-fire took effect, just hours after President Bashar al-Assad vowed to take back all opposition-controlled territory.

“The Syrian state is determined to retake every area from the terrorists, and restore security and safety,” Mr. Assad said, according to the state run Syrian Arab News Agency. The regime refers to all its opponents as terrorists.

The Syrian leader spoke as he walked through Daraya, a Damascus suburb that surrendered last month and returned to government control after a nearly four-year siege. Its 10,000 residents—many malnourished—were all forced to evacuate as part of the truce.<<
I think Assad should take back his country. Let him take care of ISIS, and to be frank, we don't allow militias to take over our government here either, why should he.
1st violation of #SyriaCeasefire: Assad regime artillery strikes town of Al-Hara (rural Daraa). Within 1st hour! #CeasefireViolations

8th violation of #SyriaCeasefire: Regime drops barrel bombs in Ifra town in Barada Valley of Damascus, causing fires. #CeasefireViolations

9th violation of #SyriaCeasefire: two regime rockets land on town of Bayt Naim in Eastern Ghouta of Damascus. #CeasefireViolations


Mortar fire from Syria hits Israeli Golan Heights in apparent civil war spillover - Israel News

Despite the nationwide cease-fire established in Syria, Israeli residents say fighting still taking place across the border.
so much for all the hard work on agreeing to a ceasefire Assad is dropping barre bombs

You mean you can't trust dictatorships.....? Well, then it is a good thing we didn't let Iran get that 1.5 billion dollars and that we didn't allow them to develop nukes....right? Uh...what......? We gave them the money and now they can build a bomb......? Never mind......

With Iran approval, Assad is committing genocide of sunni (the majority) in syria.
so much for all the hard work on agreeing to a ceasefire Assad is dropping barre bombs

You mean you can't trust dictatorships.....? Well, then it is a good thing we didn't let Iran get that 1.5 billion dollars and that we didn't allow them to develop nukes....right? Uh...what......? We gave them the money and now they can build a bomb......? Never mind......

With Iran approval, Assad is committing genocide of sunni (the majority) in syria.
You mean ISIS.
so much for all the hard work on agreeing to a ceasefire Assad is dropping barre bombs

You mean you can't trust dictatorships.....? Well, then it is a good thing we didn't let Iran get that 1.5 billion dollars and that we didn't allow them to develop nukes....right? Uh...what......? We gave them the money and now they can build a bomb......? Never mind......

With Iran approval, Assad is committing genocide of sunni (the majority) in syria.

If the Shiites aren't killing the Sunni, the Sunni are killing them. Either way, what business is it of ours?
so much for all the hard work on agreeing to a ceasefire Assad is dropping barre bombs

You mean you can't trust dictatorships.....? Well, then it is a good thing we didn't let Iran get that 1.5 billion dollars and that we didn't allow them to develop nukes....right? Uh...what......? We gave them the money and now they can build a bomb......? Never mind......

With Iran approval, Assad is committing genocide of sunni (the majority) in syria.
You mean ISIS.

no ---the majority of sunni muslims are NOT ISIS-----Lots of sunni muslims are very much ANTI-isis. In fact---the majority of sunnis are anti-isis. Turkey is sunni (majority) and they are anti-isis. Even Saudi arabia is majority sunni
and anti--isis. I am trying to find a SHIITE---whether Iranian or not-----who recognizes the filth of HEZBOLLAH
think that 'long in the face ketchup kerry' brokered this deal didn't he ?? What a wheeler dealer that guy is .

he's such a schmuck-----that my biggest fear of a HILLARY win is------with Hillary we get---BOTH ---Kerry the klown and Huma

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