WOW! That was a eyeopener....Why everyone needs school choice vouchers


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2021
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Shenandoah Valley of Virginia
This morning I stopped by one of the pawn shops in town which also happens to be the political hub of the town/county and a county supervisor was in there talking about public school funding. The school board asking for more, yada, yada, yada. I believe the conversation started over a proposed county tax increase.

I was looking at a older 20 gauge Remington shotgun and listening in and during the conversation the supervisor mentioned that 24.7% of the school-aged children of my county were either in private schools or being homeschooled.....I had no idea it was that high!

By and by my opinion was asked for and I told the supervisor that it was a damn shame that the parents of that 24.7% did not get vouchers to help with the cost of their kid's education. I told him that I put my kids and a grandkid through private schools and I damn sure could have used the financial help I had paid taxes for.

He looked all appalled and started in on the guilt trip about supporting public schools and I got a bit pissed and told him that a real man looks after his first, all else after, and that vouchers should be used to educate all kids in the way their parents choose, not just in the way the state chooses.

To be fair our schools have improved a lot and are in the top 20% of Virginia schools but about 1200 kid's parents are being shortchanged as far a funding for their education goes.

It's not like I was suggesting they get anything anything extra, just for a voucher for what they spend per student on the public schooled kids.....After all the parents are paying taxes that they see nothing for.
This morning I stopped by one of the pawn shops in town which also happens to be the political hub of the town/county and a county supervisor was in there talking about public school funding. The school board asking for more, yada, yada, yada. I believe the conversation started over a proposed county tax increase.

I was looking at a older 20 gauge Remington shotgun and listening in and during the conversation the supervisor mentioned that 24.7% of the school-aged children of my county were either in private schools or being homeschooled.....I had no idea it was that high!

By and by my opinion was asked for and I told the supervisor that it was a damn shame that the parents of that 24.7% did not get vouchers to help with the cost of their kid's education. I told him that I put my kids and a grandkid through private schools and I damn sure could have used the financial help I had paid taxes for.

He looked all appalled and started in on the guilt trip about supporting public schools and I got a bit pissed and told him that a real man looks after his first, all else after, and that vouchers should be used to educate all kids in the way their parents choose, not just in the way the state chooses.

To be fair our schools have improved a lot and are in the top 20% of Virginia schools but about 1200 kid's parents are being shortchanged as far a funding for their education goes.

It's not like I was suggesting they get anything anything extra, just for a voucher for what they spend per student on the public schooled kids.....After all the parents are paying taxes that they see nothing for.
Typical Dimtard mantra....ask your opinion then chastise you for it.
This morning I stopped by one of the pawn shops in town which also happens to be the political hub of the town/county and a county supervisor was in there talking about public school funding. The school board asking for more, yada, yada, yada. I believe the conversation started over a proposed county tax increase.

I was looking at a older 20 gauge Remington shotgun and listening in and during the conversation the supervisor mentioned that 24.7% of the school-aged children of my county were either in private schools or being homeschooled.....I had no idea it was that high!

By and by my opinion was asked for and I told the supervisor that it was a damn shame that the parents of that 24.7% did not get vouchers to help with the cost of their kid's education. I told him that I put my kids and a grandkid through private schools and I damn sure could have used the financial help I had paid taxes for.

He looked all appalled and started in on the guilt trip about supporting public schools and I got a bit pissed and told him that a real man looks after his first, all else after, and that vouchers should be used to educate all kids in the way their parents choose, not just in the way the state chooses.

To be fair our schools have improved a lot and are in the top 20% of Virginia schools but about 1200 kid's parents are being shortchanged as far a funding for their education goes.

It's not like I was suggesting they get anything anything extra, just for a voucher for what they spend per student on the public schooled kids.....After all the parents are paying taxes that they see nothing for.
Watching a hick spell...
Typical Dimtard mantra....ask your opinion then chastise you for it.
No, the guy is a goper. It happens to all of them to one extent or another after the school board and the multitude of Karens wanting more and more....They never think of the folks sacrificing to give their kids a better education.
No, the guy is a goper. It happens to all of them to one extent or another after the school board and the multitude of Karens wanting more and more....They never think of the folks sacrificing to give their kids a better education.
Surprised. Good point.
My parents struggled to put five of us through Catholic School (even though two of us are atheists now).

Here's why vouchers won't be the cure-all that you all think it will be.

Private schools are successful because 1) they can pick and choose their students and 2) since parents ARE spending their own money, they are committed to the outcome.

Vouchers didn't fix the crisis of affordable housing. Why do you think they will fix bad schools?
My parents struggled to put five of us through Catholic School (even though two of us are atheists now).

Here's why vouchers won't be the cure-all that you all think it will be.

Private schools are successful because 1) they can pick and choose their students and 2) since parents ARE spending their own money, they are committed to the outcome.

Vouchers didn't fix the crisis of affordable housing. Why do you think they will fix bad schools?
The parents of private and home schooled kids pay taxes so why shouldn't they get the benefit of vouchers?

In fact I'd go as far as saying they pay more than their "fair share" seeing how many kids have parents that pay little to nothing in county/state/fed taxes.

Mostly it's the teachers that lobby against it.....They have even started defunding public charter schools in the interest of the "equal outcomes" clap-trap.
The parents of private and home schooled kids pay taxes so why shouldn't they get the benefit of vouchers?

In fact I'd go as far as saying they pay more than their "fair share" seeing how many kids have parents that pay little to nothing in county/state/fed taxes.

Mostly it's the teachers that lobby against it.....They have even started defunding public charter schools in the interest of the "equal outcomes" clap-trap.

because that's not the purpose of public schools. I don't have any kids, I'm paying for them, too.

I would have no problem giving people who use private schools a tax credit, however.

I am pretty critical of the Teachers' Unions. That said, Charter schools have as many failures as successes, and they drain needed resources from the mainline schools.

I do think we have a two-teired system. Good schools for those who can afford to live in a suburb or send their kids to a parochial or private school, and not so good schools for those who can't.

How many doctors, lawyers, engineers are we not producing because some kid had an outdated textbook in a classroom that was too cold for him to pay attention?
How many doctors, lawyers, engineers are we not producing because some kid had an outdated textbook in a classroom that was too cold for him to pay attention?
Given the hogwash they "teach" now the kids might be better off with an outdated textbook...You know, like maybe one on US civics for instance.

LOL....As far as "too cold" the kids are not having to take turns shoveling coal into a furnace or pot-belly stove anymore you know. :laughing0301:
Given the hogwash they "teach" now the kids might be better off with an outdated textbook...You know, like maybe one on US civics for instance.

LOL....As far as "too cold" the kids are not having to take turns shoveling coal into a furnace or pot-belly stove anymore you know.

When I was a Census worker in 2000, I visited a public school in Cicero, IL. It was in bad shape, with loose tiles on the floor.

If the Urban Schools were so awesome, you wouldn't have had white people freaking the fuck out over busing.
The parents of private and home schooled kids pay taxes so why shouldn't they get the benefit of vouchers?

In fact I'd go as far as saying they pay more than their "fair share" seeing how many kids have parents that pay little to nothing in county/state/fed taxes.

Mostly it's the teachers that lobby against it.....They have even started defunding public charter schools in the interest of the "equal outcomes" clap-trap.
They should not get the benefits if they do not avail themselves of the public schools. Vouchers are an excuse to pay parents to send their kids to elitist schools with expensive tuition where the education level depends totally on the student. If you want your kid to attend a Muslim madrassa, then you pay for it!

If a child attends a public school and there are no private schools to attend, what good does a voucher do them?
Given the hogwash they "teach" now the kids might be better off with an outdated textbook...You know, like maybe one on US civics for instance.

LOL....As far as "too cold" the kids are not having to take turns shoveling coal into a furnace or pot-belly stove anymore you know. :laughing0301:
I love how you people are so outdated that you think schools still use textbooks! I was a teacher up until 2018. I had not taught from a textbook since about 2012.
When I was a Census worker in 2000, I visited a public school in Cicero, IL. It was in bad shape, with loose tiles on the floor.

If the Urban Schools were so awesome, you wouldn't have had white people freaking the fuck out over busing.
Nobody wanted their white kids to be forced to mingle with blacks. Much less bussed to hell and gone to do it.

Notice how forced bussing is not a thing anymore? It died with not as much as a whimper in 1999.
This morning I stopped by one of the pawn shops in town which also happens to be the political hub of the town/county and a county supervisor was in there talking about public school funding. The school board asking for more, yada, yada, yada. I believe the conversation started over a proposed county tax increase.

I was looking at a older 20 gauge Remington shotgun and listening in and during the conversation the supervisor mentioned that 24.7% of the school-aged children of my county were either in private schools or being homeschooled.....I had no idea it was that high!

By and by my opinion was asked for and I told the supervisor that it was a damn shame that the parents of that 24.7% did not get vouchers to help with the cost of their kid's education. I told him that I put my kids and a grandkid through private schools and I damn sure could have used the financial help I had paid taxes for.

He looked all appalled and started in on the guilt trip about supporting public schools and I got a bit pissed and told him that a real man looks after his first, all else after, and that vouchers should be used to educate all kids in the way their parents choose, not just in the way the state chooses.

To be fair our schools have improved a lot and are in the top 20% of Virginia schools but about 1200 kid's parents are being shortchanged as far a funding for their education goes.

It's not like I was suggesting they get anything anything extra, just for a voucher for what they spend per student on the public schooled kids.....After all the parents are paying taxes that they see nothing for.

As soon as a private school takes vouchers they must take ALL the students that apply. Special needs, behavior disorders and etc.

Then the "private school" is really a public school.
The original concept of free, compulsory education (and America was in the forefront of this in the world) was to assure that the democratic processes of the republic be conducted by an educated electorate. It was, as with firefighting and defense, a general, public "good" that was necessary.
We can and should discuss the quality of such education today, and also must demand that such quality be maintained or increased, never diminished or compromised.
Private schools are fine and if people want to send their children to one, great. A Presbyterian family has every right to have its offspring educated under their views and faith. This they must, however, do at their cost. It is not for the general population to pay for particular orientations of doctrine, ideology, etc.
Personally I don't have a problem with vouchers.

However if a parent takes the voucher they should not be able to be able to use Public Schools as a backup.

If the parents take the voucher the school system should not be responsible for maintaining infrastructure (buildings, bus fleet, etc.) and staff for those students.

If the parents student doesn't get accepted, gets booted for poor academic performance, or is expelled for behavioral problems - it's the parents problem. No returning to public school during the school year for any year that vouchers have been issued.

This morning I stopped by one of the pawn shops in town which also happens to be the political hub of the town/county and a county supervisor was in there talking about public school funding. The school board asking for more, yada, yada, yada. I believe the conversation started over a proposed county tax increase.

I was looking at a older 20 gauge Remington shotgun and listening in and during the conversation the supervisor mentioned that 24.7% of the school-aged children of my county were either in private schools or being homeschooled.....I had no idea it was that high!

By and by my opinion was asked for and I told the supervisor that it was a damn shame that the parents of that 24.7% did not get vouchers to help with the cost of their kid's education. I told him that I put my kids and a grandkid through private schools and I damn sure could have used the financial help I had paid taxes for.

He looked all appalled and started in on the guilt trip about supporting public schools and I got a bit pissed and told him that a real man looks after his first, all else after, and that vouchers should be used to educate all kids in the way their parents choose, not just in the way the state chooses.

To be fair our schools have improved a lot and are in the top 20% of Virginia schools but about 1200 kid's parents are being shortchanged as far a funding for their education goes.

It's not like I was suggesting they get anything anything extra, just for a voucher for what they spend per student on the public schooled kids.....After all the parents are paying taxes that they see nothing for.
Yeah, well if were there I'd have stopped you at 'Yeah, they've improved" shit, that is like applauding that the baker's bread is less moldy lately. The schools are sht. YOU KNOW THAT. Really, Google the national scores on Amerian History and Civics. Disastrously low.
What kind of school produces kids that don't even know their own country
Yeah, well if were there I'd have stopped you at 'Yeah, they've improved" shit, that is like applauding that the baker's bread is less moldy lately. The schools are sht. YOU KNOW THAT. Really, Google the national scores on Amerian History and Civics. Disastrously low.
What kind of school produces kids that don't even know their own country
Just citing improvement....My kids never saw the inside of one.
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