‘WTF?’ Guardian journo says Mont. House candidate Greg Gianforte ‘just body slammed’ him

Both sides have done it. It's wrong. Saying the left does it does not excuse this.
I can produce 10 videos of democrat violence for every 1 video you find showing the opposite. Quit acting like we are all the same. The facts clearly show you are wrong.

Why do you condone this by deflecting?
Why are you deflecting from admitting the left is responsible for the vast majority of violence in the US?

I'm not deflecting. You are. I asked you first.
Quit deflecting.

You started the deflecting. Not me.
Whoever condones this is devoid of decency.
The left condones political violence more than any group. Go see for yourself on YouTube.

Both sides have done it. It's wrong. Saying the left does it does not excuse this.
I can produce 10 videos of democrat violence for every 1 video you find showing the opposite. Quit acting like we are all the same. The facts clearly show you are wrong.

Finding other people who committed the same crime as your only defense is guaranteed to get you convicted.
Cool, I would love to do the same to hundreds of other members of the media who claim they are objective.
Hope he got his nose broken.
The people are the only censors of their governors: and even their errors will tend to keep these to the true principles of their institution. To punish these errors too severely would be to suppress the only safeguard of the public liberty. The way to prevent these irregular interpositions of the people is to give them full information of their affairs thro’ the channel of the public papers, & to contrive that those papers should penetrate the whole mass of the people. The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter. But I should mean that every man should receive those papers & be capable of reading them.

Thomas Jefferson

Again, the proponents of tyranny hate the first amendment. Apparently you are one of those.

Actually I love the First Amendment, but I still would love to kick the ass of as many of these so-called journalists that I could. :beer:
Because they report the truth?
I dont think this man has the temperament to be in the House.

But kudos to him for taking out the trash, lol.

Do you seriously consider yourself a Christian?

Oh, of course I do, which is why I moderated my language.

You forget that people here have read your posts.

You are NOT christian.
You are NOT an American, so we don't care what YOU think.
Well, I am an American, with a dd214 that says Honorable. And I think that candidate should spend a year or two in jail for assault.
Quit looking for a pat on the back for your military service. I served too, but you don't see me bragging about it.

What was the assault? Got any video, or do you just have audio of some guy saying he was body slammed? Evidence aside, let's assume he was body slammed like a WEE wrestler. You think he should spend 2 fucking years in prison for it? Did he break the guys neck or something? What injuries did he sustain that would deserve THAT kind of sentence?
Look, little cocksuck, witnesses and an audio that confirms what those witnesses saw. If the law in that county is real, that miscreant will face felony charges.
Ah, before hearing all the facts and speaking to witnesses or even having a court case for it, YOU are here to tell us that if he isn't convicted, it's a lawless county? Get the fuck out of here, dipshit.
Cool, I would love to do the same to hundreds of other members of the media who claim they are objective.
Hope he got his nose broken.

Except you actually wouldn't.

Doesn't mean I wouldn't love to ! :beer:

Then that says a lot about you and it's not good.

Hey just because he wishe's something that he'll never do doesn't mean anything.

*cough* Pussy *cough*
Look, little cocksuck, witnesses and an audio that confirms what those witnesses saw. If the law in that county is real, that miscreant will face felony charges.
Ah, before hearing all the facts and speaking to witnesses or even having a court case for it, YOU are here to tell us that if he isn't convicted, it's a lawless county? Get the fuck out of here, dipshit.

What are "all the facts" that are missing here? Don't believe your ears now?

Reporter Says Montana GOP Candidate ‘Body Slammed’ Him

The altercation happened on the eve of Montana’s special House election.

On the eve of Montana’s special election, a reporter for The Guardian on Wednesday accused Greg Gianforte, the millionaire Republican running for the state’s open congressional seat, of assaulting him.

Guardian reporter Ben Jacobs said Gianforte “body slammed me and broke my glasses” after he asked a question about the Republican health care legislation.

In an audio recording posted by The Guardian, Jacobs can be heard asking Gianforte about the recently released Congressional Budget Office report on the Republican health care replacement bill. Then there’s a loud crash.

“I’m sick and tired of you guys,” Gianforte says. “The last time you came here you did the same thing. Get the hell out of here!”

“Jesus Christ,” Jacobs said. “You just body slammed me and broke my glasses.”

“Get the hell out of here,” Gianforte says again.

”If you’d like me to get the hell out of here, I’d also like to call the police,” Jacobs says.

Alexis Levinson, a BuzzFeed reporter, saw part of the clash, which happened at Gianforte’s campaign headquarters in Bozeman.

This happened behind a half closed door, so I didn’t see it all, but here’s what it looked like from the outside,” Levinson wrote on Twitter. “Ben walked into a room where a local tv crew was set up for an interview with Gianforte ... All of a sudden I heard a giant crash and saw Ben’s feet fly in the air as he hit the floor.”

More: Reporter Says Montana GOP Candidate 'Body Slammed' Him

Wow, the election is tomorrow. Republicans are becoming more and more violent.
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Look, little cocksuck, witnesses and an audio that confirms what those witnesses saw. If the law in that county is real, that miscreant will face felony charges.
Ah, before hearing all the facts and speaking to witnesses or even having a court case for it, YOU are here to tell us that if he isn't convicted, it's a lawless county? Get the fuck out of here, dipshit.

What are "all the facts" that are missing here? Don't believe your ears now?
I heard a guy say he was body slammed. What did you hear?
The republican party is becoming like the taliban...A bunch of monsters.

I hope the bastard loses big time tomorrow!

Wow, that's intense. The Republican was very pro this bill. But then he was questioned, in a polite manner, about the huge number of Americans Republicans are desperately trying to f*ck over and he snapped.
I wonder if Trump will pay for the candidate's legal fees. Remember, Trump promoted violence.

Snowflake "reporter" needs to learn his place. He was told TWICE someone else would talk to him about.Stop being such a disrespectful asshole.I love it.

Exactly what your fascist heroes said.

The job of journalists is to get the info we need. NOT to get the info that some politician wants us to know.

You RWNJs are so ready to give away our rights and freedoms but really, you need to be careful what you wish for.
Look, little cocksuck, witnesses and an audio that confirms what those witnesses saw. If the law in that county is real, that miscreant will face felony charges.
Ah, before hearing all the facts and speaking to witnesses or even having a court case for it, YOU are here to tell us that if he isn't convicted, it's a lawless county? Get the fuck out of here, dipshit.

What are "all the facts" that are missing here? Don't believe your ears now?
I heard a guy say he was body slammed. What did you hear?

That's good, what else did you hear? Any sort of Ruckus? Or did you hear any other words?

Wow, that's intense. The Republican was very pro this bill. But then he was questioned, in a polite manner, about the huge number of Americans Republicans are desperately trying to f*ck over and he snapped.
I wonder if Trump will pay for the candidate's legal fees. Remember, Trump promoted violence.

Snowflake "reporter" needs to learn his place. He was told TWICE someone else would talk to him about.Stop being such a disrespectful asshole.I love it.

Exactly what your fascist heroes said.

The job of journalists is to get the info we need. NOT to get the info that some politician wants us to know.

You RWNJs are so ready to give away our rights and freedoms but really, you need to be careful what you wish for.

They'll realize the errors....just as soon as a Democrat attempts to use the same powers they are cheering right now.
Look, little cocksuck, witnesses and an audio that confirms what those witnesses saw. If the law in that county is real, that miscreant will face felony charges.
Ah, before hearing all the facts and speaking to witnesses or even having a court case for it, YOU are here to tell us that if he isn't convicted, it's a lawless county? Get the fuck out of here, dipshit.

What are "all the facts" that are missing here? Don't believe your ears now?
I heard a guy say he was body slammed. What did you hear?

That's good, what else did you hear? Any sort of Ruckus? Or did you hear any other words?
Yes, I heard a ruckus. Which person should go to prison for the ruckus i heard?

Wow, that's intense. The Republican was very pro this bill. But then he was questioned, in a polite manner, about the huge number of Americans Republicans are desperately trying to f*ck over and he snapped.
I wonder if Trump will pay for the candidate's legal fees. Remember, Trump promoted violence.

Snowflake "reporter" needs to learn his place. He was told TWICE someone else would talk to him about.Stop being such a disrespectful asshole.I love it.

Exactly what your fascist heroes said.

The job of journalists is to get the info we need. NOT to get the info that some politician wants us to know.

You RWNJs are so ready to give away our rights and freedoms but really, you need to be careful what you wish for.

The disrespectful snowflake was told TWICE to talk to the person with the information. He should learn to listen next time. "journalists" think they can do whatever they want just because they claim to be media.

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