WTF IS REALLY GOING ON: Bill Gates OP ED Feb. 2017 And Bill Gates Nov. 2018


Platinum Member
Oct 4, 2016
Bill Gates wrote an Op Ed in Feb. 2017 for Business Insider Australia

A new kind of terrorism could wipe out 30 million people --
and we are not prepared

It’s also true that the next epidemic could originate on the computer screen of a terrorist intent on using genetic engineering to create a synthetic version of the smallpox virus . . . or a super contagious and deadly strain of the flu.

The point is, we ignore the link between health security and international security at our peril. Whether it occurs by a quirk of nature or at the hand of a terrorist, epidemiologists say a fast-moving airborne pathogen could kill more than 30 million people in less than a year. And they say there is a reasonable probability the world will experience such an outbreak in the next 10-15 years.

And even if the next pandemic isn’t on the scale of the 1918 flu, we would be wise to consider the social and economic turmoil that might ensue if something like Ebola made its way into a lot of major urban centres.

The good news is that with advances in biotechnology, new vaccines and drugs can help prevent epidemics from spreading out of control. And, most of the things we need to do to protect against a naturally occurring pandemic are the same things we must prepare for an intentional biological attack.

We need to invest in vaccine innovation
First and most importantly, we have to build an arsenal of new weapons — vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics.

Vaccines can be especially important in containing epidemics. But today, it typically takes up to 10 years to develop and licence a new vaccine. To significantly curb deaths from a fast-moving airborne pathogen, we would have to get that down considerably — to 90 days or less.

We took an important step last month with the launch of a new public-private partnership called the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations. The hope is that CEPI will enable the world to produce safe, effective vaccines as quickly as new threats emerge.

Of course, the preventive capacity of a vaccine won’t help if a pathogen has already spread out of control.
Because epidemics can quickly take root in the places least equipped to fight them, we also need to improve surveillance.

The third thing we need to do is prepare for epidemics the way the military prepares for war. This includes germ games and other preparedness exercises so we can better understand how diseases will spread, how people will respond in a panic, and how to deal with things like overloaded highways and communications systems.


Because in Nov. of 2018 he stated at an epidemic conference

Bill Gates thinks a coming disease could kill 30 million people within 6 months -- and says we should prepare for it as we do for war

  • The next deadly disease that will cause a global pandemic is coming, Bill Gates said in April at a discussion of epidemics.
  • We’re not ready.
  • An illness like the pandemic 1918 influenza could kill 30 million people within six months, Gates said, adding that the next disease might not even be a flu, but something we’ve never seen.
  • The world should prepare as it does for war, Gates said.
The likelihood that such a disease will appear continues to rise.New pathogens emerge all the time as the world population increases and humanity encroaches on wild environments. It’s becoming easier and easier for individual people or small groups to create weaponised diseases that could spread like wildfire around the globe.

According to Gates, a small non-state actor could build an even deadlier form of smallpox in a lab.

Gates presented a simulation by the Institute for Disease Modelling that found that a new flu like the one that killed 50 million people in the 1918 pandemic would now most likely kill 30 million people within six months.

And the disease that next takes us by surprise is likely to be one we see for the first time at the start of an outbreak, like what happened recently with SARS and MERS viruses.

But we’re not yet good enough at rapidly identifying
the threat from a disease and coordinating a response,
as the global reaction to the latest Ebola epidemic showed.


OFFS... if we spend our lives and our treasures preparing for disasters, we will have nothing left when a disaster does happen.

We could spend billions on the next pandemic only to be confronted with a super volcano or a meteor strike.

Shite happens, keep calm and carry on.
Because epidemics can quickly take root in the places least equipped to fight them, we also need to improve surveillance.

This is the most concerning part of Gates' op-ed.

It's also the part of the op-ed that is not expanded upon in terms of explanation.

This is strategic.

Remember after 9/11 they started acting like we were the terrorists? Supposedly brown people in the middle east hated us for our freedoms, yet it was those terrorist cells in the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches who lined us up for inspection and attacked our civil liberties. They put us under the microscope. And continue to do so.


Well, that's what Mr. Gates' medical surveillance narrative is all about. And take note of the fact that he's using the 'terrorist' narrative with regard to surveilling disease and invasive medical procedures like vaccination. Take note that his language projects a warfare mentality which requires both an enemy and the federal government to come to the rescue when everyone is ascared nice and good. I'm sure the mass media will run interference in that regard.

Like the legislative events following 9/11, this, too, will be used to justify yet another campaign in the continuing war on us, the American people, and our civil liberties. This, too, will be used to expand federal powers of surveillance over the electorate, but in a manner which conforms to the coming nationalized healthcare structure.

Relevant reading...

When this is over Americans will likely have no control whatsoever over their medical decisions. Any and all invasive medical procedures and medical decisions will likely become yet another power of the federal government to mandate, complete with surveillance infrastructure to ensure compliance. We're already starting to see places like Israel and China use surveillance infrastructure to monitor and track the movements of affected people, even going so far as using facial recognition technology. And they're using the 'war on a silent enemy' narrative to sell it. We're seing that same narrative being introduced in western media now.

Anyway. Whatever. As always, the people will love them for it. They'll get precisely what they ask for. And they'll get it nice and hard. As usual, it will be a bipartisan affair.
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Good Morning NC

so, terrorist germs ...all screaming alla acaba

at least makes for an entertaining pandemic......


What's gawn awn, Sparky.

If Toby Keith puts out a new single, it's on like Donkey Kong, man. May as well get ready to line up for your new tattoo. lolol. The drones eat that stuff up like candy. People will be fighting over the first spots in line acting all patriotic and shit.

Because epidemics can quickly take root in the places least equipped to fight them, we also need to improve surveillance.

This is the most concerning part of Gates' op-ed.

It's also the part of the op-ed that is not expanded upon in terms of explanation.

This is strategic.

Remember after 9/11 they started acting like we were the terrorists? Supposedly brown people in the middle east hated us for our freedoms, yet it was those terrorist cells in the Legislative, Executive and Judicial branches who lined us up for inspection and attacked our civil liberties. They put us under the microscope. And continue to do so.


Well, that's what Mr. Gates' medical surveillance narrative is all about. And take note of the fact that he's using the 'terrorist' narrative with regard to surveilling disease and invasive medical procedures like vaccination. Take note that his language projects a warfare mentality which requires an enemy.

Like the legislative events following 9/11, this, too, will be used to justify yet another campaign in the continuing war on us, the American people, and our civil liberties. This, too, will be used to expand federal powers of surveillance over the electorate, but in a manner which conforms to the coming nationalized healthcare structure.

Relevant reading...

When this is over Americans will likely have no control whatsoever over their medical decisions. Any and all invasive medical procedures and medical decisions will likely become yet another power of the federal government to mandate, complete with surveillance infrastructure to ensure compliance. We're already starting to see places like Israel and China use surveillance infrastructure to monitor and track the movements of affected people, even going so far as using facial recognition technology. And they're using the 'war on a silent enemy' narrative to sell it. We're seing that same narrative being introduced in western media now.

Anyway. Whatever. As always, the people will love them for it. They'll get precisely what they ask for. And they'll get it nice and hard. As usual, it will be a bipartisan affair.
Many in the regulatory, medical and insurance community already do this. They fill people full of shit and many eat it up thinking they just can't live without those twenty to thirty prescriptions their drs. put them on. They take uppers and downers and mind altering crap then wonder why they are so f'ing miserable and feel like crap all the time.
Good Morning NC

so, terrorist germs ...all screaming alla acaba

at least makes for an entertaining pandemic......


What's gawn awn, Sparky.

If Toby Keith puts out a new single, it's on like Donkey Kong, man. May as well get ready to line up for your new tattoo. lolol. The drones eat that stuff up like candy. People will be fighting over the first spots in line acting all patriotic and shit.

Gates just loves his vaccines...


and this caught me eye>>>>

“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”

I can wire lights all*t i should have a 'corona light' special ......i'm not proud when i'm hungry!


Many in the regulatory, medical and insurance community already do this. They fill people full of shit and many eat it up thinking they just can't live without those twenty to thirty prescriptions their drs. put them on. They take uppers and downers and mind altering crap then wonder why they are so f'ing miserable and feel like crap all the time.


Not only that, but almost all of the mass shooters were prescribed psychotropic dope. Of course, nobody ever wants to talk about that aspect of things. Usually the dominant debate consists of the learned narrative fed by mass media. Take guns first then give due process second and whatnot. That kinda thing.

Anyway. That's probaby all I have to say in the thread. I really don't even like coming here anymore to be honest. Been looking for a new hangout spot. Something a lot less mass media...ish.
Good Morning NC

so, terrorist germs ...all screaming alla acaba

at least makes for an entertaining pandemic......


What's gawn awn, Sparky.

If Toby Keith puts out a new single, it's on like Donkey Kong, man. May as well get ready to line up for your new tattoo. lolol. The drones eat that stuff up like candy. People will be fighting over the first spots in line acting all patriotic and shit.

Gates just loves his vaccines...


and this caught me eye>>>>

“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”

I can wire lights all*t i should have a 'corona light' special ......i'm not proud when i'm hungry!


Tattooed like dogs and cattle. No love lost here when Gates and his kind are taken out of this world and the next.
Good Morning NC

so, terrorist germs ...all screaming alla acaba

at least makes for an entertaining pandemic......


What's gawn awn, Sparky.

If Toby Keith puts out a new single, it's on like Donkey Kong, man. May as well get ready to line up for your new tattoo. lolol. The drones eat that stuff up like candy. People will be fighting over the first spots in line acting all patriotic and shit.

Gates just loves his vaccines...


and this caught me eye>>>>

“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”

I can wire lights all*t i should have a 'corona light' special ......i'm not proud when i'm hungry!


Tattooed like dogs and cattle. No love lost here when Gates and his kind are taken out of this world and the next.
I'd opt for a chip in my gourd, lot faster in the checkout line......~S~
Many in the regulatory, medical and insurance community already do this. They fill people full of shit and many eat it up thinking they just can't live without those twenty to thirty prescriptions their drs. put them on. They take uppers and downers and mind altering crap then wonder why they are so f'ing miserable and feel like crap all the time.


Not only that, but almost all of the mass shooters were prescribed psychotropic dope. Of course, nobody ever wants to talk about that aspect of things. Usually the dominant debate consists of the learned narrative fed by mass media. Take guns first then give due process second and whatnot. That kinda thing.

Anyway. That's probaby all I have to say in the thread. I really don't even like coming here anymore to be honest. Been looking for a new hangout spot. Something a little less mass media...ish.
If you say anything not in their protocol and agenda they will definitely troll you here. Sometimes its simply not worth one's time to post here but then you should also consider that a few that read posts here actually do appreciate real people and not just trolls looking to save and keep their advertising bucks or whatever perks they get by pushing crap.
Good Morning NC

so, terrorist germs ...all screaming alla acaba

at least makes for an entertaining pandemic......


What's gawn awn, Sparky.

If Toby Keith puts out a new single, it's on like Donkey Kong, man. May as well get ready to line up for your new tattoo. lolol. The drones eat that stuff up like candy. People will be fighting over the first spots in line acting all patriotic and shit.

Gates just loves his vaccines...


and this caught me eye>>>>

“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”

I can wire lights all*t i should have a 'corona light' special ......i'm not proud when i'm hungry!



Sparky, you're alright, brother. A regular feller. In case I've never told you that.
Good Morning NC

so, terrorist germs ...all screaming alla acaba

at least makes for an entertaining pandemic......


What's gawn awn, Sparky.

If Toby Keith puts out a new single, it's on like Donkey Kong, man. May as well get ready to line up for your new tattoo. lolol. The drones eat that stuff up like candy. People will be fighting over the first spots in line acting all patriotic and shit.

Gates just loves his vaccines...


and this caught me eye>>>>

“The invisible “tattoo” accompanying the vaccine is a pattern made up of minuscule quantum dots — tiny semiconducting crystals that reflect light — that glows under infrared light. The pattern — and vaccine — gets delivered into the skin using hi-tech dissolvable microneedles made of a mixture of polymers and sugar.”

I can wire lights all*t i should have a 'corona light' special ......i'm not proud when i'm hungry!


Tattooed like dogs and cattle. No love lost here when Gates and his kind are taken out of this world and the next.
I'd opt for a chip in my gourd, lot faster in the checkout line......~S~
I'd rather abstain from either and tell them to GFT.
If you say anything not in their protocol and agenda they will definitely troll you here. Sometimes its simply not worth one's time to post here but then you should also consider that a few that read posts here actually do appreciate real people and not just trolls looking to save and keep their advertising bucks or whatever perks they get by pushing crap.

I've never really been bothered by romper room stuff. Some of it is even funny at times. Trolling is more often the last (or first) resort of someone who simply isn't capable of critical discussion and functional debate with regard to a given topic or public issue.

My motto has always been very simple. It's not necessary that we all agree on everything. It's only necessary that we all agree that we should all be free. I've found that it's rather easy to get along with people from all walks of life just by trying to stick to that principle. And therein lies the issue that so many have these days. So many don't like that. The wrecks usually come when trustees in cable news entertainment programming come along and try to influence a red helmet versus blue helmet type of environment where the more critical terms of controversy with regard to a topic of discussion simply cannot be discussed or even debated in any functional way, rendering discussion reduced to whatever political football the talking heads are talking about on the idiot box.

Unfortunately, freedom just isn't popular anymore. And any lively discussion on the topic is more often found in smaller, dedicated web communities these days.
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If you say anything not in their protocol and agenda they will definitely troll you here. Sometimes its simply not worth one's time to post here but then you should also consider that a few that read posts here actually do appreciate real people and not just trolls looking to save and keep their advertising bucks or whatever perks they get by pushing crap.

I've never really been bothered by romper room stuff. Some of it is even funny at times. Trolling is more often the last (or first) resort of someone who simply isn't capable of critical discussion and functional debate with regard to a given topic or issue.

My motto has always been very simple. It's not necessary that we all agree on everything. It's only necessary that we all agree that we should all be free. I've found that it's rather easy to get along with people fro mall walks of life. The probems usually come when trustees in cable news entertainment programming come along and try to start a red helmet versus blue helmet type of environment where the more critical terms of controversy simply cannot be discussed or even debated in any functional way.

Unfortunately, freedom just isn't popular anymore. And any lively discussion on the topic is more often found in smaller, dedicated web communities these days.
Political affiliations can be very pervasive. Its been used to divide and conquer but fact is the people allowed it to be that away and most did it for their own convenience.

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