WTF? Macron just nullified the election because he didn't like the results!!!!

What an odd decision to make. He calls for an election right after he loses and the exit polls suggest he will get crushed in a National election?


It seems he is basically acknowledging that he is going to get trounced so he is trying to save as many voters as he can.

Him and Merkel end up being the worst leaders in EU history. I just listened to him give a speak and he acknowledges that France is impoverished and in bad shape, but "I am going to see this through!" Give him some credit, he isn't trying to gaslight as some leaders so, he knows citizens are feeling it and they're voting accordingly.

These idiots ruined their country and economy, not learning from what happened to the U.S, Canada and others when China took us to the cleaners and they are surprised that people have had enough!?

LiveLiveMacron calls snap elections as far-right support surges in European elections

Calling a snap election is a huge surprise for the country, and a huge risk for President Emmanuel Macron.

He could have reacted differently. He could have just kept going, explaining the hard-right’s massive victory as a European aberration which would be corrected at more important elections.

He could have trusted the impending Euro football championship and above all the Paris Olympics to keep people’s minds off politics for a couple of months.

That was certainly how the Paris commentariat thought he would take his party’s rout.

But one can only assume the president had seen this coming, and planned his response in advance. Certainly, the result was an almost exact replica of the polls, so he would have had plenty of time to consider his options.

The fact is that he is stuck. He has no majority in the National Assembly, so getting any bill through is already a struggle. With most of the country now so clearly against him, any new legislation - for example the upcoming budget - could have proved explosive.
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Time, IMHO, for the French to dust off the guillotine for President Macron and his queen Brigitte.

France has precedent to deal with this kind of insurrection by a head of state.
It was a referendum on Macron's reckless Ukraine policies. After Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, Jordan Bardella said his party is ready to constitute a new majority for France.


Jordan Bardella, 28, the president of the far-right National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, said Mr. Macron was ready to support Ukraine with “no limit” and “no red line,” an approach he characterized as “irresponsible and extremely dangerous for peace in the world.”

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Nothing like getting information about French elections from the Hindustan Times.
This is how Leftists rule. And if you think it can't happen here, just watch.

He has nullified NOTHING .
Simply called for new national elections at the end of this month .

It is reported that dear Uncle Volodya laughed uncontrollably for several minutes on hearing the news .

Let's hope that it is true that president Piss Pot will be gone hopefully by this time next week .
He has nullified NOTHING .
Simply called for new national elections at the end of this month .

It is reported that dear Uncle Volodya laughed uncontrollably for several minutes on hearing the news .

Let's hope that it is true that president Piss Pot will be gone hopefully by this time next week .
a Snap Election favors the Nationalist Populists
It was a referendum on Macron's reckless Ukraine policies. After Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, Jordan Bardella said his party is ready to constitute a new majority for France.


Jordan Bardella, 28, the president of the far-right National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, said Mr. Macron was ready to support Ukraine with “no limit” and “no red line,” an approach he characterized as “irresponsible and extremely dangerous for peace in the world.”

If that helps to stop this stupid war, then way to go. Fingers crossed for November - the most important ones.
a Snap Election favors the Nationalist Populists

Mukron knows that but equally he knows there is nothing he can do to prevent it .
But he has known this for months because the results mirrored the polls .
So the worry is only what tricks Mukron , the other vile midget , might have conjured to gain wriggle room .
Europeans don't want to start WWIII over a border dispute any more than sane American's do.

But the "current thing" crowd will precipitate nuclear Armageddon in the name of virtue signaling on Instagram. :cuckoo:
It was a referendum on Macron's reckless Ukraine policies. After Emmanuel Macron announced the dissolution of the National Assembly, Jordan Bardella said his party is ready to constitute a new majority for France.


Jordan Bardella, 28, the president of the far-right National Rally party of Marine Le Pen, said Mr. Macron was ready to support Ukraine with “no limit” and “no red line,” an approach he characterized as “irresponsible and extremely dangerous for peace in the world.”

You think this is about Ukraine?

Wrong. This is about mass illegal immigration, soaring crime from these illegals and a poor economy since China flooded their market with cheap stuff.

Hos betrayal of farmers etc didn't help him either.
What an odd decision to make. He calls for an election right after he loses and the exit polls suggest he will get crushed in a National election?


It seems he is basically acknowledging that he is going to get trounced so he is trying to save as many voters as he can.

Him and Merkel end up being the worst leaders in EU history. I just listened to him give a speak and he acknowledges that France is impoverished and in bad shape, but "I am going to see this through!" Give him some credit, he isn't trying to gaslight as some leaders so, he knows citizens are feeling it and they're voting accordingly.

These idiots ruined their country and economy, not learning from what happened to the U.S, Canada and others when China took us to the cleaners and they are surprised that people have had enough!?

LiveLiveMacron calls snap elections as far-right support surges in European elections

Calling a snap election is a huge surprise for the country, and a huge risk for President Emmanuel Macron.

He could have reacted differently. He could have just kept going, explaining the hard-right’s massive victory as a European aberration which would be corrected at more important elections.

He could have trusted the impending Euro football championship and above all the Paris Olympics to keep people’s minds off politics for a couple of months.

That was certainly how the Paris commentariat thought he would take his party’s rout.

But one can only assume the president had seen this coming, and planned his response in advance. Certainly, the result was an almost exact replica of the polls, so he would have had plenty of time to consider his options.

The fact is that he is stuck. He has no majority in the National Assembly, so getting any bill through is already a struggle. With most of the country now so clearly against him, any new legislation - for example the upcoming budget - could have proved explosive.

It won't be as much of a surprise if he bans the more hard right opposition parties from running.

Germany was thinking about the same thing.
Europeans don't want to start WWIII over a border dispute any more than sane American's do.

But the "current thing" crowd will precipitate nuclear Armageddon in the name of virtue signaling on Instagram. :cuckoo:
Like WWII was just about a border dispute?

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