WTF? Macron just nullified the election because he didn't like the results!!!!

PARIS (AP) — President Emmanuel Macron dissolved the lower house of France’s parliament in a surprise announcement sending voters back to the polls in the coming weeks to choose lawmakers, after his party was handed a humbling defeat by the far-right in the European elections Sunday.

The legislative elections will take place in two rounds on June 30 and July 7.

The announcement came after the first projected results from France put the far-right National Rally party well ahead in the European Union’s parliamentary elections, handing a chastening loss to Macron’s pro-European centrists, according to French opinion poll institutes.

Marine Le Pen’s anti-immigration, nationalist party was estimated to get around 31%-32% of the votes, a historic result more than double the share of Macron’s Renaissance party, which was projected to reach around 15%

There is a reason I refer to the radical left as as the "Statist left marxinazis". There are still some pretty decent Americans that identify with the Democrat party, but these folks appear to be of an older age that still have visions of the sixties era Democrat party which was even back then rapidly becoming more marxinazi regarding ideology. The left in general has lost it's way & overall are rapidly losing popularity with the American mainstream overall. At least this is what appears to me to be happening but I have been wrong before.

As it stands your OP is just a lie.. You may want it to be true but as several posters have pointed out it isnt. You may want to look into the French constitution but Its boring. Take my word. Maybe the mods, the educated ones might want to dump this shit down below.?
You seem a bit of confused. He didn't nullify anything. He called for snap French parliamentary elections, on the wake of his party's defeat in Europarliament.
Yes, he did it but he always said that the European election had nothing to do with the Presidential election, he did it because he knows that the French can no longer bear him because here it is now a chaos as MLP had predicted and the French finally woke up it was suddenly and quickly too:dunno::lol:
Rassemblement National party leader Jordan Bardella will become prime minister after winning parliamentary elections. Macron won't be able to keep the RN out of power.

Le Pen opposes the transfer of the Mirage 2000-5 because sending them to Ukraine will seriously weaken the French army. She does not support Macron’s statements about sending French military advisors to Ukraine.

Le Pen has vowed to shut down radical mosques and deport Islamists with dual nationality in her first major speech after winning the EU elections in France.

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Rassemblement National party leader Jordan Bardella will become prime minister after winning parliamentary elections. Macron won't be able to keep the RN out of power.

Le Pen opposes the transfer of the Mirage 2000-5 because sending them to Ukraine will seriously weaken the French army. She does not support Macron’s statements about sending French military advisors to Ukraine.

Le Pen has vowed to shut down radical mosques and deport Islamists with dual nationality in her first major speech after winning the EU elections in France.

She is right because Macron gives to everyone but not to the French, just like Biden.
Yes, he did it but he always said that the European election had nothing to do with the Presidential election, he did it because he knows that the French can no longer bear him because here it is now a chaos as MLP had predicted and the French finally woke up it was suddenly and quickly too:dunno::lol:
I think that Macron understands quite well that he will be considered as a lame duck in any case. Yes, the European elections have no direct connection with national ones. But defeat of his party was too significant for him to just move along as if nothing happened.

With this snap elections, where his opponents from Le Pen's party will gain the majority and form the government, he will have an opportunity to be 'above the fray'. Sort of: Inflation, trade unions, troubles in the economy and infrastructure - guys, we have a government that is in charge of all that, ask them.
Je pense que Macron comprend très bien qu’il sera de toute façon considéré comme un canard boiteux. Oui, les élections européennes n’ont pas de lien direct avec les élections nationales. Mais la défaite de son parti était trop importante pour qu’il puisse continuer comme si de rien n’était.

Avec ces élections anticipées, où ses adversaires du parti de Le Pen obtiendront la majorité et formeront le gouvernement, il aura l’occasion d’être « au-dessus de la mêlée ». En quelque sorte : l’inflation, les syndicats, les problèmes d’économie et d’infrastructure - les gars, nous avons un gouvernement qui est en charge de tout cela, demandez-leur.
Yes, but as usual he only thinks about his little person and not about the French who have been suffering for 7 years because of him and tomorrow he will have more demonstrations and it will be the blackblock who attack the police, all this is Macron's fault.
Yes, but as usual he only thinks about his little person and not about the French who have been suffering for 7 years because of him and tomorrow he will have more demonstrations and it will be the blackblock who attack the police, all this is Macron's fault.
Well, you have a chance to change that. The odds are high that the new government will be an 'anti- Macron' one. How effective they will be is another question, though.

America and the EU are both walking the same downward path. Jogging merrily , actually .

Both are taking a terrible beating which they will not admit to until ground into the dust .

So what last resort will Deep State use ?
Surely not an Avian Flu pandemic .
More likely a total financial/ markets collapse, or Reset as the Evil Ones term it .
Compared to the U.S., France is fundamentally "left", though not very far. The "right" is currently more popular than in the past because of the errors of the "left" governments previously and the "center-right" errors of the present. While the fascist past of the extreme right party has largely been paved over by a more pleasant face in recent years, the real progress it has made is in the failure of the young to understand terms that had meaning in the past. This is equally true of their lack of understanding of the excesses of the "left". Still, socially "left" orientation is the norm, as is attested to by the touted programs of the R.N. (former Front National/Lepen party). They are making promises on social issues that were the domain of the "left" in earlier times and will be just as impossible to finance. The appeal will evaporate once they get any degree of influence in government and the fragility of their incompetence is fully revealed.
Different elections, lower and upper.

Different elections, one was an EU election for the pointless EU parliament which always has weird results like "we'll only vote against the govt" kind of results.

The other is for the legislature in France.

Kind of like there being a Federal House election, the party doing badly in the state in that House election, and the Governor of that state calling for new State House elections.
You think this is about Ukraine?

Wrong. This is about mass illegal immigration, soaring crime from these illegals and a poor economy since China flooded their market with cheap stuff.

Hos betrayal of farmers etc didn't help him either.

A lot of it is about how in EU elections they vote against the incumbent party at home.

Also about how France always hates their leaders. Change is needed, but no one can get it through because people will just riot.
A lot of it is about how in EU elections they vote against the incumbent party at home.

Also about how France always hates their leaders. Change is needed, but no one can get it through because people will just riot.
"Riot" is a bit strong, but demonstrate massively and block things from functioning, yes. As with any democratic republic, the freedom to protest leads to protests that infringe on freedoms.

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