The solution is to remove all player-safety equipment except for a protective cup. Take away their spikes and play with "soft-spike" golf shoes. Let them lay like men, as they do in other contact sports around the world.

The presence of this body armor encourages gross assaults, especially to the head. Take off the helmets and these assaults will immediately stop, as will using shoulder pads as a battering ram. The global sports that are played without a helmet have FEWER head injuries than American football.

Lessee, late hit on the quarterback after the ball is long gone
roughing the passer knocking the QB to the ground after the play was completed
ripping the QB's helmet off his head for no good reason at all then cracking him over the skull with it assaulting him.

Ejection for the rest of the season. 1 million dollar fine.

And the really stupid thing is, the Browns had won the game with only 8 seconds left on the board!

The good news is that they play again in only 2 weeks and the Steelers now have the motivation to come back from whatever funk they were in tonight and stomp their asses with a vengeance.

It wasn't quite "no good reason" for yanking off Rudolph's helmet, from what I saw of the replay. It looked to me like Rudolph tried to yank off Garrett's helmet first, then Garrett decided to return the favor, only successfully. Hitting Rudolph in the head with the helmet, however, didn't seem to have any sort of justification. Garrett saw the line you shouldn't cross and he jumped right over it.

Rest of the year suspension, maybe some sort of NFL-driven community service. Hell, make him take anger management courses. An assault charge seems a bit much to me. :dunno:

Sorry, no. At that point, Garrett already had the QB on the ground on a late hit and Rudolph was only reaching up trying to defend himself while being manhandled further after the takedown and the closest thing to him was Garrett's head, so his hands made some incidental contact there. At no time did Rudolph grab Garrett's helmet or try to tug on it, he was on his back in a defenseless position like a rag doll and then Garrett pulled him back to his feet to yank his helmet off. Then used it as a weapon where he could have cracked Rudolph's skull open putting him in the hospital after just recovering from a concussion. I can't even believe that you'd try to justify Garrett's actions, there was no justification, no excuse, had Rudolph told Garrett his momma wore army boots and yanked Garrett's helmet off and danced on it, that does not justify trying to take a guy out, end his season, maybe end his career or life and Garrett's going to pay for it. Out for the season and more. Big fines, and a criminal assault lawsuit I bet.

That's simply not true. Rudolph absolutely, 100%, grabbed at and tried to take off Garrett's helmet. Here, look at about 1:45 of the video:

Rudolph is very clearly trying to get Garrett's helmet off, and nearly does so. It doesn't in any way excuse Garrett's action, it just explains to me why Garrett decided to yank off Rudolph's helmet in the first place.

I agree with a rest of the year suspension.

RUBBISH. That is simply your interpretation of Rudolph reaching out trying to fend Garrett off of him. A couple times he puts his hands on Garrets helmet as the only thing he could reach and every time he lets go immediately. Not once does he actually grab hold of it and try to pull it off, not that this justifies anything that Garrett did and shame on you for suggesting so as a defense!

Do you have reading comprehension trouble? I very specifically stated that Rudolph trying to take off Garrett's helmet does not excuse what Garrett did. In each of my posts, in fact, I was clear that there was no excuse for hitting Rudolph with the helmet.

In addition, Rudolph is being fined for his part in the fight. According to this article on the subject, "On the ground, Rudolph then grabbed at the pass-rusher's helmet." Mason Rudolph will be fined for role in TNF brawl

Just because Garrett was a moron does not mean Rudolph did nothing wrong. This isn't a zero-sum equation.

That's a joke. Rudolph was reaching trying to find something to grab to control Garrett and the only thing within reach was his head. At no point did Rudolph actually grab hold of the helmet by the edge and pull on it to remove it in the 1/2 second that went on. No unsportman act there. Rudolph ran around his player trying to get back to Garrett, it looked like he was trying to recover his helmet and was hit. No unsportsman act there. Now the league is resorting to actions only visible in freeze frame for violations too fleeting to be visible in real time? If they actually fine this QB for being the victim of this assault, the NFL has only become an even bigger JOKE in my book and all of this is just game politics trying to make ITSELF look good before the world as the NFL, their outrageously complicated rules and now overwhelmed referees have made an absolute mess of this once great sport. IF they want to fine anyone, I'd like to see some fines on the referees for losing control of the game by ignoring several helmet hits and other 15 yard penalties that allowed that game to spiral wildly out of control.
Putting your hand on the back of a helmet for 1/6th second then letting go as soon as you realized it


You sure are determined to see this as if Rudolph wasn't actually trying to do anything to Garrett, aren't you? :p

What do you think the QB was trying to "do" to Garrett, other than trying to defend himself and stop the guy from further assault? I could use a good laugh! THERE IS NOTHING RUDOLPH DID THAT COMES ANYWHERE NEAR JUSTIFYING ANYTHING THAT HAPPENED ON THAT FIELD! And the funny thing is, I don't even like the guy and wish they'd put Duck Hodges in there to replace him. The guy stinks as a quarterback!
The solution is to remove all player-safety equipment except for a protective cup. Take away their spikes and play with "soft-spike" golf shoes. Let them lay like men, as they do in other contact sports around the world.

The presence of this body armor encourages gross assaults, especially to the head. Take off the helmets and these assaults will immediately stop, as will using shoulder pads as a battering ram. The global sports that are played without a helmet have FEWER head injuries than American football.


That is funny coming from a 98 pound weakling with a record of resentment of sports and athletes in general. Why not leave this discussion to the men, miss?
Rest of the year suspension and Mason Rudolph should have the option to press assault charges. It was pure luck that the helmet hit didn't fracture his skull.
I am not condoning what happened and any suspension and fines is good with me.
Having said that, Mason Rudolph (IMO) should have a fine levied on him.
While watching the game and the subsequent playbacks, I witnessed Rudolph
trying to pull the helmet off of Garrett's head. I believe that was the catalyst to the brawl.

Then you better get your eyeballs checked! And while at it, your BRAIN too, for by the time Rudolph had "initiated a brawl", he had already been roughed as the passer, a very late hit long after the ball was already gone, then dragged and thrown to the ground, held there and fought with.

DO PLEASE show me the video where Rudolph has a firm hold on Garrett's helmet and his body is seen moving forward as a QB on his back half his size and weight is pulling hard trying to get his helmet off? You idiots forget that all this video is in very slow motion and everything you are seeing is happening in the blink of an eye in reality.
You aren't the brightest star in the sky, are you? I've been watching ESPN and even they are wondering if there will be a game suspension for Randolph FOR
HIS INVOLVEMENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, Randolph said he is expecting a fine from the incident.

So go pound sand, dude.
Randolph was the victim of an unnecessary late hit when the game was over. He was rightfully pissed off and was justified to fight while they were on the ground.
However, once his helmet was torn off, he needed to disengage from the fight. Instead, he pursued Garrett into the end zone with an unprotected head and was reaching for him. Not the brightest thing to do

He deserves a fine but no suspension
The solution is to remove all player-safety equipment except for a protective cup. Take away their spikes and play with "soft-spike" golf shoes. Let them lay like men, as they do in other contact sports around the world.

The presence of this body armor encourages gross assaults, especially to the head. Take off the helmets and these assaults will immediately stop, as will using shoulder pads as a battering ram. The global sports that are played without a helmet have FEWER head injuries than American football.

I agree that excessive safety equipment turns players into battering rams. The helmet is the worst culprit
They don’t wear helmets in Rugby and don’t see near the number of injuries they get in the NFL
The solution is to remove all player-safety equipment except for a protective cup. Take away their spikes and play with "soft-spike" golf shoes. Let them lay like men, as they do in other contact sports around the world.

The presence of this body armor encourages gross assaults, especially to the head. Take off the helmets and these assaults will immediately stop, as will using shoulder pads as a battering ram. The global sports that are played without a helmet have FEWER head injuries than American football.

They don’t wear helmets in Rugby and don’t see near the number of injuries they get in the NFL

They are not as fatty and powerful as American football players.
The solution is to remove all player-safety equipment except for a protective cup. Take away their spikes and play with "soft-spike" golf shoes. Let them lay like men, as they do in other contact sports around the world.

The presence of this body armor encourages gross assaults, especially to the head. Take off the helmets and these assaults will immediately stop, as will using shoulder pads as a battering ram. The global sports that are played without a helmet have FEWER head injuries than American football.

They don’t wear helmets in Rugby and don’t see near the number of injuries they get in the NFL

They are not as fatty and powerful as American football players.
I agree

NFL players are not what they were 40 years ago. I remember when Refrigerator Perry was such a sensation. A guy playing well at over 300 lbs
Now HS players are over 300 lbs

Even with drug testing, these guys are doping up at just below the legal threshold. They are bigger, stronger, faster and their bodies can’t take it
I used to have season tickets to the Rams when they were in Anaheim, I gave them up because seeing it live, I missed so much.
Might want to check your glasses or contacts, because everybody else saw what you didn't.
Late hits happen all the time and penalized according. Watching Rudolph's hand reach for the back of Garrett's helmet and nearly had
it pulled off is what everyone saw. I'm assuming that's why even Rudolph is expecting at the least a fine.
I also am assuming is why that Garrett went for Rudolph's helmet.
I am not saying that it's an excuse for what went down in the last 8 seconds of that game, and what Garrett got he deserves.
What I am saying is that what Rudolph did set the rest in motion.

Putting your hand on the back of a helmet for 1/6th second then letting go as soon as you realized it last I checked isn't an NFL penalty punishable with a fine. Slo-mo is bullshit and folks and referees need to start going back to watching stuff at live speed to make their calls and judgements. Do you know this game ran 30 minutes longer than is usual for a regular game not in overtime and it was all because of delays over flags and penalties and reviews?

If Rudolph gets fined it will only be because the stupid NFL wants to throw a fine at anyone within 30 feet of the field to make sure they don't get any criticism for sports violence after this incident went mainstream media the world over.

What actually set all of this in motion if you really want to know is a comment made by Tomlin last summer in an interview when asked about facing the Browns twice and Odell Beckham Jr. and Tomlin yawned so much as to say No Big Deal. The Browns have had it in for the Steelers ever since to the point that late in the game, they went up to Tomlin on the field and taunted him about it after having the lead.

The other factor was the NFL's greed for Money in forcing players to play a game with only 1/2 weeks rest. With a weak offense and only 3 days to recover from the last game, the Steeler's defense were simply played out, players were tired, hurting and angry. It contributed to 5 serious injuries by the Steelers including their #1 RB, and their #1and #2 receivers. Then Rudolph had been pummeled all night long on most every play not including about 8 heavy hits, sacks and take-downs by Garrett alone.

So while the NFL is busy handing out all the fines, I hope they are happy with themselves. To add insult to injury, they even want to expand the season now to include 17 games!
Geeeze, with as close minded and one sided as you are, one would think your favorite team is Pittsburgh.
As an outsider living in the Idaho, I have no skin in the game and giving an honest assessment to what I saw.
Seems a lot of people saw it the same as I did, including Rudolph himself.

As for your why's this and why's is what it is, there are rivalries in football both college and pros.
No excuses, it's football, it's a business, and they get paid big bucks in the pros. Longevity sucks for most,
but they are the ones who signed on the dotted line.

Sir, there is nothing "closed" about my mind at all, indeed, that more aptly applies to you who have refused to look at the facts from the beginning.
And your "honest" opinion is every proof of that, that you even think your opinion more honest than others is laughable.
And do please show me where Rudolph thinks he's to blame for instigating this matter!

Rudolph has graciously declined charging Garrett with assault, which I think is a mistake. Laughingly, I just read some idiot in Houston write an article where he practically blamed the entire thing on Rudolph and can't believe people want Garrett fined at all! He even goes so far as to suggest Garrett intentionally controlled what part of the helmet he hit Rudolph with so as not to break his skull. Can you imagine if Tom Brady had been brutalized like this? Throughout the game?

Proof again that people will see what they want to see, whether it is politics or sports. Me, I'm actually trained in making objective observations and assessments and am usually pretty good at it as my work used to involve just that. But more to the point:

Watching the game again last night watching the slo-mo video in slo-mo, several more things became obvious, not the least of which was that Garrett literally:
  1. Drove Rudolph into the turf face first with a bear hug with his arms wrapped and held to his sides defenselessly unable to break his fall after wrestling him down against his will a good 2-3 seconds after the ball had already been thrown.
  2. After the two struggled a second where Rudolph struggled to control Garrett, Garrett literally grabbed Rudolph by the face mask, pulled him back to his feet with it, then pushed him back down as he pulled further with the mask to rip the helmet off him!
  3. Then when Rudolph ran around in an apparent attempt to get his helmet back from Garrett, that is when Garrett assaulted him. No one can say for sure what Rudolph's exact intentions were here at this point having had this guy pounding him and throwing him to the ground all night long any more than they can say definitively that Rudolph intended or was trying to pull Garrett's helmet off. Not that any of that matters anyway.
But an excellent observation was made last night on local sports media that the real blame in all of this really lied with the referees in not better controlling the game in what was an obviously charged and overly aggressive game from the start for all the reasons previously given made worse by the repeated lapses in the referees to maintain control. And after considering the facts, I think they make a good point:
  1. Early in the game Rudolph is hit with helmet-to-helmet and I don't think any flag was thrown.
  2. Later, Receiver Smith-Schuster is hit with another helmet-to-helmet as a defenseless player literally knocking him out on his feet and NO FLAG IS THROWN.
  3. After that, two Browns players go up to Tomlin and taunt the head coach and again, NO FLAG IS THROWN. I guess the Refs had simply gotten tired of throwing flags at the Browns.
  4. At the end of the game when Rudolph had let go of the ball 2-3 seconds earlier and Garrett hit him with a very late hit, again, incredibly, NO FLAG WAS THROWN! In fact, the referee did not throw a flag until after Garrett drove him into the turf, they struggled, then ripped the helmet off of him by the face mask! THEN a flag was finally thrown. Gee. A second flag (only two!) was thrown when Pouncey tried to make a few kicking and punching motions.
The NFL have made an absolute mess of the game these days and in the melee of penalties and angst over the violence and savagery of Garrett, a man who has already been charged three times this year with attacking players no less one other QB, I hope some attention is brought to the matter of the very poor, spotty and inconsistent refereeing again. But I think that just as with trying to blame Rudolph, this too will be overlooked in an attempt to try to not look like they are trying to pass the buck away from Garrett.

One person even commented that he had never seen both offensive AND defensive pass interference called ON THE SAME PLAY! Personally, I think the rules have gotten way out of hand and wish they would just let the players play and save the serious penalties for the truly egregious acts like this one, but in this age where no one knows how some rules are interpreted, many are totally subjective, and they now flag you 15 yards just for being happy you made a TD, we have a real refereeing problem where rules are treated widely different from night to night, not the least of which was at the end where at least FOUR 15 yard penalties should have been called against the Browns and one against the Steelers, yet they ruled them "offsetting penalties!" But I have to agree, in this case, it was the referees that let this game get so far out of control and escalate to where someone could have had his career ended, and as Tomlin is on the Rules Committee, I'm betting that in the off season, hopefully a lot more attention will be focused on this.
Dude, you show me where I stated, " Rudolph thinks he's to blame for instigating this matter"? Go ahead I'll wait while you look. I get tired of screwballs
putting words in another posters mouth and arguing that. Like I said, you aren't the brightest star at night.
Your team lost and your pissed off....(hmmm, that sounds very familiar)
All your doing is blaming everybody else.
Here's a little something for you to chew on.....none of the athletes involved in that altercation had clean hands.

You might want to stick to your close friends who agree with you, because everybody else saw it differently than you and your excuses.
Now go pound sand.....really
Republicans on this Schiff Sham should do the exact same thing to Schiff
It wasn't quite "no good reason" for yanking off Rudolph's helmet, from what I saw of the replay. It looked to me like Rudolph tried to yank off Garrett's helmet first, then Garrett decided to return the favor, only successfully. Hitting Rudolph in the head with the helmet, however, didn't seem to have any sort of justification. Garrett saw the line you shouldn't cross and he jumped right over it.

Rest of the year suspension, maybe some sort of NFL-driven community service. Hell, make him take anger management courses. An assault charge seems a bit much to me. :dunno:

Sorry, no. At that point, Garrett already had the QB on the ground on a late hit and Rudolph was only reaching up trying to defend himself while being manhandled further after the takedown and the closest thing to him was Garrett's head, so his hands made some incidental contact there. At no time did Rudolph grab Garrett's helmet or try to tug on it, he was on his back in a defenseless position like a rag doll and then Garrett pulled him back to his feet to yank his helmet off. Then used it as a weapon where he could have cracked Rudolph's skull open putting him in the hospital after just recovering from a concussion. I can't even believe that you'd try to justify Garrett's actions, there was no justification, no excuse, had Rudolph told Garrett his momma wore army boots and yanked Garrett's helmet off and danced on it, that does not justify trying to take a guy out, end his season, maybe end his career or life and Garrett's going to pay for it. Out for the season and more. Big fines, and a criminal assault lawsuit I bet.

That's simply not true. Rudolph absolutely, 100%, grabbed at and tried to take off Garrett's helmet. Here, look at about 1:45 of the video:

Rudolph is very clearly trying to get Garrett's helmet off, and nearly does so. It doesn't in any way excuse Garrett's action, it just explains to me why Garrett decided to yank off Rudolph's helmet in the first place.

I agree with a rest of the year suspension.

RUBBISH. That is simply your interpretation of Rudolph reaching out trying to fend Garrett off of him. A couple times he puts his hands on Garrets helmet as the only thing he could reach and every time he lets go immediately. Not once does he actually grab hold of it and try to pull it off, not that this justifies anything that Garrett did and shame on you for suggesting so as a defense!

Do you have reading comprehension trouble? I very specifically stated that Rudolph trying to take off Garrett's helmet does not excuse what Garrett did. In each of my posts, in fact, I was clear that there was no excuse for hitting Rudolph with the helmet.

In addition, Rudolph is being fined for his part in the fight. According to this article on the subject, "On the ground, Rudolph then grabbed at the pass-rusher's helmet." Mason Rudolph will be fined for role in TNF brawl

Just because Garrett was a moron does not mean Rudolph did nothing wrong. This isn't a zero-sum equation.

That's a joke. Rudolph was reaching trying to find something to grab to control Garrett and the only thing within reach was his head. At no point did Rudolph actually grab hold of the helmet by the edge and pull on it to remove it in the 1/2 second that went on. No unsportman act there. Rudolph ran around his player trying to get back to Garrett, it looked like he was trying to recover his helmet and was hit. No unsportsman act there. Now the league is resorting to actions only visible in freeze frame for violations too fleeting to be visible in real time? If they actually fine this QB for being the victim of this assault, the NFL has only become an even bigger JOKE in my book and all of this is just game politics trying to make ITSELF look good before the world as the NFL, their outrageously complicated rules and now overwhelmed referees have made an absolute mess of this once great sport. IF they want to fine anyone, I'd like to see some fines on the referees for losing control of the game by ignoring several helmet hits and other 15 yard penalties that allowed that game to spiral wildly out of control.

Rudolph got Garrett's helmet halfway off of his head, but he wasn't trying to get it off. He was practically a helpless baby! :lol: And he was just trying to retrieve his helmet when he went back after Garrett, he doesn't want to get in trouble for losing team equipment!

I find it funny that you want Rudolph, who was actually involved in the incident, to be held completely blameless for anything that went on, yet you are seemingly happy to blame the refs for the actions of the players.

Garrett deserves every day of his suspension. If he never plays NFL football again, I won't be upset. Rudolph still did try to take Garrett's helmet off.

Next you'll be claiming that Pouncy didn't actually punch Garrett repeatedly and try to kick him in the head; maybe he was just cleaning some dirt off of Garrett's equipment for him? :lol:
Dude, you show me where I stated, " Rudolph thinks he's to blame for instigating this matter"? Go ahead I'll wait while you look.
I don't have to look far. You have blamed the QB since your very first post. It is amazing how badly people interpret what they see! I just read an article from Newsweek where the PROFESSIONAL WRITER actually reported that Rudolph and Garrett "wrestled each other to the ground..." even though Rudolph was tackled and thrown to the ground with arms pinned to his sides held in a bear hug.

Now after trying to deflect blame from Garrett onto Rudolph from the very start for having actually CAUSED the fracas and having just said: "Seems a lot of people saw it the same as I did, including Rudolph himself." you have the gall to now deny what that implies! Not only does it not matter how a lot of people "saw it," your proving how many people out there being idiots, rather than actually watching what DID happen, not only do you continually avoid my many points about the NFL, Garrett and the refereeing which apparently you avoid because you can't refute them, you also continue to avoid producing ANY proof to support your statement that Rudolph "saw it like you did." It seems the only thing you are good for is divisive personal attacks on anyone you disagree with and cannot win the conversation with with your constant puerile attacks such as my "not being the brightest bulb on the group." I guess we know why you moderate a web chat room for a living rather than national defense?
I get tired of screwballs putting words in another posters mouth and arguing that. Like I said, you aren't the brightest star at night.
Ho Boy! And on you go with the childish personal attacks. Says all about you we need to know.
Your team lost and your pissed off....(hmmm, that sounds very familiar)
I certainly wanted the Steelers to win, but I'm only pissed they kept Rudolph in the game, their loss does not cloud my ability to watch video carefully and see what actually happened, rather than draw conclusions as you try to do about motives and reasons for things which did NOT happen. I invite you to show me one frame where Rudolph is actually seen PULLING at Garrett's helmet! Unfortunately, you don't seem to have the intellectual honesty to understand there is a difference in that and just having your hand on the helmet, or the helmet partly coming up but staying on. Nor how long and how hard Garrett had to pull to actually get Rudolph's off. I'm sure that will be avoided by you as well.
All your doing is blaming everybody else.
You mean as you blame everyone else? I merely reported the facts as well as the thinking of many other people. There is no real, direct blame here for anyone but GARRETT. Nothing could have happened had he not committed the late hit followed by throwing the QB to the ground. Clearly this guy has real issues and WE HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF THEM if he is allowed to play.
Here's a little something for you to chew on.....none of the athletes involved in that altercation had clean hands.
Really? #71 who wrestled Garrett to the ground and held him down to stop his attacks doesn't have clean hands either? Wow.
You might want to stick to your close friends who agree with you, because everybody else saw it differently than you and your excuses. Now go pound sand.....really
Fortunately, LOTS of people agree with me outside your web-based universe, not the least is the NFL which is not only NOT suspending Rudolph (and they would for even the SLIGHTEST excuse, simply for image reasons), and MAY fine him, which means they may NOT fine him, and if they do, I bet it is only perfunctory and again, purely for public image. As to pounding things, you are totally absent facts, totally absent the ability to present a cogent POV, but long on personal attacks and insults showing a typically weak and adolescent mind. I don't have any sand here, but it appears you are well practiced on pounding things with that strong right hand of yours as from the very beginning, you've been heavily biased to support a view unsupported by the video record.
Dude, you show me where I stated, " Rudolph thinks he's to blame for instigating this matter"? Go ahead I'll wait while you look.
I don't have to look far. You have blamed the QB since your very first post. It is amazing how badly people interpret what they see! I just read an article from Newsweek where the PROFESSIONAL WRITER actually reported that Rudolph and Garrett "wrestled each other to the ground..." even though Rudolph was tackled and thrown to the ground with arms pinned to his sides held in a bear hug.

Now after trying to deflect blame from Garrett onto Rudolph from the very start for having actually CAUSED the fracas and having just said: "Seems a lot of people saw it the same as I did, including Rudolph himself." you have the gall to now deny what that implies! Not only does it not matter how a lot of people "saw it," your proving how many people out there being idiots, rather than actually watching what DID happen, not only do you continually avoid my many points about the NFL, Garrett and the refereeing which apparently you avoid because you can't refute them, you also continue to avoid producing ANY proof to support your statement that Rudolph "saw it like you did." It seems the only thing you are good for is divisive personal attacks on anyone you disagree with and cannot win the conversation with with your constant puerile attacks such as my "not being the brightest bulb on the group." I guess we know why you moderate a web chat room for a living rather than national defense?
I get tired of screwballs putting words in another posters mouth and arguing that. Like I said, you aren't the brightest star at night.
Ho Boy! And on you go with the childish personal attacks. Says all about you we need to know.
Your team lost and your pissed off....(hmmm, that sounds very familiar)
I certainly wanted the Steelers to win, but I'm only pissed they kept Rudolph in the game, their loss does not cloud my ability to watch video carefully and see what actually happened, rather than draw conclusions as you try to do about motives and reasons for things which did NOT happen. I invite you to show me one frame where Rudolph is actually seen PULLING at Garrett's helmet! Unfortunately, you don't seem to have the intellectual honesty to understand there is a difference in that and just having your hand on the helmet, or the helmet partly coming up but staying on. Nor how long and how hard Garrett had to pull to actually get Rudolph's off. I'm sure that will be avoided by you as well.
All your doing is blaming everybody else.
You mean as you blame everyone else? I merely reported the facts as well as the thinking of many other people. There is no real, direct blame here for anyone but GARRETT. Nothing could have happened had he not committed the late hit followed by throwing the QB to the ground. Clearly this guy has real issues and WE HAVE NOT SEEN THE LAST OF THEM if he is allowed to play.
Here's a little something for you to chew on.....none of the athletes involved in that altercation had clean hands.
Really? #71 who wrestled Garrett to the ground and held him down to stop his attacks doesn't have clean hands either? Wow.
You might want to stick to your close friends who agree with you, because everybody else saw it differently than you and your excuses. Now go pound sand.....really
Fortunately, LOTS of people agree with me outside your web-based universe, not the least is the NFL which is not only NOT suspending Rudolph (and they would for even the SLIGHTEST excuse, simply for image reasons), and MAY fine him, which means they may NOT fine him, and if they do, I bet it is only perfunctory and again, purely for public image. As to pounding things, you are totally absent facts, totally absent the ability to present a cogent POV, but long on personal attacks and insults showing a typically weak and adolescent mind. I don't have any sand here, but it appears you are well practiced on pounding things with that strong right hand of yours as from the very beginning, you've been heavily biased to support a view unsupported by the video record.
You are a strange duck, When I referred to Rudolph, I was stating that Rudolph owned up to his part when he stated he was expecting
a fine. Whatever else you read into that is on you.
Now quit making excuses for "YOUR TEAM". Also, get some new glasses, because the ones you're wearing are worthless....trash them.
Having a hand on a helmet??????:auiqs.jpg: He had Garrett's helmet half way off, that is more than a hand on a helmet. If you had some decent specs you could have seen that.
By the partisan as you are to your team shows you are in no position to give an honest assessment.

Here ya go little boy, look at the video where Rudolph just had his hand on Garretts helmet.
I know even after seeing it you're not going to be man enough to admit it was more than a hand on the helmet.
Look at the Marcellus Wiley vid

Outrage grows over Mason Rudolph escaping suspension for his actions

Now, man up, sonny

Marcellus Wiley on Twitter

In case you didn't believe your own eyes the first time.:rolleyes-41:

One more thing, please note that when Rudolph put his "hand on Garrett's helmet", that Rudolph still had his helmet on.
Last edited:
Why is everyone blaming Garret?

Clearly, the problem is the availability of helmets. If they didn't have helmets, these kinds of outrages wouldn't happen!
You are a strange duck,
Good one! Now I'm a "strange duck" because I have researched this more than practically any other source I have seen. :iyfyus.jpg:

When I referred to Rudolph, I was stating that Rudolph owned up to his part when he stated he was expecting
a fine.
That is only because he knows the NFL has one of two modes: either egregiously short-coming or they fine anything that moves. Like the two $250,000 team fines. A cool half-mil for the NFL! And for what? What did the "teams" do? And what will they do now as a result of the fines, lecture their players again for the 11,000th time to not strike or strike back other players? It is all a joke. What they need to do is start fining referees for not throwing flags for helmet hits. They still haven't fined Rudolph for obvious reasons and are probably hoping things just cool down. I contribute ZERO to the NFL and the nation needs to give up their obsession with it and quite paying these obscene prices so we can get this back to a sport that happens to be a business rather than a big business which happens to be a sport.

Now quit making excuses for "YOUR TEAM".
My team except I think the owner Art Rooney Jr. is an ass, Tomlin a bad coach and Roesthlisberger a highly over-rated fat bum that takes the first third of every season just to remember how to throw a ball again and regain his depth perception. They have NO chance of going to the Super Bowl with him again and with Rudolph have about -0.005% chance of going.

Also, get some new glasses, because the ones you're wearing are worthless....trash them.
Don't wear glasses my eyesight is perfect. Video doesn't lie.

He had Garrett's helmet half way off,
No, Garrett's helmet was partly off in the scrum at which point Rudolph lifted his hand off of it. Try to open your eyes. Meantime, Garrett had both hands on Rudolph's chest, jersey or neck! Now play the video in live speed and see that all of that only went on for about 1/4 second to see how ridiculous you are. I wonder why no one is asking JUST WHAT did Rudolph say to him while being tackled and forced to the ground that so enraged this loose cannon just waiting to go off and really hurt someone?

Garrett is a PUNK, he is a BULLY, and he is getting his just deserts. If this had happened on the street and you were trying to defend yourself, there would be no question of the guilt. I applaud Rudolph for at least trying to defend himself, get his helmet back from that asshole who had tackled him hard maybe 8 times in the game pushing the rules right to the limit and for not backing down from that asshole. What ever happened to the rules protecting QBs?

that is more than a hand on a helmet. If you had some decent specs you could have seen that.
Fine, post the video where Rudolph can be seen with both hands on his helmet pulling at it trying to pull it off? Just once BACK UP one of your silly claims?

By the partisan as you are to your team shows you are in no position to give an honest assessment.

Here ya go little boy,
Blow me.

Pathetic. You have the NERVE to question my impartiality as you try to quote an article written by the BROWNS CENTRAL NETWORK of fans and supporters, the most biased source possible, calling Rudolph "the center of the entire fracas?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Dude, you are a JOKE. Get a grip of yourself, you are only making an ass of yourself before the entire forum. I said repeatedly that Rudolph had his hand on Garrett's head, why wouldn't he?----- where would your hands be if first thrown onto your face then pinned on your back? it was the only thing he could do to try to control the animal. And he let go when he had to. That isn't what started the savage attack, it didn't put Rudolph in the middle of anything, you can't fine someone for it, it doesn't take away ONE BIT from what Garrett did, and you are starting to stink up my Ethernet cable. Garrett's a bomb just waiting to go off and if he ever comes back to play again, he'll eventually hurt someone bad. Real bad.
You are a strange duck,
Good one! Now I'm a "strange duck" because I have researched this more than practically any other source I have seen. :iyfyus.jpg:

When I referred to Rudolph, I was stating that Rudolph owned up to his part when he stated he was expecting
a fine.
That is only because he knows the NFL has one of two modes: either egregiously short-coming or they fine anything that moves. Like the two $250,000 team fines. A cool half-mil for the NFL! And for what? What did the "teams" do? And what will they do now as a result of the fines, lecture their players again for the 11,000th time to not strike or strike back other players? It is all a joke. What they need to do is start fining referees for not throwing flags for helmet hits. They still haven't fined Rudolph for obvious reasons and are probably hoping things just cool down. I contribute ZERO to the NFL and the nation needs to give up their obsession with it and quite paying these obscene prices so we can get this back to a sport that happens to be a business rather than a big business which happens to be a sport.

Now quit making excuses for "YOUR TEAM".
My team except I think the owner Art Rooney Jr. is an ass, Tomlin a bad coach and Roesthlisberger a highly over-rated fat bum that takes the first third of every season just to remember how to throw a ball again and regain his depth perception. They have NO chance of going to the Super Bowl with him again and with Rudolph have about -0.005% chance of going.

Also, get some new glasses, because the ones you're wearing are worthless....trash them.
Don't wear glasses my eyesight is perfect. Video doesn't lie.

He had Garrett's helmet half way off,
No, Garrett's helmet was partly off in the scrum at which point Rudolph lifted his hand off of it. Try to open your eyes. Meantime, Garrett had both hands on Rudolph's chest, jersey or neck! Now play the video in live speed and see that all of that only went on for about 1/4 second to see how ridiculous you are. I wonder why no one is asking JUST WHAT did Rudolph say to him while being tackled and forced to the ground that so enraged this loose cannon just waiting to go off and really hurt someone?

Garrett is a PUNK, he is a BULLY, and he is getting his just deserts. If this had happened on the street and you were trying to defend yourself, there would be no question of the guilt. I applaud Rudolph for at least trying to defend himself, get his helmet back from that asshole who had tackled him hard maybe 8 times in the game pushing the rules right to the limit and for not backing down from that asshole. What ever happened to the rules protecting QBs?

that is more than a hand on a helmet. If you had some decent specs you could have seen that.
Fine, post the video where Rudolph can be seen with both hands on his helmet pulling at it trying to pull it off? Just once BACK UP one of your silly claims?

By the partisan as you are to your team shows you are in no position to give an honest assessment.

Here ya go little boy,
Blow me.

Pathetic. You have the NERVE to question my impartiality as you try to quote an article written by the BROWNS CENTRAL NETWORK of fans and supporters, the most biased source possible, calling Rudolph "the center of the entire fracas?" :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg: Dude, you are a JOKE. Get a grip of yourself, you are only making an ass of yourself before the entire forum. I said repeatedly that Rudolph had his hand on Garrett's head, why wouldn't he?----- where would your hands be if first thrown onto your face then pinned on your back? it was the only thing he could do to try to control the animal. And he let go when he had to. That isn't what started the savage attack, it didn't put Rudolph in the middle of anything, you can't fine someone for it, it doesn't take away ONE BIT from what Garrett did, and you are starting to stink up my Ethernet cable. Garrett's a bomb just waiting to go off and if he ever comes back to play again, he'll eventually hurt someone bad. Real bad.
I knew you weren't man enough to admit you were wrong. I didn't intend you to read any article. I pointed out the vid on that site
that proved you are nothing but a whiny little boy who had his ass handed to him. You just can't believe your lying eyes. :auiqs.jpg:

As far as you asking me to "Blow" you, I bet you say that to all the guys.

Now run along, child
I knew you weren't man enough to admit you were wrong.
Sure, as soon as you just tell me what I have been wrong about.

I didn't intend you to read any article. I pointed out the vid on that site
But I did read the article, and it is just one more joke written by some ass whose spent his entire life sitting on his mother's couch watching basketball drinking beer because he couldn't do anything better and has an axe to grind for his beloved Browns.

that proved you are nothing but a whiny little boy who had his ass handed to him. You just can't believe your lying eyes.
I'm not the one that has been whining, I just stated a few observations and opinions about the Garrett attack and you haven't stopped squealing about it since. Apparently 80% whining and unsupportable claims, and 20% personal attacks is the best you got.
Dude, there is cause and effect. I have not exonerated Garrett in any way. I'm saying that the catalyst
to Rudolph's helmet being ripped off was when he went for Garrett's helmet, and I've shown YOU the vid that shows
Rudolph culpability to what went down. That wasn't by accident what Rudolph did. He should be fined.
Make all the excuses you want, you've shown that it's what you do.
This conversation is over between the two of us.
Dude, there is cause and effect. I have not exonerated Garrett in any way. I'm saying that the catalyst
to Rudolph's helmet being ripped off was when he went for Garrett's helmet, and I've shown YOU the vid that shows
Rudolph culpability to what went down. That wasn't by accident what Rudolph did. He should be fined.
Make all the excuses you want, you've shown that it's what you do.
This conversation is over between the two of us.

You don't KNOW that! You don't know it wasn't an accident! Why do you keep insisting something you don't know? And I have all the vid there is, the actual game, and whether his hands on Garrett's head precipitated anything that followed is IMMATERIAL when all of that was precipitated by Garrett's many hard takedowns, very late hit, roughing the passer and driving Rudolph's face into the ground holding his arms to his sides started it all in the first place!

Your argument is like your driving into my car head on, ejecting me out through my windshield then blaming me for breaking your windshield with my body!

Everything here was Garrett's fault. Period. I wouldn't even fine Pouncey for defending his QB, I commend him. It's only too bad some of his blows didn't really land. Rudolph will not be suspended. I doubt he will even be fined. And when the Steelers play those Brown Turds again in 14 days, they are going to plaster their shit brown asses all over the field.
Dude, there is cause and effect. I have not exonerated Garrett in any way. I'm saying that the catalyst
to Rudolph's helmet being ripped off was when he went for Garrett's helmet, and I've shown YOU the vid that shows
Rudolph culpability to what went down. That wasn't by accident what Rudolph did. He should be fined.
Make all the excuses you want, you've shown that it's what you do.
This conversation is over between the two of us.

You don't KNOW that! You don't know it wasn't an accident! Why do you keep insisting something you don't know? And I have all the vid there is, the actual game, and whether his hands on Garrett's head precipitated anything that followed is IMMATERIAL when all of that was precipitated by Garrett's many hard takedowns, very late hit, roughing the passer and driving Rudolph's face into the ground holding his arms to his sides started it all in the first place!

Your argument is like your driving into my car head on, ejecting me out through my windshield then blaming me for breaking your windshield with my body!

Everything here was Garrett's fault. Period. I wouldn't even fine Pouncey for defending his QB, I commend him. It's only too bad some of his blows didn't really land. Rudolph will not be suspended. I doubt he will even be fined. And when the Steelers play those Brown Turds again in 14 days, they are going to plaster their shit brown asses all over the field.

None of us KNOW what any of the players intended. What we can SEE, however, is that first Rudolph tried to yank off Garrett's helmet, but was unsuccessful. Then Garrett successfully yanked off Rudolph's helmet. Then, of course, as Rudolph came back toward Garrett, Garrett swung the helmet and struck Rudolph in the head.

The only important point of contention here is that you seem to think Rudolph's hands getting Garrett's helmet twisted sideways and halfway off his head was some sort of completely unintentional, innocent accident.

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