Wuhan and Trump.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2016
Everything was on track for globalization. The American people had been carefully and systematically sold out by their own government losing their pensions, employee health insurance and their middle class which separated them from the rest of the world. Then, just when the final nail was about to be driven into the coffin of American Exceptionalism, Donald trump came along and won the election of 2016.

The corrupt swamp of the US government went into overdrive to take out the new president, but everything was failing. Trump was wildly popular with his constituents and his populist personality was winning over huge swaths of the country while exposing government malfeasance just about everywhere anyone cared to look.

The democrats had no answer and it was clear Trump would be elected again. The US government that had sold us out to China many years ago by granting the communist country Most Favored Nation Trading Status beginning in 1979, had succeeded in handing the reins of America’s essential drugs to the Chicoms leaving every man, woman and child at the mercy of a dastardly country that hates us.

The US government swamp, drunk with power and seeing it slip away colluded with the Chinese to release a deadly virus into the world to create panic and destroy economies including that of the United States-all to take out Trump. These rats in the US government have everything to gain by tanking the economy and they are well on their way to doing it.

The Covid-19 virus was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology sometime in Feb. 2020 as a global emergency measure to counteract Trump who was not only exposing government corruption in the US but was encouraging a worldwide repudiation of corrupt government which inspired the Brexit movement emphasizing the importance of culture preservation and protective borders.

Only a fool couldn’t connect those dots. Trump had to be taken out because he was threatening the globalization that was enriching aristocrats all over the word at the expense of average people. The US government is as dirty as dirty gets in this and they along with their global counterparts are willing to kill millions to defeat Trump.

Anyone who loves America must not be taken in by this scourge operated by the US government swamp and the Chinese. When the dust settles Trump must be re-elected to save the US and the world.
Only a fool couldn’t connect those dots.


Anyone who thinks XiJinping and the CP would release this virus into their own population just to "get Trump" is mad. This epidemic was an existential threat to XiJinping's own authority, as his new reactionary censorship laws led local bureaucrats to hide the bad news initially and threaten whistleblowers. Xi should be replaced and his censorship laws removed. Most Chinese, and Xi's enemies, know all about the initial failures and have legitimate grievances, even if they go mostly unrecognized in the official media. Xi and the CCP may have turned the tide, at least for now, via extraordinary efforts involving the whole country, and may come out of this ahead, but that is still not certain. If the U.S., with its much higher per capita standard of living and far more modern health system, and considerable forewarning, fails to do as well as China, then that will certainly boost China's prestige. Also, viruses and threats to humanity are not limited to national boundaries. World trade and markets and production cannot be driven back and limited to autarkic national borders in the 21st century, though debate about and changes in trade relations and financial controls are always going to be necessary.
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Wow......................the OP has probably one of the dumbest posts I've ever read.

And, I've known people on this forum like MikeTx and Charles Bass.
Oh yes, the Chinese have a population of 1.5 billion. Releasing a virus that kills the old and sick is just what the doctor ordered. It kills two birds with one stone. It gets rid of Trump and sweeps the streets of useless elderly.
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How many people here were born yesterday? You must have been not to figure this out. An experimental biological weapon factory in China is the site of patient one in the Coronavirus epidemic and you see just a coincidence?

Don't worry the US government will save you-it has plenty of money from the Chinese-LOL.
Everything was on track for globalization. The American people had been carefully and systematically sold out by their own government losing their pensions, employee health insurance and their middle class which separated them from the rest of the world. Then, just when the final nail was about to be driven into the coffin of American Exceptionalism, Donald trump came along and won the election of 2016.

The corrupt swamp of the US government went into overdrive to take out the new president, but everything was failing. Trump was wildly popular with his constituents and his populist personality was winning over huge swaths of the country while exposing government malfeasance just about everywhere anyone cared to look.

The democrats had no answer and it was clear Trump would be elected again. The US government that had sold us out to China many years ago by granting the communist country Most Favored Nation Trading Status beginning in 1979, had succeeded in handing the reins of America’s essential drugs to the Chicoms leaving every man, woman and child at the mercy of a dastardly country that hates us.

The US government swamp, drunk with power and seeing it slip away colluded with the Chinese to release a deadly virus into the world to create panic and destroy economies including that of the United States-all to take out Trump. These rats in the US government have everything to gain by tanking the economy and they are well on their way to doing it.

The Covid-19 virus was released from the Wuhan Institute of Virology sometime in Feb. 2020 as a global emergency measure to counteract Trump who was not only exposing government corruption in the US but was encouraging a worldwide repudiation of corrupt government which inspired the Brexit movement emphasizing the importance of culture preservation and protective borders.

Only a fool couldn’t connect those dots. Trump had to be taken out because he was threatening the globalization that was enriching aristocrats all over the word at the expense of average people. The US government is as dirty as dirty gets in this and they along with their global counterparts are willing to kill millions to defeat Trump.

Anyone who loves America must not be taken in by this scourge operated by the US government swamp and the Chinese. When the dust settles Trump must be re-elected to save the US and the world.

Trump didn't even need the Chinese to cooperate. His transportation secretary (Mitch McConnell's wife) is an international advisor to the city of Wuhan. Oops: Elaine Chao Caught Pimping Her Family Business with China

At her confirmation hearing, she conveniently failed to mention her family’s considerable ties to the maritime industry, which of course comes under her department’s purview. Nor did she bring up awards she’d received in China, or a position as an international adviser to the city of Wuhan, despite the fact that the Senate questionnaire requires nominees to list all honorary positions, something her spouse surely could have told her
Anyone who thinks XiJinping and the CP would release this virus into their own population just to "get Trump" is mad. This epidemic was an existential threat to XiJinping's own authority, as his new reactionary censorship laws led local bureaucrats to hide the bad news initially and threaten whistleblowers. Xi should be replaced and his censorship laws removed. Most Chinese, and Xi's enemies, know all about the initial failures and have legitimate grievances, even if they go mostly unrecognized in the official media. Xi and the CCP may have turned the tide, at least for now, via extraordinary efforts involving the whole country, and may come out of this ahead, but that is still not certain. If the U.S., with its much higher per capita standard of living and far more modern health system, and considerable forewarning, fails to do as well as China, then that will certainly boost China's prestige. Also, viruses and threats to humanity are not limited to national boundaries. World trade and markets and production cannot be driven back and limited to autarkic national borders in the 21st century, though debate about and changes in trade relations and financial controls are always going to be necessary.
I will assume the chinese virus is natural until proven otherwise

the globalists in America’s desire to have us become a 2nd class nation to china is real and very powerful

so I dont expect trump to completely reverse 30 years of stupid US trade policy in just 3 years

but at least the chinese virus has opened a few eyes in this country to the insanity of producing everything we need in china
How many people here were born yesterday? You must have been not to figure this out.

Retired EMT, 30 yrs service ,saw swine,sars,meres,HIV, HepB, Ebola

all had significant 'body count' far above Covid

none had this level of public panic

and our economy was not threatened

because we didn't have sh*t for brains presidents like Trump

you're welcome Ray

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