The Only Question Remaining Now That the Truth Is Out About NIH Funding Wuhan is, How Much Did Fauci and Others Get From the CCP?

Not unsourced or unsupported.

There are multiple threads on this forum covering both agencies...and further investigation easily reveals names, places, amounts, beneficiaries and etc.

It might be new news to you...but not to me who is A-Political to begin with.

Any simple search will reveal tons of information quickly.
You gave an unsourced, unevidenced opinion:

JohnDB verbiage is not evidence. The fake electors swearing an oath to a fake document does not make it a true document. The crimes in this trial are clear. The evidence has been given.
The IGs in DC are the problem. They have all been bought off in some fashion.

Trump fired many for absolute incompetence and political backstabbing. (He isn't the only one to do so....most Presidents do it)

so what happened with Farm Credit IG?


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