Star wars acolyte star Amandla Stenberg "white people crying was the goal".

She's absolutely crying according to your definition of it. Boo Hoo.

“We wanted to make sure that, you know, those who, you know, have been affected by the way in which the media misconstrues these events actually have a real sense of empathy and are able to place themselves into the shoes of our communities and understand that these are not just news events. These are happening to real people. They affect us in really deep and pervasive ways.”
And she got to be part of a motion picture production to promote that message which again is celebrated while you salty bitches cry. :laugh:
Considering it bombed at the box office, with rumors of a "canceled" lurking...someone will be crying.

It is a TV show on Disney was never in what the hell are you talking about?
So this stupid C-word is undermining the product instead of promoting it?

I hope the blowback from lost sales is brutal.
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So this stupid C-word is undermining the product instead of promoting it?

I hope the blowback from lost sales is brutal.

She was talking about her prior movie The Hate You Give. You missed it. Probably because so few saw it.

She would do much better if she talked about white people laughing at the abject failure of the Acolyte.
I watched it and I didn't cry. It wasn't horrible. It wasn't great but these were foundational episodes. We shall see when stuff starts to happen.
I have not watched any of the Stars Wars stuff that is on the streaming services.
I may watch it when Disney does their 'special' deal at the end of the year.

but no interest now.
Okay, I watched the first two episodes, and frankly, enjoyed them quite a bit.

Disney has had many misses with Star Wars streaming services, such as Book of Boba Fett and Kenobi, where they took legacy characters and made them worse.

This was good, because it had interesting characters, a story that moved along at a good pace, and more importantly, it was about the Jedi.

But for that branch of angry, white males who are upset that women and minorities are now the heroes of Star Wars, you aren't going to like this show.
Okay, I watched the first two episodes, and frankly, enjoyed them quite a bit.

Disney has had many misses with Star Wars streaming services, such as Book of Boba Fett and Kenobi, where they took legacy characters and made them worse.

This was good, because it had interesting characters, a story that moved along at a good pace, and more importantly, it was about the Jedi.

But for that branch of angry, white males who are upset that women and minorities are now the heroes of Star Wars, you aren't going to like this show.
Both fans will.
The only Star Wars worth watching are IV, V, and VI. The rest, trash then comes woke trash.
George Lucas' concept in the original trilogy was brilliant. The mix of genders, races/species, AI etc., both villain and good guys were treated as ordinary and natural and no big deal was made of any of it. Greatly entertaining and in the most subtle way taught values of love over hate, good over evil, bravery/nobility over savagery, acceptance of those who were different but good.

But as the OP expressed, the new concept is for the purpose of social engineering. In your face 'wokeism' disguised as 'entertainment' is just not entertaining for most people.

For many many generations those writing books, stories, scripts know that subtle teaching is okay. Preaching is not and will turn off your audience.

Hollywood and Disney need to relearn that.

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