Star wars acolyte star Amandla Stenberg "white people crying was the goal".

So she says the goal of star wars acolyte was to "make white people cry"?

So upsetting white people is now a goal to be publicly announced and applauded?

What would the reaction be if the goal was to make blacks cry? Think there would still be applause?

Isnt the goal to create equality? I mean it isn't very equal sounding to me if you laugh saying you're happy to make whites upset.


Time is coming.

your tweet left out the rest of what she said...

“We wanted to make sure that, you know, those who, you know, have been affected by the way in which the media misconstrues these events actually have a real sense of empathy and are able to place themselves into the shoes of our communities and understand that these are not just news events. These are happening to real people. They affect us in really deep and pervasive ways.”
What is her complaint?

How has she been mistreated by white people?

Not you of course, assuming you admit to being white

But those other whites?

You know, the oppressors
George Lucas' concept in the original trilogy was brilliant. The mix of genders, races/species, AI etc., both villain and good guys were treated as ordinary and natural and no big deal was made of any of it. Greatly entertaining and in the most subtle way taught values of love over hate, good over evil, bravery/nobility over savagery, acceptance of those who were different but good.

Um, the original trilogy was a trio of white actors as the heroes, with two seasoned white character actors in supporting roles.
They only shoe-horned in a black guy (Billy Dee Williams) in the second movie, and then largely forgot about him in the third.

Prequel Trilogy - Another trio of white people. (Although since they were either the parents of or in the original trilogy not much to do there.) Shoe-horned in Samuel L. Jackson. That's it.

Disney Star Wars is more diverse, and some people are losing their minds.

Some of the choices were questionable, like Rose Tico, the most hated character since Jar-Jar Binks.

But Star Wars fans need to be less toxic and just be happy with new content. You aren't going to get the same thrill that you go in 1977 when this was all new, but you can still enjoy it.
If she was a green alien no one would care. Purple. Nope. But make her black and you racist buffoons get all worked up. You are all a joke.

It’s a Star Wars detective mystery. Sounds fun.
So she says the goal of star wars acolyte was to "make white people cry"?

So upsetting white people is now a goal to be publicly announced and applauded?

What would the reaction be if the goal was to make blacks cry? Think there would still be applause?

Isnt the goal to create equality? I mean it isn't very equal sounding to me if you laugh saying you're happy to make whites upset.

But no white people saw it.....
Cater to a minority population. I wonder how much money they lost?
Um, the original trilogy was a trio of white actors as the heroes, with two seasoned white character actors in supporting roles.
They only shoe-horned in a black guy (Billy Dee Williams) in the second movie, and then largely forgot about him in the third.

Prequel Trilogy - Another trio of white people. (Although since they were either the parents of or in the original trilogy not much to do there.) Shoe-horned in Samuel L. Jackson. That's it.

Disney Star Wars is more diverse, and some people are losing their minds.

Some of the choices were questionable, like Rose Tico, the most hated character since Jar-Jar Binks.

But Star Wars fans need to be less toxic and just be happy with new content. You aren't going to get the same thrill that you go in 1977 when this was all new, but you can still enjoy it.
False, Dumbass. Who was Lando Calrissian?



Yeah, back before shithead racist wokeism was around, and America was a better place.
simply amazing how many of you are in here commenting on something you know nothing about.
There's a reason to not know about some things you don't want to be involved with. ;)

Like certain meetings you go to. Yeah, I bet you like Disney Plus, alright. :rolleyes-41:

Yep, and I can't post what I really thought here like I could if this was the old internet days.
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There's a reason to not know about some things you don't want to be involved with. ;)

then why the fuck come into a thread about the thing you do not want to be involved with...thus involving yourself
False, Dumbass. Who was Lando Calrissian?

Here's the thing, guy.

The ONLY REASON why Lando was included in Empire was because there were all these complaints about Star Wars Too White even back then.

He was criminally underused in Jedi.
They only shoe-horned in a black guy (Billy Dee Williams) in the second movie, and then largely forgot about him in the third.
More importantly, they also didn't bring him back until the third sequel movie. (Although this might be an age thing, as Williams is in his 70's now. ) In short, he wasn't part of the original Trio that they brought back for the Sequels.

And if Carrie Fisher hadn't died, they might not have brought him back at all.

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