Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

  • Democracy?

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Dictatorship?

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
Do you want to live in a Democracy or a Dictatorship? Those are the only two questions voters need to ask themselves this November.

If you vote for Biden, we have a democracy.

If you vote for Trump, we have a dictatorship.

Why isn't Republic on the list.

I don't want a national democracy. That would be stupid.

Even the founders understood that.

But you are not a founder......or much of anything else.
Biden is a moron, an imbecile. get a drool cup
John Edgar Slow Brain is only an imbecile on his good days.

The most I've seen him post is three lines and they are typically sentences a first grader would put together.

The left only cares about federal politics since they want to do away with states.

They don't want you to have choice.

They want to tell you have to live (and the left can spare me the abortion argument).

They want to tell you what is good for you.

But they can't figure out what is good for them.

That is why they have a girl-sniffing, Stuttering, Incontinent Celery Stalk in the W.H.
Why are you so afraid of having the majority make the decisions?

Because conservatives are a minority?

At what level you stupid asshole ?

The Libertarians went to N.H. where they are become a majority in some small counties. In the state they are very much a minority. But in those counties they are the majority (or have enough sympathizers that vote with them to make them very influential).

If you got rid of county vote and left everything to the state, they would become inconsequential.

Which is what you'd like.

You like taking choice away from people.

You are un-American.
Why isn't Republic on the list.

I don't want a national democracy. That would be stupid.

Even the founders understood that.

But you are not a founder......or much of anything else.
Why are you trying to argue semantics? Are you trying to act like a democratic republic is no different than a dictatorship? Is that what you are arguing?
Why are you trying to argue semantics? Are you trying to act like a democratic republic is no different than a dictatorship? Is that what you are arguing?

A democracy is defined in very clear terms. I don't want that.

I certainly don't want a dictatorship.

A republic is a representative democracy and if you had put that on the list, I would have chosen it.
A democracy is defined in very clear terms. I don't want that.

I certainly don't want a dictatorship.

A republic is a representative democracy and if you had put that on the list, I would have chosen it.
Oh, fuck off with that horseshit! What we have now is a democratic republic. Ie, a democracy. It doesn't matter what you want to call it, but it is a democracy.

Definition of democracy...
: government by the people
especially : rule of the majority
: a government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised by them directly or indirectly through a system of representation usually involving periodically held free elections
The insane fear is strong in that one.
The Right Hand Does Know What Its Left Hand Is Doing

This is by design. The "Democrats" intentionally give democracy a bad name so we'll vote for their Rightist classmates in reaction to their turning it into a feral mob. Their distortion is as irrational as saying that majority power must include all citizens, including children and convicts.

They do advocate now that the majority must include anyone in this country, even illegally. SCROTUS enables that treasonous idea by giving immigration criminals the citizen rights of healthcare and education for their DACA caca.
I said, give me an example and so far you can't.
Well, we could start out with Democrats forcing people to get vaccinated or be fired from their jobs and the fact that only vaccinated people with papers were allowed out in public. Then we could talk about medical professionals losing their licenses for touting their medical opinions against the official government line and then we could move on to democrats trying to take over social media and declare for themselves what is information and what is misinformation, AKA as they do in Russia.

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