Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

  • Democracy?

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Dictatorship?

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
Do you want to live in a Democracy or a Dictatorship? Those are the only two questions voters need to ask themselves this November.

If you vote for Biden, we have a democracy.

If you vote for Trump, we have a dictatorship.
The insane fear is strong in that one.
I'm saying feel free to post that info.
you must have lived in a closet someplace crep.....its well known that twice Californians have voted to not recognize gay marriage and twice it was over turned by the courts,,,
So post it up. Should be easy for you to prove.

in 2000 and 2008....
in 2000 and 2008....
Awesome, see how easy that was?

Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?​

Answer: neither.

I prefer our Constitutional republic.
ok so what happened to your majority rules comment above? 28.....
Huh? Oh, bigots can be motivated sometimes if you get the hate right.

Do you want to live in a Democracy or a Dictatorship? Those are the only two questions voters need to ask themselves this November.

If you vote for Biden, we have a democracy.

If you vote for Trump, we have a dictatorship.
You are either a foreign troll, paid poster or a very confused American. The Biden administration is a Stalinist Plutocracy.
Do you want to live in a Democracy or a Dictatorship? Those are the only two questions voters need to ask themselves this November.

If you vote for Biden, we have a democracy.

If you vote for Trump, we have a dictatorship.

The US doesn't have "democracy", it has FPTP and you get a viable choice of two political parties. It's an awful system.

Either way you get "dictatorship", only it's not Biden or Trump who is the "dictator".
Do you want to live in a Democracy or a Dictatorship? Those are the only two questions voters need to ask themselves this November.

If you vote for Biden, we have a democracy.

If you vote for Trump, we have a dictatorship.
Lol. America is still trying to sell the beautiful democracy? Actually, it's highly likely America will finally become Orwellian state, kinda like China or North Korea.

An Orwellian state is a term derived from the writings of author George Orwell, particularly in his novel "1984." It refers to a totalitarian regime characterized by extreme government control, surveillance, propaganda, and suppression of individual freedom and independent thought.

In an Orwellian state, the government manipulates information, rewrites history, and uses technology to monitor and control the population to maintain power and suppress dissent. The concept has become a symbol of oppressive regimes that prioritize control and conformity over personal liberty and truth.

Here are the proofs : criticisms of CIA & NSA activities against democracy...*

●●●The CIA is part of the U.S. government and operates within the intelligence community. It takes policy guidance from the Director of National Intelligence and provides objective intelligence to the President, the National Security Council, and other policymakers to help them make national security decisions.

Criticisms of CIA Activities

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has faced several criticisms throughout its history. Here are some notable criticisms:

1. Torture by Proxy: The CIA has been criticized for transferring suspected terrorists to countries known to employ torture, either with or without the intention of enabling torture.

2. Undermining Trust in Medical Workers: The CIA's actions have been criticized for endangering and undermining trust in medical workers, which has had negative consequences for vaccination programs in Pakistan.

3. Lack of Accountability: The CIA has been accused of a lack of accountability, which has led to dysfunction, ineptitude, and lawlessness.

4. Covert Operations within the United States: Although the CIA primarily focuses on gathering intelligence from foreign nations, it has been reported to have performed operations within the United States. Some of these operations, which were only revealed years later, have been met with significant criticism and allegations of constitutional violations.

5. Enhanced Interrogation Techniques: Critics have argued that the use of enhanced interrogation techniques by the CIA, particularly in the campaign against al-Qaeda, was unconstitutional or illegal under U.S. and international law. They also assert that such techniques produce unreliable information and fuel resentment and hatred towards the U.S. in Islamic countries.

Sources :

1. List of CIA controversies - Wikipedia

2. Has the C.I.A. Done More Harm Than Good?

3. CIA activities in the United States - Wikipedia

4. Central Intelligence Agency - Intelligence, Surveillance, Covert Ops

●●●The National Security Agency (NSA) is part of the US government. It is a federal government intelligence agency that operates under the authority of the Director of National Intelligence (DNI) and is managed by the United States Department of Defense.

Criticisms of NSA Activities

The activities of the National Security Agency (NSA) have faced several criticisms over the years. Here are some of the key criticisms:

1. Data Retention: One criticism is that the NSA wants to store all the data it collects for a long time, even if it is irrelevant or contains domestic selectors. Critics argue that the balance should tilt towards getting rid of irrelevant communication and minimizing the retention of domestic data.

2. Foreign and Domestic Surveillance: The NSA has drawn a line between "foreign" and "domestic" surveillance, but critics argue that this line is not practical or meaningful. They believe that the NSA's distinction between collection and analysis is misleading and that the agency's activities can infringe on the privacy of both foreign and domestic individuals.

3. Political and Industrial Espionage: The NSA has faced criticism for alleged activities related to political and industrial espionage. Countries outside the UKUSA alliance have raised concerns about the use of NSA surveillance for motives other than national security, including political and industrial espionage.

4. Privacy Concerns: Many Americans oppose the government collecting bulk data on its citizens and believe that there are inadequate limits on the types of data that can be collected. While Americans generally support monitoring the communications of suspected terrorists, they do not see a need to sacrifice civil liberties for safety from terrorism. A majority of Americans also oppose U.S. monitoring of American citizens, while leaning towards accepting eavesdropping on foreign leaders.

5. Legal Framework: The legal framework surrounding NSA surveillance has been a subject of criticism. The USA Freedom Act, passed in 2015, ended the bulk collection of domestic telephone metadata but left most of the opaque legal architecture of NSA surveillance intact. Amendments to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) have relaxed restrictions on monitoring domestic communications without a warrant under certain circumstances.

6. Lack of Transparency: The NSA has faced criticism for its lack of transparency and accountability. Critics argue that the agency's activities should be subject to more oversight and that there should be greater protections for privacy rights. Recommendations have been made to strengthen privacy protections for both Americans and non-U.S. persons and to introduce public interest advocates in the surveillance process.

==> Are you really enjoying the fake democracy? Ask yourself! lol. :)


1. What is the NSA and how does it work?

2. 3 reasonable criticisms of the NSA

3. National Security Agency - Wikipedia

4. What Americans think about NSA surveillance, national security and privacy

5. 10 Reasons You Should Still Worry About NSA Surveillance

6. National Security Agency (NSA) | History, Role, & Surveillance Programs

7. The Nine Things You Should Know About the NSA Recommendations From the President’s Review Group | ACLU

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