Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

Do you want a Democracy or a Dictatorship?

  • Democracy?

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Dictatorship?

    Votes: 3 21.4%

  • Total voters
/——/ Oh please, stop with the melodrama. It’s tiresome. With three equal but separate branches of government no one can upturn the country into a monarchy.
You sound like an idiot.
Listen whore, Trump already has Congressional Republicans doing exactly what he says. He also has SCOTUS doing what he said. That right there implies we have lost 2 of our checks and balances if Trump gets elected.
my vote is for democracy.

after years of "democracy vs republic?" rhetoric, they have finally unmasked the choice we really have.

norwegen seems to have confused "republic" with "cult of personality.'
We had a "cult of personality" bordering on dictatorship with Obama;

In December 2007 presidential candidate Barack Obama told The Boston Globe that if he won the 2008 election, he would enter the White House committed to rolling back the sort of overreaching executive power that had characterized the presidency of George W. Bush. "The President is not above the law," Obama insisted.

Once elected, however, President Obama began to sing a different sort of tune. "We're not just going to be waiting for legislation," Obama announced. "I've got a pen and I've got a phone…and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions."

Obama's pen and phone did not sit idle. For example, despite the fact that the Constitution grants Congress, not the president, the authority "to declare war," Obama unilaterally declared war on Libya in 2011. Similarly, despite the fact that the Constitution requires the Senate to confirm all presidential appointments to high office, except in those limited circumstances in which the Senate is not available to act because it is in recess, Obama unilaterally placed multiple officials in high office without senatorial approval during a period in which the Senate was still in session.

This ignoring the Constitution and abuse of Executive power continues with puppet Biden.
Well, I will say, we need more than just two parties.
We have more than just two parties. We need VOTERS with the backbone to vote for someone besides the two party candidates. Voters who aren't so easily frightened into voting for bad candidates on purpose.
You words "we use the Democratic process to elect..."
Yes, we use the process to elect representatives to our republic. We are not a democracy. 51% of voters cannot reinstate slavery. Think better, son.
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who are 2 f'n traitors wanting a dictatorship?
Neither. This is a Republic.

Democrats call communism a Democracy.

That's why they resorted to changing the word from communism to Democratic-Socialism.

Democrats are just cult members. It's difficult, if not impossible for them to go against their cult by admitting the truth.

Most of them feel that being honest helps Trump in some way....and they can't have that.
All Communist Nations Call Themselves "Republics." Welcome to the Club.

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